>if only you knew how bad things are
The guy is a cuck. They often visited swingerparties from 1980 to this day.
Who's faggot is it anyway?
(originally and unironically)
>Welcome to Colin Mochries life where the genders are made up and biology doesn't matter
>spent 25+ years growing a vegetable
>has to change his belief system to accommodate it
he pretended for far too long during his career, it became real life. some might say who cares. think, if i visited to you and said
>will you take this deal? put down 1million dollars over 25 years to raise an innate dysfunctional flesh bag
>be famous
>son comes out as trans
>either accept it fully or commit career suicide
Remember when we got these people help instead of indulging their delusions?
you can tell it's a woman because lipstick!! you go gurl!!
Wait, you mean Colin Mochrie isn't gay?
Some people continue to uphold their delusions about the world and their situation because the truth would destroy them. Do. Them. In.
Thats why you see shit like this
why is the daughter not on the picture
Adding filler to your posts to evade the robot9000 filter is against the rules, nigger
I think this picture is precious and everyone looks happy and i'm happy they are accepting of their daughter and its giving me warm feelies
>get help
>psychiatrist prescribes hormone and gives advice on how to transition
That's what happens when you "get help". It doesn't matter if you classify gender dysphoria as a mental illness or not, the only cure is transitioning either way.
is just me or does the child look most distraught
realest response ITT desu
Look at the old mans eyes, he wants to neck himself
It's easier than admiting they were bad parents.
Are traps just the new pic related?
Top kek man top fucking kek
>not arbitrary
why don't men wear dresses and why didn't women wear pants suit until they did?
>women never regularly wore pants in any culture until the west in the early 20th century
Exactly the fact that different cultures had women doing different things while claiming all were "women" proves it's arbitrary. You don't have females with or without vaginas in different cultures because sex isn't arbitrary.
I love how the mother manages to conceal the same face in the two pics. That frown must be forever installed in her demeanor i guess.
literally what?
i was saying women didnt just start wearing pants in the early 20th century, it has been happening for ages before that.
what are you trying to say?
It looks like his father was diddling him.
God you guys are fucking stupid.
Your own example of what women wear changing over time disproves that gender is a concrete objective thing. If you extrapolate that out to different cultures having different ideas of what women should do or wear, you can(actually you must) conclude that gender is more socially based than biology based.
>what women wear
>disproves that gender is a concrete
wait are you saying that women shouldn't be allowed to wear pants? are you saying that if a woman wears pants, she's no longer a woman?
Gender refers to whether something is male or female and so is a concept that is inextricable from sex. If you need help, look at languages like French or Spanish. The expression of any trait may vary with environment over time, but it doesnt change the reality that a person is either male or female. This quality is immutable for the entirety of their lives. Your definition of gender being the same as gender roles in X time period can be discarded because it is inaccurate. Gender roles will exist in general suites of characteristics that change with the environment, but can ultimately be described as having a methodology which facilitates that sexs reproductive strategy in opposition to the other sex.
Third genders did exist in brief periods. Mostly femboys being used by men. Turkey is an example. But it was always a small group, and they didnt actully think they were women, they just cosplayied as it, and didnt take hormones or demand bathrooms
>clothing determines gender
not the brightest are ya?
Are you sure? They do local church fundraisers
God you are stupid.
I hope he #metoos his father. That would make the feminists mad and trans people mad. It would be great
Going in my suicide pool in 5 years
If you gonna be trans atleast look attractive please.
>implying christians aren't the biggest cucks of all
Joseph got literally cucked and had to raise his wife's son.
Trans arent real men, but I dont consider them real women either.
This, always thought he had a boner for Ryan
I approve of your post
did you approve yesterdays version of that post too
>Don't mock my son
The man from these images has a girlfriend and you don't.
What are you talking about? Most that post here have gfs or are married