Thoughts of this fucker?

>be me
>join this server called The Archive
>some faggot called Dormin runs the place
>bunch of people tell me to post my legs
>comply because desperate for attention
>Dormin tells me if I write "the archive" on my body, he'll give me any number I want, and possibly even mod
>(In the server, everyone gets a 4-digit number ranging from 1k to 9k, and the server sort of has a "numberlet" banter culture behind it)
>think "fuck it why not"
>do it
>I send it to him
>he sees it
>I delete it
>he saves it and shows it to everyone
>bullies me all day about it and calls me a retard and idiot
>everyone in the server keeps calling me a numberlet
>even the fucking traps their are bullying me
>dormin even DM's me and says the only way to make up for this is too start a live stream and shill the server and then seriously killing myself
>leave the server and have massive panic attack
>dormin sends all of his little buddies to add me as a friend and keep trying to guilt trip me into rejoining the server
>inb4 "just ignore them"

Some of Dormin's friends are in other main servers I use and they keep harassing me in their too

Attached: dormin.jpg (250x178, 11K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Why did you even join that server retard

Is this a larp or are you actually retarded?

The server is so fucking gay and the admin is the biggest pussy lmao, but then again you should not be fucking with r9k discords anyway there all autistic cancer

>laine avatar
shit taste loser detected lmfaooo

Sound like huge fucking middle school-tier faggots. Just make a new discord m8.

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dormin is a loser lmao

he had to leave the server im in cos it was too much for him

>more discord drama
literally get fucking murdered please

One time someone from that server kept asking me to send a pic of myself and said I sounded cute

I didnt really hear about the dormin shit until after I left the server

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The Archive is full of creeps and has a cult following for whatever stupid reason, just ignore them and they'll probably leave you alone soon

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Damn, you kids are weird.

Sorry that happened to you user, herd mentality is hard to get out of, the same thing happened to me in a way, but it was someone trying to force me into being Jow Forums's slut, it was still scary since it was actually specific harm.

Best of luck to you OP, it sounds like it was only petty making fun of.

Stop making threads dormin. You're a lolcow at this point

>wanted attention, got attention
careful what you wish for

This stupid server is retarded anyways, like everyone will get called out for being trans,girl,gay ect.

Oh sorry, I was so vague.
My case was a lot more specific and personal, he offered me as easy sex to Jow Forums without my consent, I gave him my personal info to prove that I was friendly and not a catfish, but he doxxed me instead, welp.

Nope, I was talking to him in private and didn't know he made a thread about me, this was completely without my consent, I was talking to him as a friend.

>a mentally ill lainposter

now you've learned your lesson

He's a little pussyboy whose entire life is valuated by Discord. I was in his server in like June 2017, and the fucker was just boring.
>mfw reading all about the Discord shit on r9k

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dormin uwu please cope on my pussi :3

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>join the archive
>ask why the fuck everyone has these stupid numbers instead of real names
>no one can give me an answer other than muh culture
Why would you even validate this fucking garbage, OP?

Post link to the server
Going to destroy him

Try moving on with your life you fucking retard. These bored assholes are trying to milk you for the lolz and you'd be better off not talking to them anymore.

that's your first mistake user. Also on an unrelated note. There was this site called systemspace where you had to post a number next to a drawing you drew and they gave you a random number. Great site but it all came crashing down due to some bullshit discord drama. I wonder if these are the same people.

Good luck, dormin has 59D chess shit posting skills.

opee just delete your discord account or go inactive and make a different one. ghost everyone who made fun of you, stop responding, stop joining these servers, etc.


archive is unironically a good server tho, join us

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Thanks for checking my digits but no thanks on the discord drama.

I cant believe I live in a time where people are on this level of stupid.

not really a drama discord, it's basically just a chatroom where you simply talk to people when the current convo interests you, kinda like old Jow Forums was

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You mean this? Looks alive to me
I still have my number somewhere, did this a few years ago

wtf come back i didn't even get to know you well yet

Here because this fucker stole my face
dormin isn't another lain he is a degenerate

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Don't worry about who the fuck I am, I am right in the middle of your shit, so what the fuck?

I assumed it was dead after the whole drama fiasco. Ty for posting this user!

Checked as well but still I'll pass on that discord.

> joined the archive when it was first made and had like 10 members
> I already recognized it was shitty and left

bad server, I got bullied for using a certain word

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What was the word, user?

Now to OP don't be a faggot

how in the fuck do you get bullied in this modern era spin that shit

sit and spin it you are never targeted laugh that shit off turn it into a meme or something reee go take a redpill

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I deleted my message though

That sucks man, I was invited to this server yesterday morning so I'm probably already in for some shit...

