To answer your obvious questions:
>the dog can't talk but understands language and is literate
>the girl can talk but only understands a few simple phrases or commands
>the girl can be potty trained but you have to teach her
>the dog can use the bathroom like a human
>the girl can walk (but she prefers to be on all fours) and lacks fine motor skill, but she can catch a ball in her mouth
>the dog has all the physical limitations of a dog but he is much more dexterous with his snout and paws
>the girl is always happy and loves you unconditionally
>the dog has more complex emotions and has depression resulting from being a dog
Would you rather have a dog with the mind of a human or a human pet with the mind of a dog?
Other urls found in this thread:
dog with the mind of a human obviously.
Why would I want a girl with the intelligence of a dog? thats pointless.
wow that last part kind of killed the dog thing for me. also does the dog die after 15 years thats kind of sad too.
i dont want a fuckin retarded doggirl tho i choose bullet
My dicks says human pet
My mind says having a smart dog would make for great shenanigans
>Super intelligence dog
>Regular woman
The choice is obvious
I choose Brian
>dog is depressed from being a dog
fuck that it would be cruel to wish it into existence
i'll take the dog woman and have fun times
this. you could get a girl anytime, theoretically. when in the history of humanity has the genius dog as specified by OP appeared? never. the choice is obvious.
>regular woman
>unconditionally loyal
a bullet for yourself or for whichever one you pick?
The dog, then I'd wrap it up in a blanket, twirl it around a few times and let it go off of a roof
Human with the mind of a dog
>life expectancy being of primary concern here
for the sick fuck who's making these monstrosities
jk its for me
>a human pet with the mind of a dog
Obviously, then I'd have my own personal fuckpet
>woman would probably be considered legally retarded and can't consent to sex
>dog would contemplate his mortality and insignificance and would have to suffer wiping his own ass with his tongue
I'd probably have to flip a coin. Having to raise a retard that will likely outlive me would be a drag though.
>dog girl is in heat
is shes a cute japanese girl like in Op then that one. Western roast and i choose the dog.
Would love to have an intelligent doggo fren
>tfw intelligent doggo friend shuns you like everyone else eventually does
Intelligent dog.
>make a deal with him
>parade him around the world in TV shows and fairs
>after a few years become rich as fuck
>put him up for sale
>with some of the money, offer him a transplant surgery to have his human mind inside a human corpse I will have bought out of Thai black market
>he's now free to live as a human
>sell the braindead dog corpse with a transplanted dog mind to the buyer
>collect $$$ and when the buyer sees the dog is normal tell him he had an accident
>plot twist: the dog's mind was female and the body I bought is one of a cute asian girl
>profit forever with money and waifu
Let's think about this methodically.
>Dog with human intelligence:
+ Loyalty with meaning and not for it's own sake
+ Can help with the development of social skills
+ Will provide positive feedback in personal actions, treating low self esteem issues
+ Waste maintenance is no longer an element of dog ownership due to dog's adaptability to human conditions
+ Wild card at parties
+ Greatest companion of your life
+ Will smoke weed and chill out to music with you
+ Source of third party advice
- Advice has bias toward food/play
- Will die within 20 years
- Can learn to despise you and use it to owners disadvantage (locking you out of house, purposefully steal your things)
- Will try to hit on your girlfriend or female peer (possibility of molestation depending on dogs temperament)
- Might go against owner will if things don't go his way
>Human with dog intelligence:
+ Unlimited sex
+ Justifiable slavery
+ Lacks emotional complexity
- Has to be fed
- Has to be cleaned
- Has to be exercised
- You will clean up human waste
- You still cook for yourself
- Likely demands more attention than normal female
- Can't bring out publicly (will cause havoc)
- Can become extremely violent when angry
- Just a retarded human lacking the cuteness of a dog
- Human barks
I know where my cards lay.
Someday I want to have an artificial inteligence inside a rumba.
The dog with a human mind. You can show it off to everyone and get rich.
Dahmer, is that you my good boy?
The girl, obviously. I wouldn't want to make a doggo go through depression.
dogs are better than girls
what is the source for this image, my brethren
I would take a rat that lives as long as me
>depression resulting from being a dog
is this like
>social anxiety from not having enough friends
or something? what the fuck with this normalfaggot retard dog
>hurr imma dog, much sad, very depress
you're a fucking hyperintelligent dog you retard, stop being such a faggot about it
Come on guys, we like dogs cuz thir silly mind and inconditional love. For more complex feels ll choose a cat.
Human pet for her holes and buy a dog is the best option.
cats are much less intelligent than dogs tho
Absolutely lacking any originality.
>Dog is depressed
What's the fucking point then?
At least girls are at their cutest when they're almost retarded.
no it's like being depressed because you dont have any hands and you can't speak and no one takes you seriously because youre just a dog
The girl if I can also dick her.
is that like being constantly comfy and happy because you don't have any real responsibilities and have almost everything provided for you by an obsessive owner that probably unironically loves you and shows you affection because you're a dog who doesn't have any hands and can't speak
yeah i bet that's really depressing. i would definitely hate if that happened to me. any genieanons reading this, pls don't turn me into that
and any genieanons that really want to bully, pls don't turn me into cat version of that, that would be so bad. i-its not like thats not my primary fantasy or a-anything..
you'd be able to think and behave like a man but no hands to get that hair out of your eyes or to wipe your ass or to jack off
This user knows the future.
you can think and behave like a man but you're doing pretty okay with you're limitations and shortcomings user. with you're example, i think i could manage it.
my cat licks his nuts on the regular tho
>is that like being constantly comfy and happy because you don't have any real responsibilities and have almost everything provided for you
NEETs cannot be depressed by your logic
>most intelligent animal that ever existed as a pet
Woa what a difficult choice
same user here, i'll give my opinion on that.
