Holy FUCK i wanna masturbate

holy FUCK i wanna masturbate . . . . . . . .

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then do it

i can't i'm sorta on nofap


i'm a bit of a slob (ok not bit but like a total slob) and i hate smelling like stale jizz activated by the heat

eat it

no it tastes wierd


like idk i took a dab of it from my belly one time and licked a teeny tiny bit of it. tastes like the ocean in goo form if that makes sense


Its salty and it smells like chlorine.

yeah almost like the same level of salt as the ocean, but i really can't remember at this point cuz i didn't swallow a spoonful of my own cum, that's gay lol

makes me wonder why girls even like facials

You need to eat more fruits particularly pineapples.

pineapples are literally acidic though, you can feel your tongue melt with each bite

Idk maybe you just have a weak tongue

never looked at it that way

still, i wouldn't risk it. i'll stick with apples and bananananananananananas

cum on pineapple before eating

will you be my taste tester cuz i ain't eating that shit lol

smart pajeet

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might do it

Idk man it might get crusty after he ships it across the world

all the better ;D
