Do you want children when you grow up?

Do you want children when you grow up?

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No but I do want someone to look after me.

Seems a bit selfish doesn't it?

Having kids is always a selfish move.

i'm already 25 it's over

I don't care. At this point I just want a relationship. I want my book to be published.

No, children are annoying and raising one is a stupid futile pain in the ass

What book are you writing user?

No, wanting children is illegal. I want other adults.

Yes, I unironically want kids after I finish my degree and get a job. I want to give them a childhood that I could never gave, not just money things, but I want them to grow up to be well rounded people instilled with motivation and confidence, things im only just starting find in myself in my early 20s.

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I want blasian kids

It's already done. It's been done for about a year now but been denied by over 200 agents. It's about an unnamed man that "ends up" in a victorian style room hes never seen before. At each end of the room is a door, behind him locked. He goes through the unlocked one after freaking out and ends up in the same room over and over again forever. The room slowly changes, like an unlit candle lighting, until the changes become more drastic and hes basically in an unreal world looking for the next door. He's put through emotions and it touches a lot on isolation. It's quite abstract but i know it's good.

If any of you have a mental illness then you shouldn't be allowed to have kids. Considering mental illness is the norm on this website I'd say most of you shouldn't be breeding.

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I didn't say i wanted kids, just a relationship.

I'd read that.

Good luck with the publishers.

Mental illness should not be a barrier to having kids.

Also nice trevor brown artwork

It isn't looking good.

damn user id read that book.

Good luck stopping me faggot.

Absolutely not. I don't want my life to revolve around a kid, I dont want to put the money in, and I'm 90% sure he/she would die a climate change related death and cant bring myself to subject someone to that

That'll be your grandkids, so if just kick the bucket before then it'll be gucci.

I'm already grown up, unfortunately the biological clock is real and its gonna be a problem if I do get in a relationship, since I'm already twenty one.
I feel guilty about since I know I would unconditionally love my kids compared to people who do have them and don't,
But I'm also asocial and get frustrated if I have to hang around people, so I couldn't do every day things, not because of laziness, but because I make faces if I have to be in public

user, I agree with you, I'm unstable but the most harm I do is start fights about dumb things, and its usually because I get completely absorbed in it, and they blow over easily, I'm pretty self-aware though, and I regret the bad things I do.

Yeah ,to fuck hopefully

The agents always tell me it is amazing and written very well but that it wouldn't sell. So nobody wants it.

Eh even then my first two reasons still outweigh it, plus you could drive an F-450 that runs on packaging peanuts for the rest of your life and still have a vastly smaller carbon footprint than having a kid. If I really really wanted a kid for some ungodly reason Id adopt

Yes, but I already grow up and Im as close to become a father as any robot.

Reproduction should be so fucking hard, its the reason we are fucking here, its ridiculous the amount of work you need to do to get a half decent girl and start a family.

>Already 21
Are you female? If not then you're still young as hell my dude.

>missed the joke

Yes, I'm biological female,

I know I'm young but my unstableness turns people off, I also want someone to actually love me, and I'm super clingy, I dated someone briefly and he.. kind of implied my clinginess indirectly, I get embarrassed at the memory, jeez. It's so embarrassing...

You're young enough not to worry too much. With the clinginess just work on your own self esteem and that will melt away a bit.

My best advice is to not take the majority of this website as facts about men. Most are not this bitter and you should feel more comfortable opening up (maybe not around shallow people but down to earth guys are good stuff)

You'll make it, most people do.

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>You'll make it, most people do.

28 year old kissless virgin male here, I'm not going to make it, am I?

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This is embarrassing, but thank you aaaaaa
but I ruined my own pair bonding, its hard to explain, for my own reasons I think I have to wait to get a partner,

but this is positive thank you, you should be able to unconditionally love and try to understand people,

Depends what you mean by make it. Gotta get rid of the pre concieved notion of "making it" and define what will make you happy. If it's getting a partner then you need to work on your appearance and start getting some interesting hobbies that you really enjoy. If it's getting a job and making money then start working on skills that can help you do that. If you feel the are barriers in the way of you doing that then you need to tackle those. For example if you have poor mental health or have a mental illness then it might be worth seeing a doctor/professional to see if you can get help with it.

It's about taking what you have and using that to achieve what you want. It may not always work out but knowing you tried every thing you can is a satisfying feeling.

My advice is to spend less time in your head. Maybe write things down so that you can analyse them and understand the situation a bit better. Has helped me a lot.

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