How does one shy depressing looking guy buy a rope without raising any suspicions? What could a normal person use a rope for in the city?
How does one shy depressing looking guy buy a rope without raising any suspicions...
Literally no one will care, you attention seeking faggot. just do it and be done with it
buy it from a bdsm shop if you're so worried
Beat me to it.
Nobody cares if you buy rope OP, they've probably seen it before.
I just stole my rope
I ain't paying to die
just kill yourself already, or not and don't make these shitty threads
if you're in for a fun time make it interesting and try to buy a shotgun with 1 shell.
>attention seeking
we're all anonymous here, complete strangers to each other. I genuinely can't think of an excuse to buy a rope while living in the city
Buy some camping gear too
>just kys already
not everyone lives in the US on this
they'd be questioning my age
there isnt a person on earth who will care. just buy it and get it over with.
Found an underage.
It doesn't matter. Just buy the thing nobody is going to stop you from doing that. I bought one and the girl working the cash register seemed kinda upset since i just walked out with it and didn't take the change. Felt kinda bad about that since she might have guessed what I was up to.
I'm 18. I just look a lot younger, that's it
buy some other rope related shit, maybe painting stuff like brushes and a roll tray
Buy a big plain white sheet and a bunch of lighter fluid as well.
Would work here in the southern US at least
no one sees someone buying a rope and ever thinks this guy is going to hang himself
fuking kek
do this op
nah, eastern yurop
if I lived in the US I don't think I would've wanted to kms so bad
>Oooowhwowowwo I'm so depressed I'm gonna kill myself
>But I'm too embarrassed to buy a rope because someone might suspect I'm going to kill myself
Trust us OP. Absolutely NOBODY will care if you kill yourself. Even if somebody sees you buying the rope, and thinks that's what you're going to do with it, they won't do jack shit to interfere because they don't care, and they'll forget about it and never think about you again within a day.
I know you're just looking for attention here, but I really hope my words can convince you to actually do it.
Dude nobody in a sex shop will ask for your age. There isn't a minimum age to own a vibrator or anything so why the fuck would they care about the rope.
You really are just an attention seeking faggot. You could avoid stores all together and order a rope offline, or google "stuff I can do with rope" but instead you had to make a thread on Jow Forums because you wanted people to tell you not to kill yourself.
If your life has been reduced to this, then please fucking kill yourself. Stop looking to a bunch if virgins on the internet who don't know how to socialize for validation.
If you need validation from flys, you must be a pile of shit
Just go to a nice clothing outlet and buy one of those belts that can hook in a hole on any size. Get some nice clothes while your at it and some alcohol. Enjoy the weekend, brother.
helpful anons thanks, I'm gonna try my best not to be awkward with the cashier.
fuck everyone else ITT
You're desperate for yous. You really think anybody is going to care about some kid buying a rope? You just want attention eat shit fag
>Hello police?
>Yes, I would like to report an incident.
>No there wasn't a crime. I just had a customer who looked a bit off buy a rope.
>I don't think you understand, sir. He looked a bit funny and he bought a rope. I suspect he's planning suicide.
>No he didn't talk about hanging himself. He just bought a rope and looked sad.
>Yes, I do realise this is legal behaviour.
>Yes, I do understand that this line is meant for emergencies.
>No, I do not have any actual evidence of an emergency but the dude bought a rope.
>No, I do not know where he lives or how to contact him.
>Alright, fine. But his blood is on your hands!!
toppest kek
fucking amazing greentext
I've thought about this before, since I always look destitute and needed rope for something that sounds like a lie. I didn't want to bother the cashier, so I mentioned I needed it for tarring a roof and bought a stick of gum. Would a suicidal person buy gum? Lmao. Or just smile and bathe beforehand. And wear something besides black.
Also, (obligatory plz don kib ursef message here)
Would anyone but a suicidal person tell the cashier what they're using the rope for?
Just get a rope that's supposed to pull a car, it'll look like ur gonna carry a friend or something