Fembot here. How do I find a boyfriend who isnt an asshole?

Fembot here. How do I find a boyfriend who isnt an asshole?

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you just havent found me yet

start using common sense you dense cock sleeve

Well it's what women want. So I guess your own fault? Get a guy that is beta into oblivion and see how far that goes.

Well first you have to message me.

Tits or gtfo originally of course niggers

tfw you're all of the above

Find someone who can be a friend.
This should be common sense.

>"sensitive" guys you have to perform constant emotional labour for
>"Sensitive" in quotes
there is no reason to feel bad for women. It seems like they do it all to themselves.

Date an ugIy guy

Probably aim for a 5/10 who attends Church and wants to wait for marriage. They might exist depending on where you live.

>emotional labour

Is this the most retarded concept women have invented to whinge about?

I'm a sociopath but I don't go to the gym.
Is that good enough?

>emotional labour
what the fuck does this mean? Is it this hard for them to just be supportive and not a cunt when their guy is having a rough time?


men absolutely btfo

From what I can tell it's when they have to give attention rather than receive it

Sounds hard. Can't I just suck their dick?

Stop being a cunt roastie and a cockgargler implying you're at least a 5/10.

Those men are occupied with wemen worth their time. You're a pathetic sack of trash that will never deserve anything more than a boyfriend who beats you half to death when you undercook his dinner.

Like always they forgot about us nice guys

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Asshole here. How do I find a girlfriend who isnt a fembot?

That's still a much better dating pool than what young men have and most of these are a response to woman's behaviours and choices.

>-Porn addicts
Don't make guys jump through hoops to get sex.
>"Sensitive" guys you have to perform constant emotional labour for
Feminism told men it's okay to show emotion.
>Narcisstic (if not sociopathic) gym bros
Sorry that you got pumped and dumped.
>Emotionally distant manipulators
Doesn't want to get #metoo'd
>Performative "woke" men who still treat woman like shit
They're just trying to treat woman equally but women will always cry unless they are treated like a princess who can do no wrong.

This is the sexual market young women literally created

They say they want an honest husband provider yet shit on him when he actually shows up and go for the loud guy

They are usually creepy af.
Men will pretend to be friends just to get sex.

Date older guys.

>"he should do all the work to earn and appease me"
>wonders why men treat her like a sex ATM

"Emotional labour" might be the most sociopathic term I've ever come across.

>Join a charity movement
>Be surrounded by actual good people
>Develop relationship

Lots of charities out there. The coolest ones are the ones that send you off overseas to a safari or something.

The dating pool for young men is:
>retarded cunts
That's literally it. Enjoy having all those options you privileged bitch.

It is a term used quite frequently for me by both men and women. It is too much effort to talk to someone that is always depressed. You just end up being overbearing and only talking about your problems. People don't want that.

Of course people don't want that, who the hell would want to be empathetic, just give me what I want from you and don't bother me with your "feelings".

Precisely. Why devote time to someone who cannot offer anything in return? It is simple practicality user.

The best you can hope for is pity and that always ends up horrible. Pity means the person eventually snaps because of the lack of progress.

Like I said, sociopathy.

>Fembot here. How do I find a boyfriend who isnt an asshole?
Dear sweet child, all men are assholes. You have to find the type of asshole that you can tolerate.

Do you have anything to offer besides your holes and your bitchiness? No? Then why do you think you deserves anyone treating you like a person?

It isn't, unless every person is sociopathic. Most normies and even most robots collapse under the weight of a black hole.

Go for the porn addict. He won't need porn anymore with you around.

Don't bother with boys, date women instead.

You want an asshole you just don't even know it.

>They are usually creepy af.
lol stupid roastie

but women like being treating like shit

>narcissistic gym bros
Isnt this the type of guy all women want?

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Only to get fucked by, then they let you raise his kid

you are an asshole OP, stay in your lane

Cool guys do cool shit. Do cool shit, meet cool guys. Just try to not be that bitch that ruins the cool shit for the guys by being a bitch, k?

It is too late for you, a whore will never find a good man even if she stops.

By not posting on r9k.

You need to have something to offer.

accept that 2D husbandos are infinitely better

>this list
This is what you made of a man. It's your fault.

How much a blackhole weights?

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The dating pool for young men is literally
- Fujoshi
- 'In tune with their emotions' girls you have to perform constant emotional labour for
- Narcissistic (if not sociopathic) popular girls
- Emotionally distant manipulators
- Progressive 'SJW' women who actively treat men like shit

you won't find them here. tfw was overly naive and optimistic for years trying to establish a connection with robots and finally gave up entirely

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you just flirt with anyone who seems a little desperate for sex, once you have sex he will treat you well

>- Fujoshi
yes one of those please and thank you

>Emotionally distant manipulator

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women beat around the bush too much.
asking me rhetorical questions that secretly annoy me isn't how you get me to talk to you.

they're also always timid or selfish and never inquire about my life.

TL;DR: too selfish.

>establish a connection with robots
Why would you even try to establish connection with people with severe trust/social issues? It is like playing on nightmare.

The dating pool for young men is literally
- ?
- This girl looked at me once
- Please somebody fuck me

you should realize that the people here who are willing to interact with you are not necessarily the subset you want to interact with.

