A daily reminder that if you're white and 6'+, the only thing holding you back is your severe autismo.
A daily reminder that if you're white and 6'+, the only thing holding you back is your severe autismo
>there are people still think height matters in 2018
lmao. short guys that can't get pussy blame it on their height. Tall guys that can't get pussy cope with it by posting "MUH HEIGHT" threads.Pathetic creatures...
It matters.
"I like short guys" said no woman ever (at least genuinly)
Let me just call the exclusive number only 6'+ can call and ask them to send me a key so I can tap into this endless dimension of confidence so I automatically become confident out of thin air..
No, height is irrelevant when the bullies made sure you would never have a shred of self esteem in you.
Everybody has worth. I'm 6'5 and still growing, doesn't mean shit. I dont look down on people because of height. Also being tall has its own issues. Every doorway becomes a dangerous trap.
Sure, but my point is that guys at literally any height can get laid. You don't have to be over 6 feet to be drowning in pussy. But idiots obsessed with height will preach that garbage endlessly
If you're rich, yeah. I guess money can help. You can get pussy, you can't get love though. There is love only when there is attraction on a biological level, but who needs that fag shit anyway xD
Nah you don't have to be rich, that's another bullshit idea. Sure it would help but I have known plenty of little dudes that have been banging hot as fuck girls. Face and personality
I have everything I would need to be a chad and I still fail
>green eyes
>good jawline
>big dick
The only time I've been around women it's gone absolutely fucking terrible, and I know they like me and I just can't make a move.
Good, I hope you knock yourself retarded.
you wanna tell us a story user?
>have a friend who's 6'4"
>he wants to be a trap
It really do be like that sometimes
Can confirm.
I'm 5ft6. Never thought my height was any kind of disadvantage and never had any complaints. Never had issues with women. Always had chick friends and the longest I've been single is.about a month. I'm married now so I'm out of the dating game though
Fine. Here we go.
>dragged to a party by some normalfag roommate of mine
>trying to get me pussy or something
>enter party
>all these women start staring at me, some come up and want to talk
>incredibly uncomfortable
>speak like a stuttering downie
>quaking in my boots
>literally pull a "y-you too" on one of them.
>eventually they all get bored with me and walk away
>go sit on this couch for the next few hours
>roommate comes over
>says something about "x wants you to go up stairs"
>helps me up from the couch
>motivation speech and shit
>it's game time
>follow this blonde upstairs
>go into this bedroom
>trying to control myself from sperging out
you need to kill yourself
>she locks the door and goes to lie on the bed
>"come here user"
>suddenly feel like throwing up and shitting myself at the exact same time
>brain goes into complete override
>gotta escape
>"um...are you ok"
>go over to one of the windows and clumsily open it
>takes me a solid two minutes
>all the time she's asking me what's wrong and what I'm doing
>ignore her, flight mode has kicked in
>go to the wall opposite from the window
>full on charge and dive through the window
>hit the ground, blacked out for a while
>wake up on the lawn to all these people around me
>ungodly pain in my right arm
>dudebro in the front asks me whether I'm alright
>roommate pushes through the crowd
>helps me up, drives me to the hospital
>dislocated my shoulder, boxer's fracture
>doctor laughs at me when I tell him what happened
I fucking hate myself
>has all the tools to be superchad
>still is the biggest sperg on r9k
fuck you cunt. why dont u just go on tinder BTW?
You should look into benzodiazepines, the longer acting ones like klonopin might help you overcome your social retardation. Just remember user you can't really talk yourself into pussy if they aren't interested, but you can talk yourself out of it. Just be fucking disinterested, aloof, stoic, you can get laid just being a frosty motherfucker; it's a real turn on for girls makes you seem mysterious as fuck. Then once you've captured their interest just give them some generic shit like, "wanna get out of here?" You'll be fine
>girl tries to offer you sex
>dive out a window
I think its just going to go the same exact way
Thanks, ill see if theyre any good
>if you're white and 6+ the only thing holding you back is this thing you can't fix
Oh wait, you probably think autism is just a meme and that people don't have real, diagnosed autism/aspergers.
>tfw metric pleb and I just found out I'm 1 inch taller than I previously thought
I'd be a giant near burger goblinos, too bad everyone is a lanky fuck here in europoorland