>tfw no qt twink bf to fuck bareback after playing vidyas with
Tfw no qt twink bf to fuck bareback after playing vidyas with
where are you from user?
maybe I know one for you.
i'm not gay but i would make him my bf
You are gay user.
originally at least.
n-no! i just like cute things and i think he kinda looks like a cute androgynous girl!
It's fine that you like boys user.
Don't feel bad because of it. Just remember he has feelings too, don't hurt feminine boys.
i just googled him and he's actually trans, so does it really count? i mean, he's clearly trying to look like a girl, and makes for a prettier girl than most of the girls i've actually seen, so is it really gay if i find him attractive?
its at least a little bit gay user.
benis = gay.
Its alright if you like girls though.
well, it's not like it really matters what i am since i'll never get a cute girl/boy/trans to like me anyway
Why not? There are a shitton of them on r9k, just get one while they are hot.
i'm ugly and i live in south africa and i've literally been making threads both here and /soc/ asking if there's anyone in south africa and i never get any responses. i've tried asking girls out irl and its never successful. i've tried tinder and on the extrememly rare occassion that i get match, which is probably 1 a week AT MOST, they either never respond or ghost me after a few responses. i dont think i could find a meaningful relationship off frindr and even then, its full of scary old guys. i tried okcupid as well and never got any responses. so yeah, i don't think there's any hope for me user
I want to fuck him and leave on on my bed with his bp dripping my cum.
post more of him, originally of course
not op, but hi :3
i meant to say i've been making threads here and on /soc/ for years*
oof, I typed out a very long answer and lost it to connection error. Fuck.
Sry user, I hope you find some cute girl there.
I'm not a girl or a trap, so you wouldn't like me.
I want to rape a boy
Well, I mean, I'm in ops situation 'cept I don't live in africa fortunately
press the back button on your browser and you should get it back, but it's okay. thanks for being nice to me user! i hope you find someone cute who will love you and appreciate you!
sadly it didn't. My very long message was just deleted. I swear I put a lot of effort into it and I cant replicate it right now. aaaaaahhhhh
Where are you from?
Are you sure you are not just prison gay guys?
I advise you to just talk to girls in a casual environment, not hitting on them. One of them is bound to fall for you eventually.
A girl even fell for me and I'm obviously not interested in girls at all.
Wow, you are from RSA and you are a descendant of Dutch colonists?
That's insanely cool !
well fuck me, I'm retarded sorry. Ignore my post.
Where are you from? I might know a bf for you. lole
yeah maybe I should, I don't really get very many opportunities to speak to any people IRL though, especially girls.
I'm from the uk
only if he doesn't look like a girl (OP I'm looking at you)
You should then, going out is important!
But the UK is literally twink boy heaven. You should have no problem finding one there.
Maybe one day user... mayb one day
it's okay user, i appreciate all the effort you were going to put into it! you could try writing a shorter version if it was really important
i'm actually black user, and afrikaans girls are rarely that cute sadly. i've found the english girls are actually much nicer
You really need to do it!
I can try later maybe.
I really wish people would not fetishise my people.
Reeee originjj