If only

99.999% of our problems would disappear if we could get in shape or if we were in shape. My entire life could have been a dream come true, LITERALLY TRUE, if i were at the very least in decent physical shape. If there is one thing that the government should be forcing on people its physical conditioning. Education is secondary. My life can still be turned around, Im sure. As i type this i just did 20 push-ups. God give me strength to do this daily at the very least

Maybe its the alcohol but i no longer want to be depressed, the pain is too much. More than the physical. I shall overcome!

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Go on Jow Forums, read everything in the sticky. After that follow everything in that sticky. 20 pushups is weak, try 50. Buy a cheap set of dumbbells as well. Do calisthenics everyday.

I'd try to hop on an actually routine and figure out your diet if you actually want to get in shape doing 20 pushups a day is not going to do anything for you

Getting Jow Forums won't solve all your problems. It's a mantra for losers. I get myself into that, and guess what? Yes, now I'm toned, fit and all, but still a nervous insecured wreck. "Hit a fit" is a meme, my friend.

>getting fit would solve all your problems

this is actually how people think it's very funny

20 is my max. Thanks for the support either way anons. Im so sad i cheated myself for so long. I have to do this. I watch anime/videos where dudes are having the time of their life on the beach with beautiful women around them and it is all because theyre fit. I bet my mental health and confidence as a man will improve too...

I said 99.999 not all, some anons have other probs besides physical. I respect that. But for the MOST part, it will make our lives far far better

Better. Just better. Your life won't change dramatically. Hell, it won't even stop (you) from visiting Jow Forums at all. Get a schedule because of exercises and diet&sleep? Yes. Upgrade on look? Definitely. Better health? Not a fact, but maybe.

Fit not guarantee you a gf, job, hobby, friends, self-esteem and a meaning of life. It's just a way to spend your time with some kind of profit.

The likely of all of those things rise SIGNIFICANTLY user. You cannot deny this. I am willing to give my life to the fitness gods to have a chance at happiness in this shit world. Its the only hope i have left

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>forces education on people
>allows people to get diplomas with no mental capacity
>some of these schools literally teach you that evolution is a lie
>high school diplomas are now worthless

I completely agree OP, the government needs to at least give us better education. Educate us to stop eating mcds all the time and get fat. Fuck the US

I'm over 200lbs with 18" arms, copious amounts of muscle after lifting regularly for 3 years along with a couple of steroid cycles in there. Strangers will bring up my size, ask me how much I lift, etc.

And yet I've been horribly depressed for a long time. I haven't had a friend in a decade, I'm very anxious around people, I struggle with things like eye contact and conversation. The last 3 times I forced myself into a public social event I ended up crying. I'm too nervous to go to a gym so I bought my own equipment to use at home. Of course I'm a virgin that will be a wizard in less than 2 years.

Exercise is a fun hobby and timesink but don't think it will give your life the change you want.

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>massive intelligence can't fix your life
>massive muscles can't fix your life
>massive titty gf can't fix your life

Is it even worth it desu

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Good work on reaching the opening honeymoon phase of inspiration for weightlifting.

However, I'd just like to give you a gentle reminder that no amount of low bodyfat juxtaposed with muscle mass will change your frame or height. Your face will definitely look better but it won't make you into a Chad unless you were already one to begin with.

>start working out and in 3 years MAYBze youll be allowed to have a gf
>3 years of gruelling hard work
>3 years of strict diet cutting out all food you like
No thanks, at some point its just not worth it.

>depressed muscle-god

Jesus, it's so sad.

>99.999% of our problems would disappear if we could get in shape or if we were in shape.
I`m rather fit, still a turbomanlet, still social outcast.
> As i type this i just did 20 push-ups.
And my commute involved cycling a few kilometers.

Doesn't matter, you have muscles. I HATE YOU

Tell me when you get there brother. I wont pretend its the ultimate solution to my inner problems of solitude At some point it is. I am willing to give three years for this experience
t. 27
Your problems are not my own.

three words: snake juice!

Sorry for the confusion, I have continued drinking since op. I am at 60 push-ups not

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Unless you're physically disabled in a way that prevents you from exercising, you have no reason to be sitting here and bitching how you're so miserable you're not in shape. And physical conditioning is practiced in schools, it's called PE, so unless you didn't attend one, you should be at least not morbidly obese. In here PE was pretty good and only one guy was out of shape.

I've been training for 6 years. I'd say I'm in the top 5%. Still a sperg, still never pursue women, so nothings changed there, but I do like my body and what it can do.

Yes, goyim get in shape. Pay (((us))) your gym membership and forsake your hobbies

show us your arm user

You can easily train at home

Don't give up I just started a change too brah

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