Was Nirvana our guy?
Was Nirvana our guy?
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Absolutely fucking not. He would have hate incels. He was a cringy male feminist
He was a reclusive divided person who didn't seem to have a better time of reality as a result of his fame and 'success'. He was a heroin addict and died from a self inflicted gunshot wound. I'd say that's pretty fucking robotic.
>no. Seriously, wut?
Sure thing, Courtney
No. Basically what said.
>died from a self inflicted gunshot wound
No Courtney Love had him killed its pretty obvious
Agreed. As much as I love kurt tho he was a shitty liberal feminist
Has anyone cosidered that this man's death could have been completely accidentaly? hmmmm.......
Wouldn't mind having him produce some more of his 'music'.
>Was Nirvana our guy?
Because he knew the truth - that getting buttblasted about people's difference is just a boring and shitty way to spend your time. Most of the best human beings have transcended giving fucks about things that just impede the ability to connect. One would imagine that sweet heroin cloud would just further dissolve spending any attention cycles on division, anyway. Can't say I've tried the stuff although I did have IV morphine for a kidney stone once and woweee that's normie living, it's not being able to talk to people or whether you've had your dick wet, it's just optimism and warmth and positivity floating on a golden invincible cloud. Come to think of it, why would you want to kill yourself if you've just injected yourself with opiates?
At best he'd be a cyborg.
He was really succesful and depression doesn't make you a robot.
This. He was the furthest fucvking thing from a robot. Led Zeppelin was more of a robot than this douchebag
>Broomfield titled the finished documentary Kurt & Courtney, which was released on February 27, 1998. In the end, Broomfield felt he hadn't uncovered enough evidence to conclude the existence of a conspiracy. In a 1998 interview, he summed up his thoughts: "I think that he committed suicide. I don't think that there's a smoking gun. And I think there's only one way you can explain a lot of things around his death. Not that he was murdered, but that there was just a lack of caring for him. I just think that Courtney had moved on, and he was expendable.
Robot eh?
>Giant Robot
If you get assblasted by this quote you're a retard
>One of his personal journals states, "I am not gay, although I wish I were, just to piss off homophobes."
Why do liberals always feel a need to push their views onto everyone in every way possible? Never heard of a right wing, conservative artist say that you shouldnt listen to his music if you do not support what he support
Anyway, kurt was an attractive son of a bitch that constantly had girls begging for his dick, he was obviously also very social despite trying to paint the image of himself being le introverted outcast. Not a robot
>If you DON'T hate blacks, gays, and Mexicans, don't buy my album
Just doesn't have the same feel to it.
That quote has nothing to do with politics. It's a moral thing, not political. It's about anti-hate, not anti-right.
Stop making everything political.
Originolitia ignominia.
eh smelle like teen spirit and doesn't afraid of anything
He commited suicide so yes he is our guy
nirvana is a cool guy, eh shoots himself and doesn't afraid of anyone
He gave himself brain damage with his heroin use and that's why he killed himself.
Brain damage is a leading cause of suicide. You fuck up the part of your brain that enables you to feel pleasure, you're literally never gonna be happy again. Life over.
No. Fuck Nirvana and all the faggot teenagers who wear their shirts.
>push their views onto everyone
Are you even aware that most people are against racism, homphobia, etc
That's not a political view, you alt right loser
>never heard of a right wing conservative pushing views on people
Why isnt varg telling everyone that isnt white to stop listening to his music
>does drugs
>is a robot
No Dave grohl killed him , he's the one who really profited off his death and then he blamed Courtney to take the heat off himself
Layne was /ourguy/at the end.
Based rock god with the greatest voice in history. Decides to leave it all to become a neet who locked himself in his apartment playing vidya and shooting h until his body gave out
Corgan is the true robot
Cobain is the true robot hero.
Awkward pe-fame, a loser in HS and a virgin. Only when he was an adult when he found some success and even then he wasn't exactly mr. smooth. Staley, while good, isn't robot material until long into his fame, and even then he didn't an hero like a true robot like Cobain.
I love Layne but Cobain is the real robot.
>Became the biggest celebrity around but He was still sad :( sounds like a robot to me!
>self destructive tendencies and being a robot are mutually exclusive
That incorrect
If you read and watch enough content you'll understand that he was the byproduct of a largely fatherless and abusive household.
He was a victim of the 1970 divorce wave, and routinely rebelled against his "macho" father, even deliberately losing at a wrestling match if I recall correctly.
He was a robot, just not the Jow Forums racist kind. If he grew up as a millennial he probably would be though.
>drug addict
>hated his normie fans after he became famous
>hated being famous
>was feminist and pro-gays just to rustle people's jimmies
>based on 'School' he was probably bullied in high school
Even if you don't consider him a robot because of the fame, it's undeniable that pre-fame would've been a robot. He fucking hated normies. There's a song on every single Nirvana album that either mocks fans or says that Kurt doesn't feel like he belongs.
Absolutely true.
If Kurt hadn't an hero'd he'd be a twitter SJW
these days.
Guns n Roses forever.
If kurt was alive today hed probably make something similiar to eminems freestyle rap on trump and would tweet about how trump is racist and straight white men are the problem
A roastie drove him to suicide
What a cuck
>didnt livestream it
fucking faggot
>Abloobloobloo corporate music industry is raping my music
>*cashes million dollar check*
Fuck him and the hero worship he gets
He might have received more brain damage from his first suicide attempt.
First he tried pills, didn't work. Jumped straight to the fucking shotgun.