*beats up your waifu and forces your waifu to lick her feet*

*beats up your waifu and forces your waifu to lick her feet*

How do you respond?

Attached: Sophie-Turner-White-Red-Bikini-August-2018.jpg (683x1024, 99K)

I don't think so, fag

Attached: 1529830956654.jpg (1776x2663, 1.17M)

Sophie has about a 6 inch advantage on Chloe, a fight between those two would be over in seconds

These women would give me strong sons.

Attached: index.png (266x189, 9K)

Who would win? Fridge Mode Sophie or Chloe "the hulk" Moretz?

See , Sophie could pin Chloe down with ease

I would employ Jessica Biel to do the same to her and make her Biel's personal footslave

Definitely Chloe

All memes aside Sophie would win and it wouldn't even be close

But I don't have a waifu. What happens then?

Chloe is a literal tank though, the absolute unit

>Watch for a while
>Wait for my waifu to get nice and wet from bottoming to two people instead of how we usually do ffm
>Pull up my waifu's dress and fuck her silly while maintaining eye contact
>Tell Sophie to kneel, move my waifu's mouth to her clit
>Fuck my waifu from behind while making out with Sophie Turner, as my waifu eats her out.

Attached: meisha_tate.jpg (720x1082, 156K)

sophie is tall and skinny, height is meaningless it's about weight.
There are weight classes not height classes.

Despite all the memes, Sophie's natural body is great.

>sophie's natural body is great
Am i dreaming?
a robot actually said a regular looking body is great?
Uusually they have ridiculous expectations, 2/10 would not bang level shit

yea women dont shit on regular looking dudes right?

>yea women dont shit on regular looking dudes right?
Did you respond to the wrong post? What you said doesn't appear to have any relevance to what I said

>Uusually they have ridiculous expectations, 2/10 would not bang level shit
>implying it's unique to robots to rate normal people as below
>implying women dont literally rate 80% of men as "below average"

>implying women dont literally rate 80% of men as "below average"
I didn't imply that at all
I literally said it's surpising a robot didn't just shit all over a "regular looking body," implying they usually shit all over a regular looking body
Get your head out of your own ass, my dude

Im saying robots never shit on regular women, there are frequently threads worshiping regular looking women.
Meanwhile women literally rate 80% of men as below average. Stop projecting women's behavior onto men.

Good, this fucking fictional character needed a wake up call. Now I can fuck you in the ass, superior 3d blonde.

>going on irrelevant tangents
Okay my dude
I'm going to enjoy sophie with these other anons here while you spaz out in the corner

Sophie isn't skinny, did you even see the OP? She's got literally the best build for fighting, look at how broad her shoulders are. Look at the size of her triceps. She almostcertainlynhits the gym. She can easily overpower like 99% of women. This is no contest


Attached: 1536225650548.jpg (1280x1920, 229K)

Can't hurt what doesn't exist.

Sophie is hench

She is literally a bundle of muscle, bet she could take on a lot of men

My waifu could beat 3dpd easily

Attached: Kazanetraining.jpg (559x822, 229K)

My waifu would never do that. And I would protect her from anyone until I'm dead.

My wife wouldn't take any damage from her initial attack, and then she'd put her lance through the roasties face twice

Attached: 1528367107430.jpg (388x336, 35K)

weight matters when it's composed of muscle.

Let's see how that 6 inch height advantage stands up to ZA WARUDO! Toki yo tomare! ...Soshite toki wa ugokidasu.

Attached: 1485515030003.png (960x640, 760K)

shes ugly man I couldnt fap to that.
My loli waifu is too cute just fuck off OP

You're right
Sophie's tiny wrists would shatter

Attached: 1524290782684.jpg (2048x1536, 305K)

who is your loli waifu?

fucking hell.. chloe is larger than me and I work out

>that stature

Let my waifu throw her into a tv. also call my waifu's two gynoid friends to beat her up.

Attached: aigis and labrys.jpg (1920x1222, 455K)

the weak should fear the chloe

Attached: 1517295521385.jpg (1080x1080, 144K)

pin her down and rape her with my dildo

Attached: progress.jpg (1216x639, 192K)

women are getting bigger and stronger and male are becoming tbabes.. what is going on?

My waifu was in the military, was one of their elite units, and is therefore heavily trained so I don't think so

chloe is 5'4" and still towering over that little guy, lmao

the reign of the amazionan women have begun

Jewish postmodernists have deconstructed gender.

