>anxiety and depression consuming me
>want to find a way out
Is it worth trying the devils lettuce?
Anxiety and depression consuming me
Only with good company
Alone and you will probably get emotional while high and regret you smoked pot. You need someone to listen and tell your thoughts to.
only if you have a job and a direction in life OR you have absolutely no hope left. If your life is not progressing but there's still hope, smoking weed can make your situation in life worse. It quickly becomes a daily habit because you can do stuff while high.
Weed is fun as shit but only if you are with friends.
Also it's important that you don'do it to much and if you find yourself being more lazy because of it then maybe it is not for you.
It should help calm down anxiety and stuff but do it in a place where you feel comfortable because you do not want to get paranoid.
Weed won't cure your depression, but it will help with anxiety. Just make sure your with friends the first time you smoke. Also if you're like me and struggle to reach out to friends, know that they won't be bothered if you ask to smoke with them, in fact they'll be thrilled (if they are in fact stoners).
>It should help calm down anxiety
It can also wind up exacerbating the anxiety provlem
If you're in the wrong environment then yeah.
Not just wrong environment, in a certain percentage of the population it just winds up making their anxiety go through the roof.
I much prefer a alchohol high.
i dont even have anxiety issues and i had a anxiety attack last month because i smoke too much in one hit
To combat the laziness I recommend doing everything you need/want to do that day first, then smoking. Otherwise you'll accomplish nothing and feel bad about getting high.
From my experience smoking was more fun during the school year because it felt like I earned it whenever I smoked, but during the summer I just did it to do it and it made me miserable when I didn't do anything else that day.
Don't listen to all these pussies. Grab some bud and watch some cartoons
Smoking alone while studying in a cold night is the best
Aka my entire college career
Lmaoing at all these faggots, "wah wahh weed alone makes u sad : ("
Smoke 3 grams a day alone. You will find a way out in the end in either the form of suicide or a realisation that I cannot yet reveal to you.
weed has potential to fuck your life over if you don't have a direction in life. This is not a certainty, but it sure as hell is probable if you don't have a proper support system or direction in life. Weed doesn't cause sadness directly, but it might lead your life in a place where it is not tolerable without being high all the time
Nah weed makes me more of an anxious nervous neurotic over-thinking mess
Phenibut helps for anti-anxiety effects
Harder stuff like MDMA also completely frees me from any anxiety
CBD decreases anxiety and is a proven anti-psychotic. It has promising medical benefits but if you buy weed illegaly, you can never be sure what you get. If you live in a state where weed is legal, you can get the proper strain that can actually help you. There are also cbd extracts in pill form that have helped a lot of people with anxiety.
Don't listen to these guys, different people like to do different shit when they get high. My favorite thing to do on this miserable fucking planet is to sit(alone) in my room and play vidya/listen to music/watch anime with my best friend marijuana. Smoking alone is great because it lasts longer, you don't have to deal with any social anxiety, and you get to do whatever you want without people judging you. Smoking with friends is great too but imo you can't beat it when you have a nice bowl of weed all to yourself and a bunch of free time. As for the cure for depression and anxiety, it can work wonders if you enjoy the feeling of it(for me it's probably my favorite drug). For a while when i was really depressed it was my only reason for not an heroing. Instantly puts me in a good mood usually, and after 4 years of smoking all the time i can't even remember a "bad trip" just occasional anxiety about getting caught with it . Others hate the feeling of being high though and get paranoid. The only problem is when you use it to self medicate like i did it can be pretty addicting and can sort of fuck up your brains dopamine reward system if you smoke constantly. I think anyone with extreme depression or anxiety should give it a try, it's not the most healthy method for treating it but it works fucking great when you don't run out of money and it's probably not much worse than (((SSRIs)))
So from what I get, as long I have a secure future; buying weed won't fuck up me financially; and I'm somewhat mentally stable, I can consume the silly green?
Probably, as long as you are in a comfortable mindset and place and you don't have any plans for the next couple hours when you consume it you should (theoretically) be a-okay.
yes, but also try lsd, shrooms, and xanax. not together tho lol
smoke the weed every day
>s-smoke wit friends
smoking alone all day is much nicer and you'll smoke more as well
>Anxiety and depression
>Smoking weed
No. It will be like being anxious and depressed only while also being mildly retarded. It's fun very occasionally but not a good substance for relieving depression. You need motivation with depression so take stimulants or something or if psychologically stable psycadellics. That's my personal experience anyway