Why do your views on topics you don't understand go straight to hate?
Why do your views on topics you don't understand go straight to hate?
Because new things are tricks from the devil to keep you from God.
>Why do your views on topics you don't understand go straight to hate?
We understand it just fine. You're mentally ill.
>t. proud gluttonous sinner
>why are humans acting like humans
Literally everyone does this for some group or another
ngl i think non binary is stupid but I agree with this comic
the thing is they're forgetting that non binary pppl are usually all up in your face about it BC they think it makes them special so that's why ppl hate them
We understand it you're just stupid
Honestly I don't, but other people can be different. It depends on if the person tries to use it as a card for me. I've had people get super offended at shit like not holding the door for them because they're "technically a woman?" like bitch I just want to walk inside Wendy's and you were a good five seconds of walking away from me at the time.
i know it is selfish, i would prefer a world that only caters to my shit. when I watch a movie or play a game, I want full dopamine exposure on my shit. i dont want to see your shit. all those weirdos should be gassed, they are going to live unfulfilled lives anyway, even after trump they won't get what they want.
Why do you assume that because someone hates something, they don't understand it? Could be they understand just fine, and that gives them all the more reason to hate.
easy there namefag
>like bitch I just want to walk inside Wendy's and you were a good five seconds of walking away from me at the time.
/thread lmaoo
Seriously! Just because I took them on a date there doesn't mean I have to hold the door if their ass is slow at walking. Pisses me off.
Because they have never existed in the entirety of human history and therefore made up?
I actually didnt mind them at first but spamming their shit all over the board gives a pretty good reason to hate them
Ok, if you understand it then what makes enbies, and I assume you throw in trans folk as well, mentally ill?
Shouldn't be too hard to explain.
Usually hate stems from a lack of understanding, this is why groups that are barred off from the world for extended periods of time usually form very hateful nationalistic esque views
You can work to change that by learning
I don't think that's normal, bro. Talk to a shrink or something.
If you don't mind them why does it bother you to see them on your board?
It seems like you mind them quite a bit.
Neither did most things we use today bar the past couple decades.
You tell em cutie fuck gender roles hold the door for me bitch
Are you comparing technology with human nature? Stupid argument. One is bounded by evolution and not subjected to change while the other is.
Threatening other people for not using the correct speech that they preffer is going against freedom of speech and a totalitarian measure
>Loaded question
"Don't understand" nice fallacy faggot prove me it isn't a mental illness or a disorder
I'm NB and I never bring it up anywhere but online
My partner would be too confused by it, same with my friends. Some of which would either take it too seriously or give me shit for it.
So I just sit at home wishing I were more androgynous, not hurting anybody. Don't understand the fear really. Albeit trannies that chop their dicks off are hurting themselves.
Wow a tripfag that finally said something worthwhile
A lot of people don't want to admit they've been wrong. With more information coming in to make them realize the people they've abused and hated don't deserve it at all, it seems that a lot of people lash out even harder, because they have to be perfect and justified in every bad thing they do. Most people aren't even interested in listening to somoene's calm explanation of why they feel good about their loli love, and if they try to and make good points, the other person will just shriek and double down on being a cunt about it.
Anything that challenges social norms is scary to normies, because their whole deal is living to avoid alienation and criticism for not only having socially acceptable thoughts. If things turn so that their bullshit becomes obsolete and they're on the losing side, that makes them panic.
oh and also a lot of idiots on Jow Forums hate trans people and traps simply because of a falseflag spam "HAPPENING" orchestrated by Jow Forums to kill some boredom. They're that easily manipulated, that a few faggots can spam something they don't like, and pit most of the board against that thing forever.
If something is bounded by evolution it is destined to change. That's the point of evolution. Though it's not really relevant here.
Your view of Western gender roles is the thing that hasn't existed for all of human history, many other cultures had different ways of viewing the topic, we just got the binary one.
Also discovering/inventing new technologies is essentially the same as making a theoretical breakthrough in a field of study. Both are introducing new concepts to a world that lacks them.
We as Americans have been improving our view of psychology for decades, and will hopefully continue to discover more.
Correct me if I'm wrong but totalitarianism requires complete subservience, asking someone to use a different word to refer to you is far from that.
Do consider bans on hate speech totalitarian?
Well generally the burden of proof is on the aggressor but sure.
First Google search of each term, over 110 references between the two pages, including many directly from the DSMV
Suggesting that subscribing to a non-binary gender system is a mental illness is going against general scientific consensus and puts you on the same level as flat Eathers.
You should try to educate your partner and friends, it's pretty awesome to have supportive friends, and it's not to hard to teach people.
Bans on hate speech are absolutly totalitarian, speech should in no way be regulated by a government and to impose laws that go after people who don't use the pronouns that they decide to change on a daily basis is barbaric
How are made up genders an evolutionary benefit? Gender roles are heavily correlated by sex, there's no escape to it. No. It's just western civilization that have binary gender roles but also the entirety of the animal kingdom.
The rest of what you wrote is irrelevant.