Chloe is literally a womanlet though, she stands no chance against the more muscular and bigger framed Sophie

We want it more desu. :)

>tfw I made a dyelboi so jelly he almost killed himself

Attached: first cycle gains.jpg (1656x907, 603K)

Jow Forums girls are only attractive when they have muscle toned, roided up girls like that look disgusting

more muscular? I doubt sophie has much power. she's just big

Attached: 1511072744671.jpg (1080x810, 126K)

Is that photoshopped? A lot of chloe's are you know

u scared, sophie?

Attached: 1517097268859.jpg (1080x1080, 129K)

See there's no muscle in this one

Is that really you?
Even the left picture is already much bigger than my skinny manlet arms.

I look even better when I'm pumped. Pic on the right is what happens to me on arm day after half a dozen donuts. :)

Attached: pumped.jpg (1257x665, 381K)

maybe it's shooped. a lot of chloes are you know

Attached: 1509078482129.jpg (1080x810, 123K)

>tfw no wheyfu to bully me

Attached: 1521164274116.webm (640x800, 1.79M)

What would you think of a guy with weak noodle arms
Asking for a friend

Attached: 1533411619345.png (240x312, 67K)

She has the ideal body type to breed.

Megumin of course

Attached: 1524666512302.jpg (1200x1440, 690K)

>those disgusting flabby asses
women in general should really hit the gym more often

I like bois I can manhandle. :)

Can you please stop roleplaying now, I can't take these tfw no strong gf feelings anymore

Attached: 1505964142632.png (800x800, 139K)

Let me get a good pump and I will post a video. :)

they are 3D woman they are gross as fuck man

Would you pin your bf down and make him lick your feet?

Sure, please make a peace sign with your hands at the end so I know it's actually you and can feel good about getting replies from a cute strong girl who I wish would manhandle me.

Attached: db7.jpg (561x785, 40K)

Just for you cutie. :) I had to wait for some dyel bitchboi to leave the background.

I would make him lick my delts. :)

Attached: peace.webm (640x474, 1.69M)

So strong and cute, you'd be so huge next to me.
Thanks for delivering strong cutie.

Attached: 212.jpg (600x480, 49K)

>she's real

Attached: 1534861725537.png (691x597, 16K)




here. Yes I do pls. Is there a way to get your mouth in frame to see you smile

WHat the fuck ???? originadfkojzekjfhlio

Attached: 1532214869943.jpg (803x711, 66K)

Do you really have to ask?
Also please be my strong gf

Attached: gib.jpg (778x512, 56K)

Post a pic of your load if you fap.

Attached: smile.webm (640x590, 1.72M)

That's gorgeous. Thank you!
What brings you around these parts anyway?

My sister posts here.

>sister posts here
Is she okay? She must be if you two are close

Is your sister a fit goddess too?

She came to live with me after dad died and she's been really depressed since. I'm trying to help her but she rarely leaves her room. I don't know what to do.

Get her to exercise a little with you. Not necessarily to make her huge but working out and staying active is very good for mental and physical health and you can bond over it too.

you take steroid right?

can you post some pec flexing pls?


>tfw grill delivers

Attached: 1526489528046.jpg (577x1024, 81K)

are you on gear? if so what do you take and how much?

I've tried but she doesn't want to. I don't know how to motivate her.

20mg Anavar for 10weeks. :)

Attached: pecs.webm (640x524, 1.92M)

>She came to live with me after dad died and she's been really depressed since
I hope she will be okay
ur a cool sister

Is there any sport or activity she's interested in?

this is the male robots issue... they literally have to make everything into a gender or race based argument. He made a comment that had nothing to do with how women view men, so why bring it up? learn to take some responsibility without pointing fingers u annoying loser

Thanks for standing up for me, my dude. I was quite puzzled myself

Fuck off gunjy you stupid pedophile

I'm really bad at his desu. I can't get her to start living again.

She used to play volleyball in hs but that was a long time ago.

>I'm really bad at his desu. I can't get her to start living again.
I'm only guessing here, but it seems like you're there for her. You haven't said anything that indicates you're pushy. That's like 50% of the battle already
also you have a lovely smile
Isn't there anything she likes to do? even if its just a solitary activity?

Thank you user.

>The only time she seems happy is when we walk the cat
Then never forget to walk the cat together. Happiness begets happiness

Thank you user, you seem like a nice person. Have some curls for those dubs.

Attached: curls.webm (640x500, 1.94M)

Sexy desu
You seem like a nice person too femanon. Hope you stick around the thread

I enjoy the attention desu. Most guys don't find me sexy.