"NEET"s shouldn't be depressed by merely their "NEET"ness imo. i feel this the same way i feel that "robots" shouldn't be depressed by or even have
in the standard whining, depressed, >tfwnogf way.
another way: "NEET"s who are depressed about being NEET and "robots" depressed about >tfwnogf are actually both normalfaggots. this is similar to fortnite playing camwhores calling themselves "gamers".
bringing it back to topic: any human-mind-in-a-dog that is depressed about lacking some human characteristics or abilities is failing to appreciate and take advantage of of their situation.
t. autism
Are there any benefits to having a dog with human intelligence through?
Seriously - if a dog like this existed how would anyone even find out?
He can't speak.
He can't write.
He can't use a computer.
What the fuck is he going to do to show his intelligence?
It would be cool knowing he is smart I guess but I don't see any actual value
Assuming that in this scenario no one is going to question it and you can keep her as a pet, girl with dog intelligence obviously, literally a living onahole that loves you unconditionally
NEETs and the dog in this case are often depressed because they have no sense of purpose also when it comes to NEETs you're ignoring the fact that the majority aren't having their social needs met in at all which is a major cause of depression
writing primitive art there are ways of communication you aren't thinking of
So between an actual retard and the worlds smartest dog I chose dog hands down.
>NEETs and the dog in this case are often depressed because they have no sense of purpose
that isn't something exclusive or inclusive to being a humanbrain dog or being a NEET tho. causation, correlation, etc.
Doesn't really matter to me, I wouldn't keep either for very long
sell it to government scientists for a billion dollars
fuck her non stop until i get bored then put her down
>>put him up for sale
you asss hole.
Op I would have the sex slave.
keep her in my room and just tie her up and fuck her all day
>you're limitations
okay, autisto.
t. didn't understand the post
thanks for the (You), new fren.
>but she can catch a ball in her mouth
>i was faking it all along guise
you're embarassing
i'm sorry that your triggered by one of the most common memes user.
i really value this reply you've made and will be screenshotting it for my future motivational needs, thank you.
how come your mom didn't abort?
because she's retarded, user. like you are for having to ask that.
so its genetic retardation huh?
I pick dumb girl. It's a lot more hassle but it's less cruel than spawning a depressed dog into existence. Imagine the hell of being aware you're a dog but you can't even speak.
>user accuses me of being retarded
>confess mother didn't abort me because too retarded
>>so its genetic retardation huh?
i may be retarded but at least i'm not a unironically retarded as your is.
>Imagine the hell of being aware you're a dog but you can't even speak.
He'll understand your words user. With that in mind and say a bucket of paint or some alphabet drawn on the ground you'd be able to devise some kind of language and communicate. You do know they once communicated with a man who lost his arms, legs, eyes, tongue and ears?
Imagine the hell of being aware you're a man but you can't even breed.
>types like a legitimate retard
>does not understand the meaning of genetic
i'm so sorry for you and your family user
>still giving me (You)s
you might need to reconsider who is the retarded one here user.
wtf would i want with a naked idiot following me around for. i would work at the local tard school if that was such a great idea
>says he on his 5th (You)
Too retarded to devise further arguments i see hmmm
>further arguments
>"you're retraded xD" for 5 posts
keep proving my point, user. fantastic
well now that we've proved each others points, can you stop replying to me please?
i'm afraid not, sir
Honestly for me it kind of depends on legal status.
If I have the dog woman,do I have to treat her like a human? Does she have human rights?
If you have a dog woman, and she has human rights, she might as well not exist, because you will have to look after her and care for her. You cannot just rape and sexually exploit her, at least not openly. I do not want a dog woman with human rights. It is not worth it. If she has the rights of a dog that is also too much, because fucking your dog is illegal at least here, my dad had to go to prison because I fucked the family dog and blamed him. So I need the woman to have less rights than a dog.
The human dog would not be much better, because I am sexually attracted to dogs as well as humans, and the human dog wouldn't let me fuck it, and if I seduced him, he would still be illegal to fuck. This is a hellacious choice for me.
please tho? you don't seem to have anything to say about the topic of this thread anymore and i haven't seen anything else except
>lol retard
so what's the plan, you keep calling me a retard until 404 or what? you have any more thoughts on the thread topic?
it's been more than five minutes - longer than your average rate of response. have you finally given up on trying to be smart, retardo?
sorry, my handler had to on break. he types my messages for me.
well looky you proved me wrong. have you had anything to say about the topic yourself? all i can remember are your moronic reponses, including one calling me a retard after my first on-topic post.
you should know better.
all is forgiven, my son
>all i can remember are your moronic reponses
same, to be desu
it's really too bad friendo, had you been smarter we wouldn't have ended up like this
i can only hope to one day be big smart like you. pray for me user, i'll add an extra for you to my next prayers.
uhh so I see, this is question to decipher what men truly desire. Is it kinship/collectivism or is selfishness/darwinism ? Is it free will, or just primordial instinct?
The people who choose the female denounce their humanity and would write laws that disregard human rights. To choose the dog it means that you have an understanding of what being human entails, and the cognitive ability that differentiate us from animals besides appearances, or deformities.
i do not pray for you. the weak deserve to be tossed away. its simply too late to turn back now...
>super intelligent dog
>retarded woman
Very hard choice user,
then give your obviously easy answer and some commentary on it or don't fucking waste everyones time with a nonreply, retard
retardanon has given up...i now enjoy supremacy in this thread. goodbye retardanon.
Dog with a mind of human.
I have a dog, called him human name and I talk to him very often and he seems to listen to me.
Feels better, man
later retardanon
Could a human with the brain of a dog even learn to talk? I always thought animal noises were equivalent to caveman grunts