
How do I stop being sweaty and disgusting? I take a shower and use deodorant, but a couple hours later and I'm drenched in sweat and smell like bleach. I don't even do anything but sit at my computer all day.

Attached: man-using-deodorant.jpg (256x192, 6K)

is your house too hot?

shaving pit hair helps u stink less.

Gold bond body powder works to combat swamp ass

house is kept at 70

Body odor is the food you eat. They say white man smells like milk and asian man smells like seafood. Can probably google: food and body odor.

Lose weight, eat fruits and vegetables, drink water, and powder your balls.

Basically the same situation as OP except that I have hiperhydrosis, which makes me sweats on my hands, armpits and my feet even if the surrounding is not hot at all.

Use deodorant with aluminum zirconium octachlorohydrex gly in it
It plugs your pores so that it doesn't allow sweat to come through. the effect lasts a day or two

Maybe if you have a mild case of swamp ass. I just end up with swampy gold bond ass.

I used to have wet smelly pits constantly. I started shaving the underarms and the problem went away completely. Guess the hair prevented the antiperspirant from actually working or something

Maybe you have hyperhydrosis like that television commercial for medication for people with hyperhydrosis?

drink more water

How the fuck do you sweat in 70 degrees? Must be nice living in such a paradise.

Anyway, just use an antiperspirant. I live in the desert, so I'm constantly sweating and have stinky pits all the time if I don't use an AP, especially this time of the year. The key is to just not sweat.

I had the same problem. Get a 12 pack of axe body spray from Amazon and just smother yourself in it. No one will be able to smell your bo and it's dirt cheap. A 12 pack of 4 ounce bottles is only about $40 and the whole pack usually lasts me nearly a whole month.
>after you shower cover yourself in axe
>after you do any sort of physical activity including walking a short distance cover yourself in axe
>after you shit cover yourself in axe
>after you fart cover yourself in axe
>after you eat cover yourself in axe
>after you workout cover yourself in axe
>after you've been outside cover yourself in axe

t. axe bomb

you'll just smell like a mix of too much deodorant and shite.

>tfw don't have to deal with white people problems
dodged a bullet there

>you'll just smell like a mix of too much deodorant and shite.
I've had people on multiple occasions come up to me and tell me how good I smell. I've never once heard anything negative.

probably being ironic. what they mean is you've smothered yourself in deodorant and are stinking the whole fucking room out like a 15yr old boy

>the whole pack usually lasts me nearly a whole month.
Jesus Christ, I bet people avoid you with a 10 foot pole.

Are you Mexican or a teenager? No one likes dudes that cover themselves in body spray and it's obvious you're trying to cover something up. Not to mention inhaling all of those fumes is not good for you.

Swallow the alum salt pill

I literally had a girl come up to me and ask me if I'm wearing Tom Ford. It smells like an expensive cologne when you mix it with a shit ton of old spice deodorant.

Can't tell if being sarcastic or not sure she didn't ask if it was Aqua de douche

Get dry earwax

Never stink no matter how much you sweat

Shut up you fucking normie, axe is /ourbrand/ they literally market to insecure males

citric acid is an age old healthy remedy for BO just get some pure lemon juice and rub a few table spoon on your pits morning and evening

I quit using regular deodorant and now smear my armpits with a slice of fresh lime instead. It doesn't block the sweat pores with toxic minerals. Instead, the acidity of the lime kills the bacteria causing the sweat to smell. So now I can sweat as much as I want without smelling.

Wait a minute, I recognise that smell...

Chris-chan, is that you?

Eat healthier and get more exercise, water, and sunlight. Your bodies waste system is all clogged up because you're not circulating anything. You're not living like a human being is meant to live (in motion almost all of the time), so you're actually festering.

Use air conditioner, don't wear a tee

This could be a skin microbiome problem, try rinsing your skin with chlorhexidine.

If you are more experimentalist you could try a 1-month course of old antibiotic like doxycycline, it will kill almost all bacteria in and on you and it will allow your microbiome to reboot.

Also try to research the pH and ion content of food you eat, it may influence a pH of your skin and body which can influence your skin microbiome.

put talcum powder over deodorant,