What happens when NEET bots get old?

What happens when NEET bots get old?

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your body gives out in your 50's from the sedentary lifestyle, social isolation, and poor diet. they'll bury you with that stuffed animal you austistically still have

>don't have to live as an old fart
>burried with soft stuffed animals
sounds comfy

With no one, the NEET will be forgotten and will eventually die in his room. The NEET either killed himself or died a normal death around the age of 60, if he makes it that far.

you have to live as an old fart who nobody likes, you just do it starting at 25.

same thing that happens to wagies, they realize they wasted their life doing pointless things and have nothing to show and they hate everything

So there isn't really any real happiness wheter you wage or neet?

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They usually either ascend and become normies or they hero.
Vidya, anime, porn, and similar copes loss their effectiveness as time goes on.
As you get older, the realization of how empty your neetlife is and how much time you've wasted becomes unbearable.
Future tech like biohacking and life-extension could change everything though. Science could make you younger, taller, smarter, Chadlike...
It's the only reason I (a 30+ neet) haven't heroed.
My dream is to live long enough so that science can fix everything I hate about myself (like my face, height, and mutilated genitals) so I can finally be happy.
I'm also looking into cryonics.

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>finish school
>go neet
>want to go back to school
>go more school
>want to go back to neet
>go neet
>want to work
>get a job
>hate it and want to neet and play vidya again
>go neet
>want to work again
>rinse repeat

happened to me like 3 times now
I hate this world

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Do you hate this world, or do you hate yourself?
Imagine a future where you could change all of the things you hate about yourself.
If you just live long enough...
Or failing that, have yourself cryopreserved...

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They don't because they commit suicide.

happiness is a meme

interestingly, this comment wasn't original

>Imagine a future where you could change all of the things you hate about yourself
I guess that's the only real thing that keeps me going, curiosity about the future. Something really bad happens like WW3 or something really great like singularity happens and everyone can live their lives how they want.
Either way will work for me
I just hope they find a cure for autism soon

You realize that if we get bio-engineering, then it will just be harder on everyone as everything becomes so much more competitive?
Then again, could mean that high functioning brains are the only ones who win.

If that happens, then hopefully smarter people's genetics are passed down instead of burly strong Chads.

There's no such thing as an old neet.

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wont we need the burly strong Chads to protect the smart betas?

Chad is intelligent, you're thinking of a jock

That's depressing as fuck
>and the fucking truth

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waste away your time and health to earn money for stupid shit you dont need
Low income, youll eventually run out of things do to,.
>How can I be happy then?
You've got to be born oblivious to how the world works and why it sucks - or be born rich. Once youre pilled you'll always have these thoughts of "wasting away your time" in the back of your head
True happiness can only be achieved by being a normalfaggot

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We write books and create inventions that can't be built until material engeneering can catch up and make them.
We study Metaphysics and create art and music. We watch others who have spent their entire lives believing in materialism come to the realization that their lives were futile and thier paradigms were taken from those lost in false perceptions.
We enjoy life in the deepest sense.
We die gracefully, gratefully and filled with wisdom.
- But before dying we visit this site to study human psychology in the information age and how governments use it for social manipulation.

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>pound pupper
I dont know what to say, i thought i was the only one, i was a damn police officer before i became a hermit. Even then i still had my pound pupper

When I see these pictures I feel a profound sadness.Like losing a relative or kindred spirit.

ye you wish

None of this is true of cause because as the saying goes. If you're good at something you don't do it for free.

ITT: Americans who have property taxes with no inheritance

I am inheriting a million dollar home, and there are no property taxes here.

The pound pupper in my pic is actually one I found at a garage sale early this summer that is a mini version of the pupper I had as a kid (which I still have packed away in the garage)

>"Snoopy" was actually the only friend I had for the first 7 years of my life.
>was actually the only thing I had to talk to since mom was a selfish bitch who didn't want to be disturbed. Is no wonder I basically have zero social skills

>died reading harry potter over and over again
didn't think this kind of autist existed already

You do realise that the 'great inventors/poets/composers/painters/philosophers' of the past you're implicitly alluding two lived in completely different times and were completely different people?

