Inner seeing occurred in about a quarter of all samples; and feelings occurred in about a quarter of all samples...
>inner seeing occurred in about a quarter of all samples; and feelings occurred in about a quarter of all samples. The other two phenomena occurred just as frequently but are not so well known.
>Consider inner speech. Subject experienced themselves as innerly talking to themselves in 26% of all samples, but there were large individual differences: some subjectsneverexperienced inner speech; other subjects experienced inner speech in as many as 75% of their samples. The median percentage across subjects was 20%.
where were you when normalfags were confirmed to be NPCs of the world?

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>no monologue
uh oh

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That's honestly creepy.

how many of you robots have inner speech? I do

I assumed everyone heard themselves think.

What the fuck? I have inner speech. I'm suddenly freaked out by everyone that doesn't.

I've tried suppressing my inner speech because I felt like the speed of my thoughts was limited by the compulsion to "speak out" every part of my abstract thoughts as inner speech.

At best I managed to preoccupy my inner speech by imagining a loud noise, but it took constant effort.

When i World build in my head is it inner speech? I Always describe things like its a documentary and that many people are watching when really its only me

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Yes, when you create things in your mind you're using it. I use it when thinking about cool stuff I would write.

You clearly never been around niggers, I firmly believe they dont think anything at all. Latins are lesser thinkers too.