Find out I have dementia

>find out I have dementia
>I'm only twenty-two years old
I guess that's it then.

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What kind of dementia do you have? Do you remember?

Dementia is basically type 3 diabetes, ie insulin resistance of the brain. But the brain doesn't have to use glucose for energy, it can also use ketones which don't require any insulin. In clinical trails ketogenic diets have been proven to slow down and even halt dementia.

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Fuck me dude. I remember that before July I used to fucking fast every single day. Ate once or twice a day. Fucking healthiest I have ever been. Now I'm really fucking shit. Fasting really makes you feel healthier.

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Basically, nerve cells in my brain are dying. I can't speak without stumbling over all of my words, I have to always ask for people to repeat themselves because I can't understand what they're saying to me. I also find my knees buckling sometimes when I walk, so I'm constantly bumping into shit and always trying to pay attention to HOW I'm walking, properly or not.

I eat once a day. If I eat any more than that, I feel fucking disgusting. That's a problem, isn't it?

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how did you find that out, i might have dementia too.

How? I thought that's something only old people get.

I decided to get checked out, after years of being like this (and having not been to the doctor in about five years

so the doctor just said blam you have dementia? did they do tests on you?

no blam, just said maybe and then scheduled me for tests later

Doctors are idiots. Self medication is the answer. Buy some galantamine online, it increases blood flow to the brain. Follow a ketogenic diet. Your dementia will be cured. Don't follow my advice and end up spending the next few years shitting yourself in a carehome and being abused by the staff.

>(and having not been to the doctor in about five years
Yeah, that uses to be a fucking problem. We robots avoid the fucking doctors but this leads to dire consequences.

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people have told me all my life i was spacey like this. i also hit my head severely as a child several times and had to go to the hospital.

Isn't there something freeing about knowing you'll slip slowly into madness and be done with it all before long?
A light at the end of the tunnel

My grandfather is dying from this right now and unironically you should kill yourself. Watching him go from a function person to where he is now (bedridden, can't speak, can't do anything, has to be fed, changed, cleaned, etc).

It's not a way to live I'm sorry

>Don't follow my advice and end up spending the next few years shitting yourself in a carehome and being abused by the staff.

ok i won't follow your advice

lol you have the gene you will get it

>genetically inferior

the post

To be fair, the life I've always lived was not a way to live.

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You have FTD at your age? FTD hits people at a young age but still, you're really young.

do you find yourself doing inappropriate shit and being rude to people?

Guys. After having done ritalin and taken a shitton of different drugs I feel this awful brainfog and I have had extremely strong headaches for like a fucking month. I wanna do a fucking MRI but how the fuck do I know if I'll have the same cognitive capacities I had before? I feel like a fucking brainlet and I want my old brain back.

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do drugs, drink alot and give yourself concussions. make yourself retarded because being smart is fucking stupid

>do you find yourself doing inappropriate shit and being rude to people?
Yes. For instance, one of my coworkers' fathers had died very recently and it was the first time I'd ever seen her cry. And for the fucking life of me and couldn't stop bringing up their dad and or death in general. I had to force myself to not hang around her anymore. I hate myself so much.

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>so I'm constantly bumping into shit and always trying to pay attention to HOW I'm walking, properly or not.

This can also happen when your body is very out of practice moving. Happened to me one winter when I did stuff all but sit on here all day.

I'm constantly on my feet at work, so that can't be it.

lmao this guy is demented check it out

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So how is Azkaban?

Fuck I am 21 and I have some of your symptoms. Docs did mri and a hundred other fucking tests and they just won't answer me other than saying to take vitamins.

comfy. wish it worked on emulator. I remember thinking the Eye-Toy minigames were amazing back then.

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Fair enough. Just saying it can happen. Some here may have similar issues I did.

Why must we die so young? If it's not suicide then it's some incurable fucked disease.

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To continue my post, is it punishment for deviating from the normalfag lifestyle?

It wasn't our choice to deviate.

Maybe so, but divine punishment doesn't really need to make sense either.

Lucky bastard. Leaving this world with everyone loving and pitying you. I wish i could trade places with ya.

OP here. So do I just wait to die, now? How exactly do I break this to my family, and the two-ish friends I have?

I'll go back on the ketogenic diet, since I did that a few years back and had great emotional results.

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>I can't speak without stumbling over all of my words, I have to always ask for people to repeat themselves because I can't understand what they're saying to me.
>I always trying to pay attention to HOW I'm walking, properly or not.
> I eat once a day. If I eat any more than that, I feel fucking disgusting.
Fuck me, same. I'm becoming more and more retarded and insane. I'm losing control of my actions and awareness. Jesus fucking christ when will this nightmare end.

You don't want dementia, a bullet to the brain is 1000 times preferable than spending your final days as a blubbering, shitting mess that waits for the lungs to stop working.

What's happening to you right now is one of my worst nightmares. When it comes to your family, I would tell the truth. Death is more or less around the corner for you. The good news if you could call it that is that Dignitas in Switzerland would accept your case for assisted suicide. If I were unfortunate enough to be in your position, I would live out the rest of my autonomous days and when the time comes that you can no longer live properly I would go to Switzerland and end it peacefully. Think of it as a final "fuck you" to God for inflicting you with that disease and expecting you to tolerate it. Good luck.

Were you actually diagnosed as such by a doctor? Many things can causes issues with short term memory and focus and weak knees are even more open to interpretation and even at your age could just be the result of something as simple as a very sedentary lifestyle.

That probably isn't right. You don't develop dementia at 22y.

most cases with dementia like symptoms before the age of thirty are preventable and frequently reversible as in the case of sleep apnea, heavy metal toxicity, B12 deficiency, hypothyroidism, Lyme disease etc. so yeah I would get a second opinion OP

holy fuck man. i feel for you so much. lived with my father who slowly succumbed to dementia. i understand what you're going through.

Damn user, hopefully it's a misdiagnosis, but if it's not all you can do really is knock a few things off your bucket list while you still can and then maybe shoot yourself

First off I'm really sorry user. Nobody deserves this, especially someone your age. I read through the thread and I couldn't tell which posts were yours, but if you haven't done testing there might still be hope. Lyme has many neurological effects. Make sure they test you using a western blot, the other tests give more false negatives. You have to specifically ask for this.

If you do have FTD it sounds like you've got a variant of PPA. I think you should tell the people close to you. Be honest and tell them that it's only going to get worse. Tell them that you might not be able understand them one day but that you will always enjoy their presence. Tell them you love them. Leave them a nice a voicemail and tell them not to delete it. Write them letters for after you're gone. Pictures are good but hearing you speak the way you used to will remind them of who you were before you turn into someone else, and give them a sense of relief when taking care of you gets rough.

I would also advise you to look into financial planning and who you want to have power of attorney over you if you have siblings that can help. Long term care insurance exists. There are resources for families that care for dementia patients. I am so sorry for you and I genuinely hope that as it progresses you get to a state of blissful ignorance and can be peaceful.

You only think you're 22 years old. It's 2054 man, snap out of it

>mfw we've all been in a coma for 36 years

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>mind is groggy
>knees buckling
>only eat once a day, probably garbage too
You are low on potassium. Eat a banana, idiot.