So have any of you been able to find meaning despite the suffering?
So have any of you been able to find meaning despite the suffering?
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There is no meaning without God.
what is meaning anyway? nobody knows what it is but if you think you have it you feel better, it's like comfort food.
Wash your penis bucko. And for God's sake, trim those pubes, looks like bloody chaos down there!
I know, user. But how do I find God?
But I don't believe in God and I can't force myself to believe him either.
You will seek me and find me, when you seek me with all your heart.
Jeremiah 29:13
Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and the one who seeks finds, and to the one who knocks it will be opened.
Matthew 7:7-8/Luke11:9-10
Why don't you believe in God?
Because I just don't. There's no logical explanation for why I do I just lack faith. Why do you believe in him would be the better question. Furthermore why should my morals and principles be defined by external forces?
I am alive out of spite
I believe because if I don't, the synchronicities in the universe would drive me insane.
My life has been extremely meaningful despite nothing happening in it. If only I could remember any of it.
Still doesn't offset the cost of death and how it will be rendered useless at death.
>You will seek me and find me, when you seek me with all your heart.
there is no discernible point where this happens
Synchronicities such as?
No, and it's driving me insane. I think i don't have a whole lot of time left before my mind completely unravels. Lately I've lost all possible track of night/day and sleep at random times without any connection to the world around me.
It's like having a conversation with the universe. Recently, I've been getting lots of random imagery of lightning. I had a dream about a song where the chorus was about being "shocked by God." Next thing I know, I'm finding religious pamphlets on my windshield touting "The SHOCKING truth!" and hearing about certain buildings being struck by lightning.
Sure, it might just be random. I'm not willing to risk it.
Sounds a little strange but if it gives your life some meaning it can't be bad. Hope you've found what you're looking for.
Man invented God to assuage his fear of the unknown. That's why religions often treat the seeking of knowledge as taboo.
You are confused. God made man to be little walking statues of His likeness that do as He does. Religious institutions might discourage free thought, but God does not.
The universe is vast. It is man's own ego that he should believe himself to be its center. God did not create man in his own image but rather the opposite.
Nobody ever said anything about center. I'd love to hear your epistemological argument about how something can even exist if there is not an abstracted pattern for it to adhere to, but you're a retard and I'm tired.
Why would there be meaning WITH God?
do you actually consider god making the laws of the universe to be an epistemological argument?
>47962336 (OP)
A big problem I had throughout my childhood has finally gone away. What my parents would do is, if I'm staying up late and they somehow notice (ie waking up to pee or whatever), they would walk over to my room and open the door and tell me to sleep. And they'd panic and be irate if I decided to lock my bedroom door. So I became very sneaky and quiet to avoid this. (Sometimes at night, I fap. Or play video games.) This went on for years; rather than actually go to bed, I would instead just do things while trying to silence all my noises. Recently however, I've noticed that I actually can make a little noise at night -any amount of typing noise, chuckling, or even visit the kitchen for a snack- and they won't do their annoying and interfering thing. There's kind of a balance of considerate quietude on my part, and acceptance on theirs. I've been locking my bedroom door day and night and it's fine.
I had the revelation just minutes before browsing here: I've finally trained them! It's finally happened! I don't have to be a quiet and nice beta male anymore. I don't have to practice my quiet movement jutsu, nor be in complete silence while appreciating media. I can be actually stubborn about how they can get at me; what thoughts of theirs I agree with, which ones I don't agree with, what things they think are "given" that I actually think are "bullshit ideas I didn't sign up for". I can actually refuse to feel bad about disappointing them when it's about so many random other expectations that are insignificant and illogical.
They finally gave up on me! They gave up on me, and it feels fucking good! Dear god if only they had done that sooner. There was a peer I had in high school who was a chad that everybody liked, who smoked and drank and stayed overnight fucking anywhere. Outgoing and did lan gaming in seedy places. He said he had that much freedom because they've given up, the parents have given up. And now, years after high school, I feel it.
Which is a too-wordy blogpost to simply say, I've found I can now pursue further meaning without devoting attention to my "absolute silence at night" problem that I once had. I've proven that, me, being awake at night, is a "suffering" that I don't give a fuck about; trying to make me sleep is a fruitless endeavor if I simply won't. Peaceful cohabitation; they don't do the infantilising nighttime checkup on me, I don't sneak out and do drugs on them; listening to them and giving them what they want, while also not being a bitch; etc etc.
I would answer this, but I'm yet to clean my room. Those who cannot even clean their own room have no place advising others.
I came over the same conclusion at the tender age of 26. After years of thinking that religion is for stupid fuck, i realize the world is populated by none other than stupids. Religion is for the masses, we are not part of least im not
Because guidance bitch. This world is massive, confusing and your ass is too dumb to make sense of it all
Get your damn room clean.
Don't just make it a goal. Subscribe yourself to systems of being that, as a byproduct, happen to require your room be in order.
If God was killed by humans we can make him again too
>So have any of you been able to find meaning despite the suffering?
yes I accepted that in all suffering I go through I have to accept at least partial responsibility, this way I realized most problems in my life I could fix or at least improve, even considering going back on anti psychotics like the doctors want, got a job, strong social life, in great shape eating well and calmer than I've ever been
Im tired of this mememan
Suffering is the meaning, user.
>t. didn't actually read Nietzsche
based and redpilled
suffering is an illusion created by the ego
Let go of your ego and suffering ceases to exist
meditate until you let go of your ego and then some more
Belief in God does not require faith. It is an experiential phenomenon. Similar to how you don't need to believe in pain in order to experience pain if you hurt yourself. Faith that God will sort out the future, is a byproduct of the experience of God. And all that is required to experience God, is to be fully aware of what is here right now.
Yes! And we can make him better than before. Contrary to what the fedora atheists say, religion is not always about blindly believing things that are not true. Good religion is about worshiping things that guide you in your life. In a way religion is the ultimate "Psychologists hate this trick" brain hack.
It is endless, relentless, inescapable. Surrender and fighting against it will always yield the same result with out any hope of change... That result is failure. Do whatever you want to sleep at night to function in the day but no matter what you do despair is like a poison with no antidote a disease with no cure.
Despair once found cannot be lost.
Yes. There is plenty to enjoy in life, so I just focus on those things. Just never reproduce and replicate the suffering needlessly.
Exact same thing happened with me user. After trying to helicopter parent me my entire life my parents just gave up when I was 16-17. I went from socialising with literally no one outside of school (other than family) too actually hanging out with friends, going to parties, getting fucked up etc.
you gotta find meaning IN suffering not DESPITE
morals and the pursuit of a higher good. no matter what situation you're in, you can never go wrong if you start making choices aligned to morals and a higher good.
Yes, the meaning is to transcend this shithole material reality.
I have to be utile to people. That's why everybody was born.
But He believes in you. One day you'll stop ignoring Him. It's inevitable.