>Modern science has become so disciplinarily particular that any effort to make 'new ground' has to be coordinated and group-orientated. Of course there's often a genius spearheading the project but they'd have to be at the head of a social-capital arrangement in the first place.
>The entire history of discursive metaphysics was predicated on the assumption of God and financed by aristocrats, Leibniz only wrote his Monadology because some Prince admired him and gave him a fuck tonne of money as a commission. No rich people will give you money for writing a treatise on metaphysics today.
>Great artists and musicians of the part, contra modern opinion, were, although born geniuses, not born with abundant knowledge of music and artistic theory and sensitivity in their head. They received thorough and intensive training throughout their childhood and adolescence, which is more or less impossible today due to the time public schooling takes and the fact the overwhelming majority of even very rich parents are practical-minded. This is often also why, much to some people's chagrin, that Jews/Slavs/East Asians and much more disciplined peoples tend to excel at arts and music contemporarily whereas whites don't- the latter only treat it as a 'hobby'. If you don't make it an autistic obsession you are not 'great'. This precludes any possibility of a robot being a great musician or a great artist.

I understand dude, i was actually canned from my job as a police officer because i was too anti social and had no people skills.

Everyday i pray for an apocalypse. As edgy as it sounds i feel like thats the only situation where i can live the way i want.

This thread made me self-aware and made me acknowledge my situation uuuuuuuuuuu

Probably die alone in my room, too scared of everything, and never having a whole friendship/relationship with anyone, I'm subhuman so obviously I'm the problem, please don't reply to this with any raw anger.

I'm actually happy with my isolation though, people deeply scare me because most abusers are actually your close friends/people you already know IRL, so isolation keeps me safe.

>i feel like thats the only situation where i can live the way i want.
ye, a drastic change like that would pretty much force you to change, which is why I hope for war even if I die.

>This thread made me self-aware and made me acknowledge my situation uuuuuuuuuuu
Focus on moneymaxing to take advantage of future anti-aging and looksmaxing tech.

Not him, but as someone with the same problems, I actually love myself a little bit. I've never hated myself, I hate things that are suited to me.

Physical strength has been obsolete in war ever since nukes were invented, only politics keeps live troops on the ground.

The same thing that happens to everyone else. They die. You should take comfort in that. All the staceys and chads and normalfags and jocks and bullies, all of them will eventually become ashes or worm food. No one is exempt from it.

Can't hold ground with nukes.

t. sour grapes
You wish you could invent immortality and write reflective pieces on human nature, power, and gods

You hold ground with firearms. A child can fire a modern assault rifle and kill with it.

You don't need to, you hold ground with fear and air support. It's only a matter of time before the DoD is forced to reveal the strategic and psychological use of nukes.

A child doesn't have the stamina to march 15 miles with body armor and a shitload of ammo. he doesn't have the strength to stabilize the recoil of a battle rifle. War is blend of will and physical stamina.

You better be prepared to raze every city and conduct drone strikes 24/7. Even then you wouldn't be able to kill all of your enemies.

Not really, I feel bad that I can't contribute "naturally" it was actually my own dad that made me like this, since he beat my leg and made me deformed. *sigh* Oh well, I can't control what other people do. its why I'm so scared people and stay a shut-in NEET, because people can and will do whatever they want to you,

>The same thing that happens to everyone else. They die. You should take comfort in that. All the staceys and chads and normalfags and jocks and bullies, all of them will eventually become ashes or worm food. No one is exempt from it.
No one except cryoNEETicists

