When will you all realize youve been brainwashed by Jow Forums and Jow Forums with fringe science, confirmation bias...

when will you all realize youve been brainwashed by Jow Forums and Jow Forums with fringe science, confirmation bias, misleading graphs, and propaganda?

everything youve been told on this site about how the world works is almost completely wrong. Women dont act like you think, ect ect.

You behave almost exactly like flat earthers, and man hating sjw's. You are all the same breed, and have had the same tactics work on you.
This is the real reason people hate incels. Your cancerous and deluded beliefs.

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I hate people who assume they know everything about every single individual in a group.

maybe i just hate myself and don't care about any of that stupid bullshit

oh wow your right, now i, Jow Forums have seen the light, how can i ever repay you oh wise one.

thats kinda ironic considering thats what this site does best. generalize entire groups of people

i.e. women, blacks, jews, lefties, ect ect.

that's just cherry picked. it does a lot of other things best too, you just left them out.

you sound more like you've drank the koolaid. there's nothing wrong with awareness.

>Your cancerous and deluded beliefs.

roastie's shall die a painful death in the hands of our lord


And I dont do those things. By saying everyone on this site does those things, you are a hypocrite.

when did i say that everyone on the site does that shit? nowhere, you little boy. your schizophrenic, in op it didnt talk much about generalizations either.

just because Jow Forums is like this, doesnt mean you have to be. i never said that you, or me, or anyone in this thread generalizes groups of people except maybe this guy be the difference, and be proud! woo hoo

I unironically agree with OP. Fuck this site. It warps people's view of the world. I probably won't leave anytime soon though. I'm a neet with no friends.

Everything is propoganda. What you are telling us is propaganda to make us think differently.

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thats a good point user

but really doesnt address anything that op's post is about. not all propaganda is bad, having some sort of belief seems to be a good thing for the most part, as long as you dont let it cloud your views and close your mind to other beliefs.

Jow Forums is dangerous because it doesn't shield you from the harsh truth. The final redpill is realizing that it is better to believe in a pleasant lie, and that society functions that way. Noonr wants to live their life full of anger and resentment over not being Chad, etc, if there's nothing they can do otherwise. It's best you leave Jow Forums now and follow your passions, wherever they take you, and accept whatever happiness life offers you without complaint.

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thats the greatest deception of Jow Forums, it doesnt tell you the truth. it says it will give you a redpill, but in reality its handing you a green pill filled with lies, deception, and insecurities.

nothing on this site is true. some say the anonymity shows how real people are, when you can take away their face and irl confrontation. But no, its not how real people are, its how people on Jow Forums are when given no face and no real life consequences

I don't believe most stories here, but tinder experiements, attractiveness studies, etc don't lie.

Your reply to me was obviously implying that what I was saying was ironic because that I must participate in the activities you listed, otherwise it wouldn't be 'ironic' for me to say what I said.
Your OP post is talking as if everyone on this board/site needs to listen to what you're saying, implying you feel that we all 'fell for it'.
Is English not your first language? Genuinely curious, because you seem to have trouble with context vs. taking statements purely on their own.
Also for someone who claims to dislike people making assertions about women etc, you sure seem ok with implying I'm a schizo and apparently a child because that I'm arguing against your assertions.

they do lie lol
substantial proportion of scientific research is false. A number of factors have been proposed as contributing to the presence of a large number of false-positive results, such as publication bias.
i read somewhere that much less of half of studies when recreated by other scientists showed results that didnt even come close to supporting the previous results.

and thats all controversy literally within scientific journals with well educated people that follow strict scientific rules when executing experiments. alot of stuff on this site is literal fringe science, or experiments done by random btards or some shit.
additionally the only stuff that gets posted are things that add onto 4chans thesis, the other side of the coin is never shown. i.e cherry picking

im not op lol

i was acting like a dick, i apologize. i shouldnt of called you names, that make me childish infact.
english is actually not my first language.in fact your first sentence is so confusing to me, that i cant even reply to your post lol.

All propoganda is bad, if you cant adequently make your own rational opinions and beliefs and have to rely on someone elses life experience to do that for you then theirs the issue. Your beliefs should come from your own experience and judgement. If woman dont like taking to you, why? It cant be always their fault for not liking you 100% of the time. You might be doing something wrong or a simple thing like choosing wrong attire or very long and messy hair.Those self improvement threads are their for a reason to help people indentify any issues why you have trouble making friends and taking with people, their open for people for all types and provide better advice than people saying I lost my virginity, AMA.

>i read somewhere
You're just a delusional faggot that believes whatever makes you feel better. That's fine, but stop wasting everyone else's time with your bullshit. You would think if the truth was so powerful and obvious it would immediately crush all these "lies," but you don't know the truth any more than this place does. Jow Forums is shit by the way, but not for the reasons you think. I'm out.

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The only real mentality on this site is the hierarchy of Chads and Stacys, it makes sense, if you're already successful (I.e Chad) then you'll stay successful, and if you're a outcast you'll stay a outcast and be locked out of what Chads and Stacys do.
I feel like a donkey for posting this, but it's true in a way, but not the exaggerated Stacy and Chad hierarchy, more like normal people pitying the outcasts but not liking them as people


When will you realize you're a dolt who doesn't believe this but also doesn't realize he can't refute anything with veracious and credent evidence, because at the end you're a dolt brainwashed by society itself, while r9k specializes in understanding it instead.

If anyone is stupid enough to believe that Jow Forums offers anything outside of community and a few services is reaching. The site advertises itself as such. Youre right though youre generalizing. but then again there are stupid people on ever site, app, and street corner.

Really thought this was a troll thread until I read your comments. Sounds like you need to go do something that makes you happy user, maybe ruminate over how people end up believing in dumb shit like that? examining the world around you is always interesting. Idk I like being here for the bants when Im bored and lonely (all the time)

im just checking something guys


I dunno, faggot. When will you all realize you've been brainwashed by normalfags with hack science, confirmation bias, misleading graphs, and propaganda?

>everything youve been told on this site about how the world works is almost completely wrong.
Everything youve been told from normalfags about how the world works is almost completely wrong.

>You behave almost exactly like flat earthers, and man hating sjw's. You are all the same breed, and have had the same tactics work on you.
Apparently the same tactics work on you too, or everyone for that matter. Good fucking work, champ.

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>but in reality its handing you a green pill filled with lies, deception, and insecurities.
that is what people call blackpill