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Hourly reminder that Jow Forums is not a discord advertisment service and/or receptacle for discord trash.

gaza is better.

Pic very much related


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look what you stupid fucking idiots have done, now this faggot is trying to invite me to his shitty server, thanks a lot retards. ur just giving him attention. in fact i wouldnt be surprised if dormin made this thread himself so he could get more attention for his shitty server, the same way that pedo reiko made those dumbass trap threads about himself

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This could have been avoided by never using discord. You are at fault yourself.

>durrrrrrr dont use discord because of a single person

fuck off retard

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The argument was more about the majority of its user base and the constant drama but I guess your posts paints a great picture of the average user so I'll let it speak for itself.

I love seeing Discord drama threads its the second one in the last two days

side note someone post invite link to this Discord

you deserve everything that has happened for ever joining a discord

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Anyone meet Waseru before?

I'm not calling you out for using discord, I'm calling you out for being a retard

>Shows pictures of self
>Does a body sign like some camwhore

You have no self-respect, why should any of us respect you you pathetic faggot? You can't even do anything about it yourself, so instead you run here hoping that we'll side with you. Get fucked, retard, nobody would be stupid enough to side with somebody as obliviously self-destructive as you.

>joining a discord
Lad, you did this to yourself.

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People on discord are fucking trash and a waste of time OP. The ones that just want drama anyway (all homo). It's pathetic.

Hey OP, everything's going to be okay, it sounds like they did it for fun and it wasn't anything interpersonal, so don't worry,

I had experience with this and shared my story, in this thread

From where did this discord shit came from and why the fuck is it everywhere now?

If you aint talk about drugs or games wtf you doing on discord?

At Automation
Guys, I can't do it anymore guys.
This whole thing with sleepy exposing my large dick and nudes and stuff has just sent me into an ultra depresso worse than a star bucks expresso. Like, how will I even compete.
And on top of this, these archive people, which ive united, and created, keep trying to brainwash me into becoming gay. And they keep LARPing as cute anime girls when we all know they're just fat overweight men on the other side of the screen.
The numbers, the endless chat, the degeneracy, the activity, the non-dead-severness, I can feel it infecting my brain.
This isnt healthy, nor it is a game.
We all act like this is just our little internet characters, but in reality it starts to have an effect on our daily lives.
For example, I was walking into a nice restaurant, waiting in line, and I saw a super cute girl with a nice butt, and I literally said "o w o , what's this" in my real voice, then she turned around gave me a confused look, so i just looked away and pretended i was texting someone.
This is the effect, the echo chamber we've all endued ourselves in.
Maybe you can still escape, maybe you still have hope.


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just go outside lol, ascending is ez

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>Lain avatar
there's not much to say

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That's what you fucking get for using Discord, and especially for joining a Discord group and then actually willingly sending pics of your legs to a complete group of strangers you don't know anything about, fucking retard.

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how many posts in this thread were yours you attention seeking faggot

It's not even subtle at this point. These cult threads are all made by the people in these "cults". They literally just try to make this shit up just so people will pay attention to them.You're retarded if you think none of this isn't some fabricated shit they pulled out.

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I want to join the Archive. How do I join?

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Here, take this my child..

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Why are you playing these idiotic games with mentally unstable sociopaths when you could find cute non-psycho fren on discord and talk to him about life ?

I'm sorry user you have literally nobody to blame but yourself for attention whoring like that.
Beyond that though fuck discords. Discord servers are where conversations go to die and only porn spam and shitposting remains.

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>a faggot's spamming gore

nah no thanks, shit server

if you don't want to talk to mentally ill people join this instead uv73xD

admin just banned him, sorry, some people want to try to put on a show

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>fucking with Jow Forums discords
Brought this upon yourself desu, larp or not.

Dead server, i'll stick with the archive though thanksss

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Havent been able to figure out why i get these boxes instead of letters.

Anybody know why?

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>Joins public server with no vetting process
>No vetting process
>Server is filled with attention seeking faggots and sodomites
It's your own fault, make a new discord account

Smart bastard. I want cute boys to show me their legs!

holy shit this is still a thing?

I left it after that livechat thing died and havent checked it out since

>Dormin tells me if I write "the archive" on my body, he'll give me any number I want, and possibly even mod
>muh inunet points
deserved it

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You're missing a font?

Anyone with a laine avi is unironically insufferable

That's one of the many things I like about the Archive, BTFO's mobile fags like yourself.

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