>Implying that a wikipedia page that can be edited by anyone and doesn't show any data besides references is a scientific consensus
You are aware that wikipedia pages contain errors right user? It might've gotten you good boy points in highschool copying straight from it but they barely show any of the spectrum of opinions on a given subject, only the stuff that helps to build upon their view of the subject
Just because something is bound to change doesn't mean it's for the better you tard
I literally grabbed the first Google search as you're incapable of doing your own research, if you have something better, provide it.
Also the view that wikipedia isn't a valid source is a pretty bad one, maybe your teacher told you this in high school but, have you ever tried to edit wikipedia?
Any change you make without a source is instantly deleted, and you are ip banned from changing posts in the future.
And again if you could read an entire post before losing concentration
>over 110 references between the two pages, including many directly from the DSMV
go to those references if you want, but you'll just find more explained versions of what's on the wiki page.
Evolution is usually a positive thing, but again I said this is irrelevant here as human society has basically removed the need for us to further evolve as organisms.
The topic has nothing to do with evolution.
Speech that serves no purpose other than to degrade others is nothing but harmful to society. The free marketplace of ideas doesn't work in practice, so we have to do something to stop those who bring only negatives to the world.
This however is probably not what you are arguing. It sounds like you have a problem with protected class laws like bill C-19, am I correct in that assumption?
Also usually people's pronouns don't change on a daily basis, and if you're ever unsure there are plenty of other ways you could refer to them, such as
Their name
Literally anything other than what they ask you specifically not to use.
You think they're made up because the way you've been conditioned to believe in this binary system your whole life.
Gender roles are heavily correlated by sex, in those people who's gender identity lines up with their birth sex.
What about naturally androgynous people, tomboys, effeminate men, people with Klinefelter or Turner syndrome, etc are they just not humans in your eyes?
Also we're humans, it's not exactly seen as a good thing to make comparisons between us and animals. It's usually how racists justify their beliefs, and you wouldn't want that would you?
@everyone who leaves after reading one reply and realizing that they actually do know nothing
That's a low quality bait. There are tons of tranny chasers on this board.
We understand that you're fetishists and probably pretty disturbed. We also understand that you're trying to push that it's entirely genetic when it's not and are using that concept as a vehicle to push it onto children which is disgusting and fucked.
>You think they're made up because the way you've been conditioned to believe in this binary system your whole life.
When has there ever been something else in the history of humanity?
>Gender roles are heavily correlated by sex, in those people who's gender identity lines up with their birth sex. What about naturally androgynous people, tomboys, effeminate men, people with Klinefelter or Turner syndrome, etc are they just not humans in your eyes?
It's because there are some people acting like the opposite sex that suddenly there are more than 2 genders. These groups have always existed and identified with their biological sex.
>Also we're humans, it's not exactly seen as a good thing to make comparisons between us and animals. It's usually how racists justify their beliefs, and you wouldn't want that would you?
Yes, I would love that. Even if that's how the scum of the earth justify their arguments, it still doesn't make it false. HUMANS ARE ANIMALS, MORON!
This is kind of vague, I feel like this is bait for us to fill in the blanks.
Some things are inherently wrong, like data mining people who aren't your friends, doxxing people, and sharing people's intimate info without their consent, someone on here offered me as easy sex to Jow Forums, I hated it since I'm obviously a human being who has their own self agency, he implied that I'm only good for sex.
I use to not understand LGBT people, but then I grew up and understood they're just people like anyone else, just attracted to the same gender or have problems with their birth gender
>When has there ever been something else in the history of humanity?
Many non western cultures, just because you don't know about them doesn't mean they don't exist.
>It's because there are some people acting like the opposite sex that suddenly there are more than 2 genders. These groups have always existed and identified with their biological sex
Trans/NB people's genders don't just "change" when they come out, they have always been their desired gender on the inside, just not allowed to express it due to the societal impacts.
>Yes, I would love that. Even if that's how the scum of the earth justify their arguments, it still doesn't make it false. HUMANS ARE ANIMALS, MORON!
Good! Humans are animals, now let's get out of the fucking 2nd grade. Humans have been intellectually superior to other animals for millions of years. We should take pride in not being comparable to fucking animals.
well you see i think i'm smart and what that mostly means is i first react to everyone else who thinks they're smart by just calling them retarded.
>be a faggot
>have a faggot board called /lgbt/ to post faggot stuff
>post faggot stuff everywhere else and complain people don't like faggots
>...but then I grew up and understood they're just people like anyone else, just attracted to the same gender or have problems with their birth gender
If only anyone else would get it like you
Well then why don't we try to prove who's smarter ;)
/lgbt is toxic as fuck. You just need to realize that segregation never works, because people don't function like you think they do.
what is this a gay allies meeting in 2002? nobody hates you for being gay but a few corners of this one website because you spam porn.
>Nobody hates you for being gay, they just hate you for being gay in front of them
so... you hate them being gay?
Ah, I see you're actually a serious tumblrina
Did you ever find your parents books on how to deal with an autistic child? I couldn't imagine what that'd feel like desu