My vulva is really sensitive, but I can't even enjoy it for myself since I need a partner

Title says it all, I had short-term relationships that never went anywhere, I wanted to wait until marriage for sex, they were short-term so I never had sex with any of them.

Oh well, its a non-problem, I wanted to share this since I was so surprised, it doesn't even matter since I have no natural sex drive.

>inb4 ask your exes to help
>All of them admitted they were pitying me, it makes sense in context since I'm unstable and start dumb fights over nothing, they hate me,
>No help please, I already explained. I need a wholesome relationship in order to have a sex drive.

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OP here, I want to say that I understand all my exes and even any future partner of mine has their self-agency and life, I'm not blaming them for this, and as I said already, its a non-problem,

is this some kind of bait thread? i'm actually angry after reading it, i deleted my naota folder btw

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Not a bait thread, I already explained everything in the OP, I know I can have casual sex, but I have deep reasons why I shouldn't..

I have done this my entire life, its how I live, obviously my exes didn't even like me as people, otherwise they wouldn't have cut off contact with me,

tldr; not a bait thread, this is my actual life every day

honestly you women are all whores and deceptive trash I hope you die and go to hell and your soul is extinguished forever, get the fuck out of r9k and go to adv or soc you fuckign normie bitch fuck you

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Nope, they all cut me out of their life and never had sex with me, I'm pathetic.

Disclaimer; I know they have their own self agency and lives, I'm not acting like victim, it was their choice to cut me off,

Your exes dropped you because they knew you were trash and not worth the effort

seeI don't care how sensitive your vulva is, there is no such thing as female robots you can jsut get another bf your standards are just too high

you obviously didn't see them as people or real mate material or you'd have sex with them, you were in stupid relationships for vain reasons

I said it in the OP, I'm unstable and I have a habit of starting dumb fights over nothing,

I don't even want to enjoy my own body, even people who were suppose to love me confessed they hated me, probably for the before mentioned trait.

Its this same faggot again. He makes it really easy by using the same (((deep))) fagime picture in all his gay ass posts.
Sage and move on. Nigger doesnt deserve no (((yous))).

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low iq nigger

Uh...? my vulva is still sensitive because I never had sex.

I was the problem in all of my relationships, most of my exes are more successful than me, two of them even found their life partners already.

> R_____R
> I______I
> G_____G
> I______I
> N_____N
> A_____A
> L_____L

OP here, I know its a non-problem,
This is one situation where being a social failure is a good thing, but I already explained why I can't even enjoy it on my own, since I'm subhuman and can't get along with people in general.

This is is so sad can we beat the Ender dragon in minecraft now

I hope you fucking kill yourself you stupid rotten cunt. You thought you were going to come here and be like "gotcha" to robots well fuck you.

user... I'm single... all my relationships failed...? I don't like it either....? it means I'm subhuman and the one who's the problem.

You can easily find a guy who's willing to wait with the sex stuff. I'd be fine with waiting if I get to cuddle

You females are so rotten and evil to the core, you act like i don't know your game but I do.

drink a gallon of bleach you whore

>tfw you will never make the fembot's hips move on their own

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you can die too faggot

Fucking bait. No tits with timestamp, no escalation. Are you really this bored, fag?

Nope, I'm not that guy, I just save pictures without renaming them.Um... they're all real people. this in't a game. this is actually my life? I even put a disclaimer.

Oh well, I just thought this story would be funny, since its so... self-defeating

>Hair and eye color
>Something else important

,,,, Why am I filling this out user?
I assume its a personal ad, those are cursed, too many complications with talking to so many people.

I want my relationships to happen naturally, I just have to wait,

It's not a personal ad. I just want to know if I am close enough to help you and that I would recognize you if I tried.

I can fill this out, for fun though;

>Age-Twenty one,
>Location - West coast best coast
>Height N/A
>Weight - N/A
>Hair and eye color -Brown, brown.
Anything else relevant; I don't know the numbers for my weight and height, I can't understand people talking in voice, maybe one day I'll ask them to write it down for me. but according to other people, I'm fat, I don't know if I am though, my own body scares me, and I hate myself.

And why are you telling us this on a Russian 6th Army encirclement forum?
Shouldn't you just look for someone who is compatible for you in real life, or do you have some debilitating. obnoxious attribute of your personality that you haven't elaborated upon?

Yes, I'm unstable and start fights over dumb things.

Glad to see you back sadboi I love the ironic shit posting.

dude its a meme man he is poking fun at summerfags and normalfags.

Sadboi is based

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Nah I'm not him, I just like the picture, not bait or anything, just saved the picture. normal every day stuff.

Ahh yes, another thread where a lonely robot larps as the ideal female. Well this makes me legitimately angry because I know women like this don't exist, none of them value their virginity anymore and the world is going to fuck.

>Nah I'm not him,
I know a few people who Larp as the original sadboi.
are you se7en?
another user I chatted to on discord once was larp as him as well.

I like the shit posting.
they do unironically exist and its so annoying

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point me in the direction I want a sexless relationship gf

Just find a Waifu (or she chooses you ect)
you will have love but only emotional because she is anime girl.
Waifus are pure

>enjoys living enough that he thinks dying would be anything but a blessing

normie detected

then by all means kill yourself