/r9gay/ - #438

bubble bath with a merman edition

Last thread:

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whoops, fixed the last thread:

Would you date this guy?


No, he look like the junkies on the street with their dog, asking for some money so they can buy crack

hi /r9gay/
how're you doing today?



good morning r9gay (it's morning for me)
I just got off work. How did your night go?

The grind for jobs begins anew

>tfw no bf
are we here......

...just to suffer?

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>tfw no bf to order what you wanted when you zone out and say the wrong thing and are too shy to speak up and correct it and then pretend he wanted the thing you accidentally ordered instead anyway so you can swap
Now I'm stuck with this lemon sorbet when I wanted the orange one

You shouldnt judge a book by its cover user, look at all those different fancy clothes he can afford, hes sponsored by vans and element (and many more) so thats big company money. And his bravery is inspiring, if he can do that, you should be able to lose a few hundred pounds, finally start an acne removal routine, work up the courage to start lifting weights and eating healthy, finally talk to that girl youve been eying


Why ask for people's opinion if you're just going to give some half assed self inspirational bullshit, the guy you like looks like shit with his grimy matted hair, deal with it.

How much cinnamon is too much on oatmeal, can there be too much?

just some friendly jestly bants bruvh

Great bait, i have to admit i almost fell for it,
But dreads still look like shit

anything more then 2 teaspoons and you might as well just go chew on a cinnamon stick

Seems to me that someone who has dreads is completely incompatible with a robot.

How about bubble bath with a toaster you fucking faggots

I know I just wanted to show that cool video and see if anyone thought skateboarding was interesting at all

>a hairstyle that requires minimum haircare effort mocked by normies for being tacky
>not robot

yeah matted hair is really nice!

you sound like the guy who refused to shower and then claimed it was part of being a true robot

I'm very disappointed in you, OP, you could've chosen a much better picture. You gotta chose something that makes everybody who looks at the OP really feel the >tfw no bf.
Your goal should be to make people suffer.

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>i have to get out of bed and face the world and the tfw no bf

m-maybe i'll find one today.

i don't even care if he's a normie anymore. i just want (some) companionship.

>all these threads do is remind me of him
Maybe I should stop coming here.

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>catfish people all the time
>guy is really cute and has a beautiful personality
>actually started falling for him
>tell him that I was some lowlife trash trying to bait him and that I'm sorry
>reacts positive and wants to keep talking because he really likes me as a person and in general felt more connected to guys
I feel this will end badly and he is reverse baiting me now. Time to get over it and jump ship before I get put on the spot.

>want to browse r9gay at school
>school blocks Jow Forums
>Jow Forums blocks vpn

wat do? are there any free vpn's that work with Jow Forums?

Take the chance user, the worst that happens is he tells you haha just kidding weirdo. Just don't do anything that would incriminate you, I doubt he'll impact anything particularly close to you if he's just reverse baiting you.

Pay attention at school, dummy.

why would you want to browse r9gay at school, not like anything is even happening right now

>Planned on killing myself today
>Get a call from my dad
>''Hey son, can you cook something for us tonight? Your cooking is always fantastic and mom is at work till 9pm anyway, I'll also buy some snacks when I get back from work, we can watch a movie or something later.''
>Realize how much pain my death would cause them
Guess I'll suffer for a little bit more. I can't do this to them right now. I wish I was more like my sister, everything would be better.

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well the rest of the board is interesting. and i like looking and posting the no bf feels

Make sure to give your dad a hug, user.

Do you realize now that people love you user? That makes your life have worth. So don't kill yourself.

I'm scared of any kind of physical contact so no, I'd love to give my mom and dad a hug, I wish I could.
>Do you realize now that people love you user?
The only people who care about me are my parents. And I'm still dead weight for them basically. Not like my sister, she is good at everything.
Even if more people loved me, I'd consider suicide. My problems lay elsewhere.

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>no dominant bf to wake me up with his cock
>no dom bf to collar me up
>no dom bf to lock me up in a cage while he teases me all day


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There there user, you'll find him one day. Who knows he might even be replying to your post right now

I'd dress you up in cute outfits, have you serve drinks when my buddies come over to play cards. You might get pushed around, made to sit in some laps as a good luck charm when someone has a hot hand.

Disgusting. Why is this place for sex fantasies. I want a pure and wholesome thread for once dammit.

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Comparing yourself to someone else isn't really that good of an idea, you're not dead weight seeing as you're capable of cooking so you're already providing something to them as a family despite it not being what you maybe had in mind. Like you said, your problems lay elsewhere but I just wanted you to potentially consider my 2 cents user

>no sub bf to wake up with my cock
>no sub bf to collar up
>no sub bf to lock up in a cage and tease all day


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I understand wanting to vent your desires this way and I do it too sometimes honestly, but I don't think that it's actually a good way to find what you're looking for. Especially long-distance, starting your relationship under the basis of shared fetishes is a bad idea. Personality always comes first. Get to know each other, then if you're compatible sexually that's just a nice bonus.

Anyway I have to go for a while, if you're still around in a couple hours maybe we'll talk subby user.

