Are tattoos an indicator of low intelligence?
Are tattoos an indicator of low intelligence?
Shitty tattoos are. But we all know girls like tattoos. So If you get a bunch of stupid tattoos but end up getting laid more, does that really make you stupid?
On women it seems to go either way. They're either above average intelligence, or below average, never somewhere in the middle.
Yes because you're arranging your life to accommodate whores.
Putting your negative judgments on people you have never met or spoken to; simply because you dislike the way they look, is a sign of low intelligence.
99% of tattoos are a sign that a person lacks the ability for critical thinking. Tattoos that are earned through life accomplishments like a military career are great but the rest are often retardation etched onto skin.
guilty until proven innocent in the case of tattoos
Believing that you can't learn things from appearances is also a sign of low intelligence.
Ruining your body like pic related is a sign of extremely low intelligence
That's the most retarded thing I've ever heard. It's the reason when you see a bum on the street you don't let him file your taxes you get a guy in a suit
maybe it's those lifeless dull whore eyes that have seen a million cocks
Any of these
>ear gauges
>non-ear piercings
and many people (including me) will just assume you're less intelligent and have worse judgment.
Do you want people stereotyping you like that?
I think she's a camgirl. I'm about 80% sure I saw her on chaturbate a few days ago.
We all pretty much do anyway. It's the reason we have a job, wear nice clothes, do anything really. Unless you're a faggot
You're only attracting superficial whores who aren't worthy of relationships with a tattoo.
Not nessecarrly but they are often an indicator of low impulse control while ability to delay reward/gratification, essentially the opposite of impulsivity, is correlated with high intelligence. Based on my personal available knowledge regarding impulsive behaviour think tattoos are, statistically but not universally speaking, a indicator of not low but not particularly high intelligence which is an very significant distinction.
I believe they are. They are expensive and short sighted which makes them particularly funny to see on young people with little money.
no, but placement purpose and design are extremely important if you don't want people to immediately think less of you.
ten years ago, a friend of mine tattooed the base of his head. he did this the one year he decided to go bald, as baldness does not run in his family. only i and a few of his other friends know about this and he still works a legitimate office job to this day
Just raped Miley Cyprus.
I wish I could be gay for like a week just to see how true this is.
I know that a lot of stuff I do I've just convinced myself is "for myself not for women" but is there anything genuine about me. I need to know, but self delusion is so powerful I never will.
Yeah just like how girls only date tall slim guys like they do now. not superficial at all...
it's never just for a week, user
This fat fuck Tess Holiday is on this mornjng
The end is nighh lads
"hello id like to apply for the job"
It's not a bad thing it's part of being human to strive to be better and be attractive.
Either low intelligence or they're intelligent but have issues.
No shit, if a girl didn't want to date me because I'm not 6'5'' do you think we had any future together? You're not going to attract quality women with superficial bullshit. If a tattoo is all it takes to sleep with a girl she's a brain dead cunt.
well the MAJORITY of girls only date tall guys. won't even talk to a guy shorter them then. It's funny how you don't find that superficial at all.
Just raped Demi lavitics.
Some soiboi on this morning complaining the Coco Pops box says mum and not dad lmao
fuck mothers, fuck the matriarchy sounds like a good act and fuck you for being a normie sheep
Obviously it's superficial, but why do you want to attract a girl who isn't interested in you? You're not going to have any future together.
Yes and shit teir childbearing material and poor future thinking. If i was an employer i would refuse tattoos, piercings. Skin should be pure. Do u want graffiti on you temple?
i dont think anyone pointed out already but the girl in pic has the tattoos to cover up scars, you can see them on her leg
so if we are to talk about this case then maybe theres a more clear reason to the not usually a fan bc i just think people spend money on it for vanity
maybe shes embarrassed or would rather cover up the fact that she cut herself...who knows maybe someone else cut her, even more reason in my opinion
Look at it this way, both joe rogan and justin bieber are covered in them
Yeah. I have never met someone with more than 1 tattoo who I considered intelligent.
Actually, inability to recognize or acknowledge patterns is an indicator of low intelligence. When everyone with tattoos acts like a dipshit, you form a pattern in your mind that tattoos signify stupidity. This is a very useful skill. It's the same reason you would be less likely to listen to your professor if he wore clown shoes and looked like he had Down's Syndrome. You wouldn't be confident in his intelligence. In the same way, through my experiences with tattooed people, I am unlikely to appraise them, upon initial reaction, as someone worth interacting with or listening to. Unless it pertained to weed or shitty edgy music, in which case I would probably highly value their opinion.