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You don't need to kill all of your enemies, you just need to make a point. Most of our wars right now aren't fought over land or territory either, despite what the public image of it is made to be. We fight only small groups of dangerous radicals who have a non-remote possibility of obtaining nuclear weapons themselves, were we to simply wipe them off the face of the planet using nukes we would cease fighting altogether. Unfortunately the capitol and the white house are full of fucking retards who don't understand war at all and think throwing more numbers at the enemy is still the best tactic. We could assert our power over every country in the world besides Russia right now without much resistance but he military simply doesn't because the people who can authorize that don't ever authorize it. Although we are lucky I guess because the only reason politics matter at all and we aren't complete and total slaves to the pentagon and the underground military divisions is because the fuckheads in Washington don't realize just how powerful they really are or just what they could do with it. Life in a post-nuclear age is forever going to be somewhat dull for the average man, and very delicate for the intelligent man. And rest assured that no revolution is possible, the agencies would and do eliminate anyone posing a serious threat before they had a chance to get very far. Sadly, if you have great plans or fears or paranoia but the government HASN'T taken you in and locked you away forever, it's because they know you aren't very good at success.
>War is blend of will and physical stamina.
In case you haven't noticed, ground troops have been being decreased to almost nothing in the last couple of decades. That's because we only need them for anti-personnel warfare, spec ops and that sort of stuff. Most fighting now is done by tanks/armored vehicles and gunships. You do still need some strong men, but they are a much smaller percent than before.

>tanks/armored vehicles
Useless without ground troops.

>ground troops have been being decreased to almost nothing in the last couple of decades

That's only because they have an insane baggage train and require several people to supply their logistics.

Infantry is the Queen of battles. You're always going to need door kickers to hold cities.

>You wish you could invent immortality and write reflective pieces on human nature, power, and gods
Again if you could do any of those you'd be making money off them.

Oh god, you're fucking retarded. Must have read too many books about historical warfare or some shot without taking into account modern tactics.

>Again if you could do any of those you'd be making money off them.
I guess you missed the part about getting over materialism, huh? If I do actually complete my inventions, I'm going to release the to the world for free as open source.

I've been down range. Drone strikes are fucking counter productive because they create more terrorists.Armor and artillery are only useful in conventional war. CAS is pretty decent when you aren't friendly fire.

So your life's...work will be free?

That's right. I do it for free. To truly ascend above normies I have to do something with more value than anything any human has ever done, and give it away without any compensation. I won't care for money anyway because I'll be immortal and won't need money.

wow sounds like you work very hard by yourself.
Somewhat like anyone who has a personal business.
you know

They lift weights
get big
cover themselves in tattoos
wear back to front baseball caps
Try to act cool and reclaim their youth
Slap retards and act tough
Start suffering health problems
Die in their 40s from a massive heart attack.

Remember that you are here forever.

If you are a shy, awkward virgin with no friends, social skills or good looks and your all free time consists of vidya etc - you will be the exactly same in 10+ years.

I am proof of that.

What is the alternative?

From my limited point of view, it's either home, video games, personal hobbies


Wageslave, better home, better video games, more expensive personal hobbies.

But in essence, you can't undo yourself or readjust your design. Or can you?

>What we think we'll do.

And pic related is what we actually do.

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But life has a nonmaterialistic element to it, this is undeniable, and you must be fairly young to think otherwise.

>If you're good at something you don't do it for free
if you're a money hungry jew sure

>tfw studying physics
>tfw you'll never amount to anything in your field and will be forced to work as a degenerate engineer

>run out of things to do
What the fuck is this meme? Even if you just watched anime all day every day you wouldn't be able to watch every anime even once

Thanks for the neetbux, wage slaves

>life has a nonmaterialistic element to it
such as?

What is phenomenology?

did the mods get butthurt that I made fun of their shitty cartoon that they had to warm me?

You faggots don't give a shit about "post quailty" otherwise r9k wouldn't be filled with the junk it is today

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Fair enough. Lets just say youll get sick of it. There is lots of stuff to do but depression will kick in sooner or later

do you have a source anywhere? i'm genuinely curious about the average lifespan of a neet

You should only freeze your head though if you wanna go that route.