I just found out after getting a buzzcut that im starting to bald at the age of 25

i just found out after getting a buzzcut that im starting to bald at the age of 25
should i just kill myself?

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is this picture you? you seem pretty hot desu

if thats you you look really good
the tan helps a lot desu, nice eyebrows

Why do bald nibbas bitch so much? It's not a big deal AT ALL. I have seen tons of bald and I mean 100% bald (not shaved) guys picking up the 9/10, 10/10 stacies.

On Jow Forums people will pick some trait, pretend that it's the key to attracting women, and then complain all day long that they can't get women because they lack that one trait.

well actually my gf doesnt mind that im balding. i do however. i like having hair. i shaved bald once and i looked like a fucking freak

attracting is easy, keeping them you need the goods

Why would you wanna keep them, after you fucked them?

Get pic related.
It's only $5

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lol these things are a scam

have a gf? why else?

How do you know?
I've heard good things about Minoxidil

yes. balding guys will never get a laid. your life is literally over now.

From what I know finasteride works but it has severe side effects such as impotency.

yeah it destroys your penis, not recommended

shit white male genetics you go bald and get erectile dysfunction by 20

I hope you learned your lesson. Don't cut your hair short.

You know anything about rogaine? I was going to look into that once I am done recovering from this surgery.

works great, no complaints there except maybe itchiness if applied incorrectly. bad part? messes with your heart rhythm so it isn't a long term solution.

forgot to say. when you stop using it, the hair it created falls out.

>hair-growing products fuck up your dick and hearth

Try balding at age 19. Get used to sporting a buzzcut till you save up enough for a transplant i guess.

No eu shipping.

Fucking JEWS

Really? I've been taking finastride for about 4 months now and haven't noticed any decrease in my testosterone levels or erection quality. Finastride is really a gamble dude, some people get claim to get dick killing side effects and some dont.

Try 17 dude, I'm almost 20 now and my hair looks like an exact replica of OP's. It's not fucking fair.

>see another hairline thread
>automatically touch hairline
>"still not balding, good"

>tfw your dad is bald
How long do I have left?
21y eastern European.
My hair is in place.

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it did worse to me, somehow it fucked my entire body up. zero energy. didnt grow hair anywhere, no armpit hair. the bonus side effect is i stopped ageing without testosterone. at 25 people still asked for my id card with serious looks.

nigga just put rogain on your head. it works.
[but you'll have to do it for the rest of your life if you want to keep the hair]
I used it for years, successfully, until i finally just said fuck it i'm gonna give up on my looks.

100% bald with Hippocratic rims probably aren't too hot on the market
Norwood 3 is the best place to stop imo

Are you literally me? That's my hair man, disappearing at the sides and thinning all over.
I'm trying a derma roller right now, no results yet.

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your hair isnt determined by your dad but by your mums dad

disregard females, acquire currency and knowledge

I was balding at 15, you'll live
progression is relatively slow for a lot of people

the thing about going bald is everyone feels the need to mention it to you as if you arent already freaking out about it. i was going bald out of highschool and it was non stop hey man your balding....did the hat thing normie friends found it hysterical to flip it off. im not embarrased anymore but you underestimate how far normies go with dumb shit.

>lol these things are a scam
such a scam that they are selling the only 2 clinically proven ways to treat baldness......
gas yourself.

Ive been on fina for about a month or 2 and it seems to be working great, looks like its starting to come back already. dick works fine too. Apparently im lucky though

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I wouldn't mind balding if I didn't have an ugly face already. I'll be beyond saving when I shave my head

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try balding at 11, i have a skin eczema condition since 11 and my skin itches and i had hair dandruff like a hobo, i got bullied in school for that, now im 19 and my hair looks like OP's