Why does all great art come from Europe? Whether it be musical, visual, dance, or theatre?

Why does all great art come from Europe? Whether it be musical, visual, dance, or theatre?

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Whites are the original man. Their homeworld is Mars. They have a different circadian rhythym than non whites, non whites are chimaeras between Whites and apes.

Their art and culture is ancient and predates Earth societies.

stupid namefag

Islamic art is great too

if youre fortunate enough to have RH negative blood, you can say that you dont have mixed ape ancestry like most modern humans do.

there are many RH positive caucasians, as the Martians mixed with earth apes. Why they did i couldnt tell you, maybe they couldnt adapt to earth's gravity.

I said great art, not primitive scribblings.

Are you mentally retarded or some shit

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That was built by enslaved European architects you monkey.

Prove? Stop lying

Why do all good values come from the west? Whether it be LGBT, child-trannies, bestiality parades in broad day light, etc

for most of human history whites were barbarians in mud huts. all they have is stolen shit

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Because the West is the only relevant part of the world so Jews have focused all their attention on subduing it, as it's the only threat to their plan.

fuck your muh yurpoo shit this is a muslim thread now manchild

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kek that looks like a cartoon made by a 3yo
please stay out of art, you're embarrassing yourself, mud

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Whatever people say about whites, they'll never be as creative as us.

post the gay buttsex muslim circle

what a waste of tasty bacon

What is it with muslims and raping their little boys? What the fuck is their problem lol?

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Romans are white you retard

What are you exactly tring to achieve here? Were in this rabbithole together.

>M-Mediterraneans are a-anglo


fuck off negro go back to Jow Forums and bitch about black people

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Jazz, the best form of music, came from blues/ragtime (with some classical influence, of course), which means it came from American blacks

why not african blacks????

>pic related, the best thing mudslimes could create
hahahahah oh god nononono

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kek why is it that every time a mudslime claims to have made something good, it turns out a white dude did it


The Warhammer series is based on truth?

I never said anything about Anglos

They influenced it of course

Keep whining incel
>white guy
No LITERAL fucking proof are you retarded or some shit?

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okay. Mars isnt the original homeworld its the previous world before earth. im sure the homeworld is pretty cool.

What is that garbage? The perspectives are all fucked up and it looks like someone ate a bunch of crayons then shat them out on a piece of paper and smudged them around a bit. That's what passes for art according to mudslimes? Wtf.

no they didnt. they were throwing rocks and sharpened sticks.

Stop trolling and prove to me all muslim art is made by europeans.

Whatever you say based revisionist bro

its not bad, very grounded perspective. definitely a white ancestry muslim drew this.

Obviously not all of it, like the trash paintings posted here, but all good architecture in muslim lands is definitely made by Europeans.

>subhumans unironically think they could produce something like this
Not if you had 500000 years.

Your just pulling shit out of your asscrack and say its true without any evidence to back it up

>Your just pulling shit out of your asscrack
No, that's what muslim mothers do when their sons are born.

You think the meds were white though, still stupid. Also, are you saying anglos aren't white?

fucking kek

Babies come from the vagina retard

Not the brown smelly mudslime kind.

oh? thats a very long time. most of us are too busy working to concern ourselves with artistic pursuits.

>he doesn't even check what's in the link
peak retard

Your talking about yourself now you piece of shit

except other continents have just as great things you dumb eurocentric underage retarded amerimutt

Whatever you say, Jow Forumscuck

Those paintings aren't even that impressive. I mean they're very good and better than I could ever hope to achieve but I do remember kids in my class who could paint similarly.

>except other continents have just as great things

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i did. nice music and art. didnt watch it for more than a few seconds. it was very "milque toast". humans and subhumans have different tastes.

Fuck you Jow Forumsfag. Go back to your containment board and whine about muh huwhite race

The music, you fucking retard.

They do. Asian art is pretty good

edvard grieg was a fuckin white norwegian you goddamn piece of shit retard namefag

i wasnt disputing he wasnt white, i was saying the music is nice but not to my tastes. and 500,000 years to make music and art similar to that, or surpass it, to which i said that is a very long time.

had i the free time and finances, i could probably make something good.

you must be one of those RH positive whites, judging your chimp out and poor analytical ability.

OP you forgot to mention literature, where there is really no comparison whatsoever

What are meds if not white? Are they their own thing? Retard

It doesn't. If you disagree then you just have poor/limited taste or haven't experienced much.

>hurr le huwhitey race is one culture n sheet oog boog muh accomplsihments

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What is classical music

Kudos OP, you managed to trigger all the tranny roleplayers and expose them as (probably) unemployed leftists paid close to nothing to come here and shill.

They are not allowed not to freak out about anything positive said about the huwhite man.

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And they don't know how to fucking sage either. Shows just how newfag they are

I just appreciate other art as well. Didn't even mention wypeepo.

>I just appreciate other art as well.
You need to stop that.

what i meant with that post is that amerimutts are dumb and retarded and most of them dont even know history or anything

Chinks and Japs had some good shit. But European art is by far the best. I mean look at the cave paintings we did back in the day. Always been ahead of our time.

>s-stop liking things i don't like

well not really mate
you burgers make the best music (at least rock, all the others not including some electronical stuff and metal are garbage to me)