Type "social anxiety" into youtube

>type "social anxiety" into youtube
>type "I have no friends" into youtube
>All the results are attractive women complaining

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it do be like that sometimes

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being attractive doesnt mean you will have fufillling, meaningful relationships. it just means dudes will be nice to you to try to fuck you

>it just means dudes will be nice to you to try to fuck you
Imagine if the roles were reversed.
Where women befriended men trying to get men to fuck them.
It would solve everything.

All the anxious, friendless men boost those up to the top results because they're that thirsty.

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to be fair, women never have friends.
All female-female friendships are fake. Women are conniving twats who will fuck each other over the first chance they get. There is so much fucking talk behind her back, smiling and hanging out one moment, calling her a whore the next, trying to steal each others boyfriends, etc, etc.
male-female friendships are pretty much always fake as well, because one of them only wants the other one for sex.

females can be ro-

t. toastie roastie
roasties gtfo

Stop it guys women ahve it hard they bleed every month. Imagine if your ass was leaking blood every month for a week and you would need to wear a FUCKING pad and walk with your crusty blood all day long. Being a man is based, you can walk anywhere you want day or night without any problem.

My balls chafe hella bad in jeans

High IQ post right here

i bleed from various places everyday anyway so fuck off

>Being a man is based, you can walk anywhere you want day or night without any problem.
this is what roasties actually believe

Women's complaints about being women always come down to "we have periods" and "men are stronger than us".
Not really that big a deal desu

did that with
>best friend died
one time and every result was someone crying about a fucking dog

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I'll take bleeding from my ass a month any day over being a socially inept hikki with no chance of spreading my genes.

this is a true thing

>buy a drink at a bar
>get roofied, raped, and left on the street

>go jogging
>get murdered by a guy chasing you in a car

>literally wake up and go to work
>get abducted from your driveway and murdered

>go to a party with your male "friend"
>he's actually not your friend and he rapes you when you're too drunk to fight him off

>wear a dress
>some virgin spergs out at seeing your ankles and gropes you

>get boyfriend
>he pokes holes in the condoms because he has an impregnation fetish

Sort by upload date and you get some actually interesting results. Searched up "angry" and I got some first person perspective camera stuff where a kid was going off on about how things have made him so angry, he then knocks a soda can off the table and says "THIS is why you don't make me angry". Was going to share it but he's a fuckin' kid, I ain't no Leafy. It's kinda scary how casually kids immortalize their own cringiness for all to see and remember them by.

Women complain on youtube to get attention from thirsty males
Men complain on anonymous places like Jow Forums to get called a faggot

>wanting to spread your genes
This is the cruelest thing people can do. Raising children is one of the kindest but it would be like a god creating hurricanes that destroy an entire nation but then helping the survivors pick up the pieces.

An anti-natalists see this and asks "Why create hurricanes in the first place?" and either opts out of anything to do with the hurricanes or skips the hurricane making process and helps pick up the pieces. Anti-natalists are more consistent with the supposed tenets of parenthood than parents who got their children by reproducing.

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>An anti-natalists

There probably are plenty of social anxiety videos made by guys, but they likely don't get many views and get pushed to the bottom because people are only interested in anxious cute girls.

Step one - be attractive

This shit does happen, just not to you big guy

this. "oh theres a girl just like me? here take my views, let me donate to your patreon, marry me!!"

Yeah, I realize that, but most guys don't have it as easy as women.
they still like you
also, impreg fetish is based