Obviously I'm aware that means it's a catch 22 situation. I'm just stating reality, not providing solutions.

Only legit answer in this case.


She just complained about sensitive guys and emotionally distant guys at the same time, another proof that women don't know what they fucking want.

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yes, i finally understand now. guess i didn't want to accept there was no other options for me

would you want to date someone either too sensitive or emotionally distant? i think the fuck not

I have no single female friends who don't want to be single. For females you just go out and wait until someone picks you up.

Too bad people don't work like that, there is not a switch for emotions you can turn on and off or adjust to whatever you feel like.

>Your observed experiences can be generalised to all women.

Don't you think you are being a bit unreasonable there?

Just date a manlet. They're respectful to everybody because they know how much it hurts to be disrespected. They also have little to no other dating options so you're guaranteed to succeed.
source: am a manlet

Is "emotional labour" the part where they have to pretend to give a shit about their man?

>mfw I'm all of that described

Feels comfy that there is more and more of us

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1.chad gets a pass hes just horny
2.chad gets a pass, hes just showing that hes not a souless husk aaaw how cute! are all the same but 3.4.5 have no no real excuse, if its chad he gets a pass BECAUSE hes chad

You're not supposed to find a boyfriend. Your father is supposed to find a suitable husband for you. You don't know what's good for you.

you'll never find me femanon, i'm hiding behind a 60 hour per week job, my solitary hobbies, and my sausagefest friend circles. I haven't talked to a non-family female who wasn't behind a counter in years.

how do i find a girlfriend who isnt a psychopathic used up cocksleeve

>implying that women aren't as broken

Back in the 90s, you would have been hard pressed to find a women addicted to hentai. Now you can find girls masturbating to hentai on pornhub.

Women are just as depraved as men. Stop blaming men for all your problems. If you can't find a man, you aren't looking in the right spots.

i work graveyard. i don't even get to have friends, let alone see/talk to women.
i'm scared of other people to be honest.

Here, I'll be your bf if you are fine with being my second gf

I'd be scared of people too if my main contact with them were the ones who are out at graveyard shift hours.

Really sucks that if you're a guy who wants a gf but doesn't want to spend effort chasing them, you're pretty much fucked.

By being 16-23, goodlooking, from a traditional family, ready to devote your life to raise children and be a good wife (and mom). Being able to earn money is a plus but not necessary, supporting your husband is more important.

If you fell for any of the memes of career, traveling the world, joining any kind of organisation or cause, any kind of nontraditional lifestyle etc., without any real reason (like extremely high IQ or other extraordinary talents), you are less attractive to men.

This is the recipy as far as I can tell. You could try to go for the gf - > wife by 30, or marry old, but the traditional path is probably the "best" for reaching your goal.

Dang... You're Jow Forums incarnated.

>emotional labor
>toxic masculinity
>internalized misogyny
>white privilege

which schools of thought has brought us these hot new concepts? It's fun when academia and political parties start getting on board with this literally non-existent bullshit and unironically use it as justification for all kinds of gibs me dat

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"Men don't suck. Your taste in men sucks".

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Fuuuck that's some tasty bait.

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these idiotic opinions wouldn't piss me off as much if social media didn't prove that literally thousands of women agree or sympathize with them. It was like that tweet about Megan Markle going through a divorce and becoming a princess so females can always do better and should never settle getting like 300k upboats or some shit.

When you find one, you must not be a cunt tho.

>what the fuck does this mean?
Pretty miuch "interacting" or "getting along with". Like they use it to bitch about getting along with people at work.

>just to get sex.
so give them their sex, bitch.
If a woman became my friend just to get sex, that would be great.

it's when you have to listen to someone whine about their personal bullshit all the time, and instead of being available to have a good time with you, you have to drag them out of their emotional quagmire.

it's when the dude needs reassurance 24/7 that you love him, that you're not cheating, that he's attractive and he's done nothing wrong, etc.
he wants you to text him every 10min when you're out with the girls and remind him to take his meds every morning and basically be his mom/therapist.
she's basically talking about guys who have BPD.

>so give them their sex, bitch.
if you're pretending to be my friend to get access to my vagina then you can fuck right off.
I don't have sex with people I'm not dating and I'm tired as fuck of men being dishonest.

Holy fucking shit every fembot here is an atention seaking whore and every male is completly dilussional. Wonder why you guys relationships don't work out

I ask myself that all the time, i would go for the sensitive type i dont mind the emo labor but they arent real they are a myth they are secretly assholes trying to hide. man i hate men.

>I'm tired as fuck of men being dishonest
>to get sex

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> pic
Men have it worse. The dating pool for young men is literally modern women.

I can see that shiny hook through that bait.

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No one is sensitive on the outside, especially not men. You just can't live like that. If you're looking for genuinely sensitive men, you need to look for the calm and stoic type.

The average woman

The average church woman

We're screwed.

>needs you to tell them you're not cheating
>needs you to tell them they're attractive
>needs you to tell them they've done nothing wrong
>wants you to text them every 10 minutes

So, basically being a woman?

Don't forget literal cartoon women.