Who here /balding/ with no fucks given?
>mfw I'll have no hair by the time I'm 30

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desu the worst thing about going bald is feeling like you're going to get lumped in with the ones who baaw over it.

>thinning hair and fucked hairline at 20
am i doomed?

I wish I could have confidence

So fucking well said

>fucks giveth

do you guys go full skin or leave a little fuzz on jason statham style?

>tfw balding since 17
I'm 20 now and my hairline is retreating faster than the French and I see a bald spot typical for male pattern baldness starting to form. To be honest, I really don't care about it. I am just going to go full bald when it becomes unsalvageable.

I'd say buzz it completely, so it has some shading to it. But, I wouldn't shave my head or let it go too long.

yea thats what I do desu
I don't wanna look like some fucking biker or a skinhead

Kinda same for me but my problem is that I can't grow a beard and I have a babyface.
I don't have anything to compensate for the loss of hair

I'll look like a fucking ayylmao

it's all about that Norwood 3 my nigga

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My beard is fuller than my hair at 21. Wtf is this and how do I cope?

full skin, I literally have no hair on the top of my head so every time I get lazy and it grows back even a little I look like a 45 year old.

>29, receding hairline and losing hair on top of head
last night i saw a dream where i shaved my head and felt good about it

Im almost 30 and can still grow a full afro.

me, i think i have rosacea

Shit dude, same. Will be 21 next month but I want to believe that it's from very high stress - half of my 5th up right tooth fell off.

I give a fuck and take strong demasculinizing drugs to avoid becoming a hairlet.

>He doesn't know about hairsystem

There was a thread about user who bought and applied a hiring statement and girls started smiling to him, complimenting him.

Isn't it a nice thing to buy for yourself ?

*A hair system

the thing about them, is that good ones look good in passing, but day in day out, people start to notice. If you wear one every day to work people will see the lace, or the texture difference, or that you have no baby hairs.

We're more evolved than those hairy monkeys anyway

I'm still in denial desu. My mom says it's starting to fall but I pretend that I don't see the difference from an year back

>bald autists are the next step of evolution
I'll finally be able to fit somewhere