any anons here from north africa or italy desu?
Any anons here from north africa or italy desu?
yes (originikku)
I'm from Spain, does it count? It's like Italy but a bit better.
I'm from somewhere in the middle.
malta orignal desuu?
well let it be med anons in general but better doubt i had a spanish friend from valencia both south of italy and spain are equally shit and north italy is better than north spain
>malta orignal desuu?
I'm from the Cote d'Azur, does it count? It's like Spain but a vastly better.
post SORM
je vois un francais blanc comme la chatte a sa mammon
Now, where have I seen this before?
is that you
the /sorm/ user
but Italy IS North Africa.
Yes, dear neighbour.
t. italian
so how's life
i'm in uni now it's full of qts but i hate it because they will never be mine
still a neet?
Life's somewhat mediocre. I'm still a neet. I remember you mentioning uni, which explains your disappearance. I wish I was there looking at the qts.
nah i just hate that board uni started officially at 3 september but class lists were made yesterday my first lecture would be today at 2 pm
Romanian and lived in Lombardia for 2 years, in a town called Verolanuova. Lots of Africans and I can't even imagine what south Italy must be like. I don't want to turn full Jow Forumsack but their place is not in Italy this is for certain. The cultural difference is too big
there are more african immigrant in north italy than south italy maybe the only important diaspora in scilly is the tunisian one seeing the distance between tunisian and scilly their culture is 100% med tho
>Lots of Africans and I can't even imagine what south Italy must be like
LOL, there are much much less Africans in Southern Italy compared to Nrthern Italy, because they all go to the North because it's richer. It's not even Northern Italy at this point, it's basically Arabia + Romania + Africa, meanwhile the rest of the South is still mostly Italian.
Yeah that boards is going to shit, but I'm addicted to it. You just just hang around here right now? Good luck on your lectures.
thanks not really i just lurk from time to time decided to post to see if there are any med anons posting here
>implying we don't blend in
are we really that bad?
>implying most north africans don't blend in
YES, rahatule
I see. It fucking sucks to be shut-in neet from a region known for it's sociable people.
b-but everyone liked me in school
no, it was pity lel
They go to the north because the south is a fucking third world mess.
Fucking Nigss don't go to Portugal you shitskins I hope you all drown
Yes I was waiting for the asshurt polentoide to show up
The North is 1000 times worse than the South with all its pollutions, immigrants, and baby gangs roaming around. Basically little India
I'm from America, does that count?
Italy as a whole is a shithole. At least now that I live here I can use public transportation to move around.
Don't know which part of the south are you from, but I can tell you Basilicata is literally third world.
Im from Portugal does that count? its like Spain but a bit better
the romani are just as bad as the Africans , you dirty thief's are unliked.
Issa Nissa user ! I'm from here too. More like premium coastal Italy IMO.