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If anyone is a good place to start getting over your fear of physical contact it's your own family
I mean, presuming they weren't at any point abusive but it doesn't sound like that
Anyway, try to give it a try?

you can't realistically expect Jow Forums of all places to be pure and wholesome, go to tumblr if you want a hugbox

Why ls lt so hard to find a bf that plays the same games as i do, i don't know how to really connect with someone without playing games,

That's an easy way to spend time with someone and just talk about anything.

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Anoooon, you can't just say that and not tell us what games those are!

>wanna play games
>never says what games
Every time, without fail.
That being said, I also have a hard time talking to someone without video games. They provide good topics and just the right amount of distraction.

>Find game you enjoy
>Find discord/guild/community involving GAME
>Talk to them and see who catches your eye

I will fix the post then,

Why ls lt so hard to find a EU bf that plays the same games as i do, i don't know how to really connect with someone without playing games,

That's an easy way to spend time with someone and just talk about anything.

I just want to play Rainbow6, FFXIV, League, i like any games i just want someone to play with me,

Tfw no osrs playing bf

Pk or skiller?

Bit of both, but recently I've been pking at revenants. How about you?

Ok, what about these lads?



>tfw no bf to listen to jazz with and to comfort me when I'm having a really hard time and will let me fall asleep on him while we cuddle and AAAHHHHH

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why are robot boys so dang adorable

Hello twin brother, I wish for the same thing.
Maybe someday user, someday.

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that sounds really neat actually..w-wait, I only have to sit on their laps right..?

I thought this was the place for >tfw no bf

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>Ywn live in a post apocalyptic world like Metro
>Ywn find a bf there who will be your life long partner
>Ywn get to explore the vast Metro and the outside world
>Ywn get to scavenge abandoned areas and make though decisions
I believe in an afterlife and I believe we can make anything we want a reality there. Can't wait to get enough courage to end my currents miserable life.

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>tfw no bf to build gunpla with

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Anyone else here has tinnitus? I fucking hate it so much, when I'm tired (like now) it's fucking deafening.

>tfw no bf for guitar jam session

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>tfw no bf to put in qt outfits and play eu4 with

My dad has it. He doesn't complain at all though. Stop whining now and grow up.

are you in europe? i just got the rg sinanju.

Suck my donkey dick, I'll complain as much as I want

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Yeah, southern Europe. is that kit fun? I'm deciding between that, the Mg Jesta and the Mg aile strike for my next one.


user! user! Play wanderwall!!

Sometimes I find it difficult to get hard to porn or get turned on. I have a feeling it's because I'm so terrified of human affection. Anyone else have the same issue?

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Ahem I only play grateful dead songs hehehe

Or you're just asexual? It's not weird, a lot of people are.

very nice, sing something plspls

>tfw bf to love and adore

>no bf to make autistic half-added game mods with
>no bf to write shitty science fiction with
>no bf to do drugs and pretend to contact aliens with
All I want is someone whimsical and a little delusional. ;_;

not an attention whore just thought it would be funny to strum my acoustic once ok stop asking for songs

>I have a feeling it's because I'm so terrified of human affection. Anyone else have the same issue?
Same here user, you ain't alone.


I used to think I was asexual for a long time but the truth is, there are times where I'm really sexually attracted to guys . Usually when my mental isn't so bad I guess. And I am genuinely terrified of intimacy so this is my new theory. Although I'm slightly concerned that I struggle so much.

Thanks user. It's nice to know I'm not alone in feeling that way. Just one of many things I'll need to fix before I even consider finding a boyfriend.

>I used to think I was asexual for a long time but the truth is, there are times where I'm really sexually attracted to guys . Usually when my mental isn't so bad I guess
>Just one of many things I'll need to fix before I even consider finding a boyfriend.
Okei user, this if freaky, you sound exactly like me.
>Inb4 user is also from Europe

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UK user here :) very much a complete mess ^.^

Hey, you, the user reading this!

I said no kissing before you cut your hair and shave :@


here's some emo

Psycho mantis?!?


What the fuck user, that's actually really good. I expected some shitfest but wow, your voice sounds amazing!

That's really good user, you should keep it.
You're really good


Thank you!
thank you!I dont think my voice was nice at the end though

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I want to hug all you gaybots and make your feels come true! Especially UK anons


>I only have to sit on their laps right?

It depends, you will do what you are asked to do. I'm sure you be a good boy and obey, right?

>user is capable of beauty and you're just some dumb shithead

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It sounds great from start to end. You should try singing some folk rock, I feel like your voice fits the genere perfectly.

I guess what you sang was really close to folk so this post is kind of pointless and dumb. I'm not a smart man.

Can I go first?

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Why don't you all take HRT?? It's much easier to find a bf when you're a girl owo

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Because I like beating my meat and if I take hert my dick will become basically useless.

Thank you,I do listen to a considerable amount of folk rock but i do prefer emo/indie more
Everyone's capable of beauty user!Including you!

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Iktfb. Time to drink and stave off the suicidal thoughts.