How tall is too tall for a girl?

How tall is too tall for a girl?

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anything beyond 6'4" they become WNBA mutants with weird faces. if she hypothetically could always have a nice face then I would be cool with 6'10"

I imagine it wouldn't matter in a place where an average male is 6ft tall like Norway or Sweden. Most girls don't want a shorter guy the same way guys don't want to be with someone taller. This is not always the case and should hardly be a dealbreaker, you should be more worried about your penis.

5'08", if you're trying to date normal guys (meaning they're average height and don't have an amazon fetish).

taller than me would be weird
im 6'1

You cant be too tall for me senpai :)

>tfw also 6'1" and would love to meet one that is taller

There are none, the fact that we dont see parity with size in society is odd.
In the natural state, 1/7 couples have a taller woman than a man. There is no "too tall" for a woman or a man, nor is there "too short". Dont worry about it.

There's not if you're willing to take short boys but roasties refuse to do that so anything over 6'0" will be too tall

Beyond 12', cuddling becomes impractical. So no super-giantesses for me.

12' isn't super giantess territory

How tall are you insecure girl?

Same Im 6 2 and I have this hope in wanting to date a girl taller than me.
I need me a tall bitch

Saw one on the bus today. Was still checking out them legs.

>tfw no tall GF

Short girls always get jealous of taller girls.

Not sure myself, I'm 6'2, but men don't want me because I'm a colossal cunt, and too afraid to give anyone a chance. Sure if you're nicer and more open then I you have a chance.

How much of a colossal cunt are you? Also what are other personal details I should ask about?

tfw no same size as me 6'3" gf to cuddle with and make huge babies with

why are you a cunt femanon? dont be sad that you're tall if thats why. dont fear intimacy either though

I don't think intimacy scares anybody user, it's their motivations behind why they crave it.

Mostly yelling and occasionally beating someone up when I get drunk. I got mean because was bullied a lot by other girls growing up. Got sick of it and decided to just start swinging my fists. I git a rep now as a drunk and a brawler. I usually use that rep and my anger as a cover for my actual insecurities.

where do you live?
pls be my taller fighting gf

I prefer taller women even though I'm only 6 ft. I've only ever dated women 5'8" and up. I wouldn't be opposed to being with someone taller than me if she wasn't a lanklet.

Wow. That's actually pretty serious. I don't think I could handle that. Also you would probably beat my 5'6" self.

past 5'11 they turn into dudes with clits, and I don't want to be vicariously fucking their dad because that's physically who women take after

*at that height

>that's physically who women take after
lolwut did you even take biology in school?

If you're hot, sky is the limit.
Any flaws now look bigger

read the addendum dude

Anything is fine because there'll always be 5'3-5'8 men who like taller girls

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please answer me femanon

>see this thread
>kek heartily because no one on this board will ever have a girlfriend
>Heil Hitler
>go to bed

You sound hot as fuck
Total babe.
Next time I see a hot girl 6 2 Im going to fantasize that its you.
My tribute to Venus tonight will be in your name

That's me.
Although shorter girls arent bad either

No such thing unless they become disproportionately lanky.
>tfw no tall gf

>How tall is too tall for a girl?
There is no such thing.

What would a man need to do for you to give him a chance?

That's the issue, nothing they really can do. The problem lies more in my fear of letting anyone get close. Let someone close and they can hurt you worse, so I keep everyone at arm's length. Which is why I am alone.

8 to 10 feet is optimal height for a woman.

I've been dealing with similar problems because of a false accusation from a 3rd party. In closing off I was able to function better for 18 months, but then I crashed hard. Reading Solzhenitsyn has given me some insights through this. You aren't punished for what you do, but who you are. Even though you are innocent of that you are guilty of other things and have to face punishment for those. The way out is with other people. He said that in 2,000 pages though.

Attached: Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn.jpg (1200x1000, 373K)

Do you want to be alone forever?

Attached: negativetwin.jpg (600x870, 154K)

Had a girlfriend just like this. We broke up because of this reason too. She's a bit of a slut though. I recommend you find someone that you like but who "loves" you.

The typical asshole kind of guy. Knowing this going in could help you open up to other people who actually want to care for you.

Just don't get too attached to that person, and break up as soon as they fuck up. Or else you'll end up like my ex.

Gets cheated on, lied to, and stolen from. Still with that same guy after 2 years.