Are you antisemitic?
Are you antisemitic?
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Yes. Because I know a jew girl that was partners with my woman. Their business got fucked because the jew girl didn't want to work properly. She is already rich.
No because I am jewish
To some degree. I take it on a case by case basis but I have latent racial prejudices which I more often than not find justified. I don't buy into Jow Forums-fag nonsense nor do I buy into Nazism of any kind.
No, but I do dislike how there's monopoly on healthcare in America.
$100 for glasses even with insurance?! And even if you buy insurance not every hospital accepts that brand of insurance?
What are you hoping to accomplish with this?
Good question, yeah OP what were you trying to accomplish here?
Only ironically xD
Did you guys ever find out??
I'm antizionist and American, so yeah. Literally Hitler.
With the Jews you always lose.
I dunno if OP saw this post yet
Nope, I fixate and idolize someone who's Jewish, even casual antisemitism makes me freak out and reminds me of my idol,
give me one good reason to not be
No, I started to get influenced by Jow Forums for a little bit, but then I decided to look inside myself and see what my actual opinions are. Turns out I don't give a fuck, and just parroted their shit for a little awhile because I lack purpose and was trying to gain one by latching onto their crap. Yeah still a little right leaning but I don't really buy into Jow Forums anymore. They're just as retarded as the Left Tumblrites who make up genders.
>I'm a nihilist, so people who care about important things are wrong
ok retard
No. HL Mencken said that an anti-Semite was someone who hated Jews more than he needed to.
no, because i am Polish.
When did I say I was a nihilist? Are you mentally handicapped? Not giving a shit about race politics doesn't make you a nihilist.
I've met one jew in my entire life. So yeah.
I support Israel but at the same time, I think Jews need to be called out for all the shitty things they've done. Jews are not different from any group of people, there's good and bad, but when you mention the bad they say "OY VEY THIS GUY'S A NAZI!" Same thing applies with blacks, Muslims, women, or any group considered "oppressed" - criticize them and you're some kind of bigot.
>I support Israel
what the fuck
Chill out with the evil, satan
Yes, I think Israel should be bombed off the map.
If I met a Jewish dude I meshed with on a personal level, I would probably be his friend.
Nah. If I happen to hate a Jewish person, it's nothing to do with the fact they're Jewish, it's down to personality or whatever.
Every single last one of them needs to be exterminated. It's the only way to be sure.
"Antisemitism" is a spook. Because racism is a product of institutional privilege + prejudice + discrimination. Combined with the fact that, in the United States at least, there is no demographic more privileged than Jews, it is logically impossible for us inferior goyim to be racist against Y*hweh's Chosen.
If anyone has any doubts regarding the kike's evil, please just watch this.
Disclaimer: this redpill will destroy your brain and worldview and you will be chained to an eternal war against the kike.