suckin on a cumpop
First for stalin is epic xD
Posting the same question in this thread.
Is it worth going back to uni for a masters to have a 2nd chance at making friends and not being a loser? My current job is incredibly anti-social and I live in the middle of nowhere. I'm strongly considering moving to a city with a uni and having a do-over considering my first time round was shit.
No one keeps their friends after uni anyway. Stupid idea.
>rest of the world is literally at war
>turmoil, poverty, violence everywhere
>UK doing pretty well
dinner in the oven
having chicken drumsticks with roast new potatoes, carrot and sweetcorn
I gotta pack to move into a new place.
It's fully furnished; all white goods, kitchenware, furniture etc.
What should I take with me? My list is
>hygiene stuff
>gym equipment
That pretty much covers it right?
Please watch Rin.
student loans are given out unconditionally so why the fuck is this even a question? it's literally free to go to uni. you only pay it back when you make a shit load of money.
7th for giving the Signature range at McDonalds a go
I don't think anyone has ever acted this way lad, no one is saying
>the rest of the world is a utopia but we're not because of brexit
but I get that wording it that way makes it easier to avoid addressing the actual issues of brexit so fair do's
>Lets compare ourselves to 3rd world shitholes now instead of Murrica and the elite europ countries.
Fucking hell.
tankies begone
Watch your arse, lad, because I'm coming to fuck your arse so hard your granddad's arse bleeds.
John Wayne once said 'I believe in a white supremacy until blacks are educated to a point of responsibility', why did you retweet that?
being an island nation is fantastic
so how would one fit in here? is being british all that is required?
Only ever had the spicy but fuck was it good. Expensive though, was like 7 quid
OP hasn't got enough wojaks
It's representative of the current state of britfeel
You don't even need to go that far. So long as you're trans or on the spectrum you're welcome.
look at all the things you use at home on a day to day basis and pack those things
Hit yourself in the face with a phonebook until you can't think as clearly
you now fit in
I wouldn't know as I'm friends with the same 3 people since sixth form.
Good argument. I plan on avoiding work after uni too so that's a grand idea.
As long you are British and know British 'culture' enough to understand the shit.
He can't have cheese but makes his own homemade Dairy Lee
all I'm saying is people here need a reality check, and not in a "first world problems" kind of way - i litrerally mean that people here need to remember that the british institutions is what allows us to have the good life we have now, and maintaining those institutions should be the priority BEFORE we start whining about brexit and other things.
no disrespects lads i like this country and we should try to uphold its values before complaining about things like inequality.
Check you out having friends.
have you ever heard of the book of kells
Take it easy. Blx.
Oh my god the daily maaaaaailll
hallo spaceboy
hate boner for peterson
so if wojak is white are pepes wogs?
literally all my family, housemates, people at the pub, uni lectures. you know what im talking about lad.
''''' nonce
oregano oregano
wojak is generic and pepe is a frog
Thanks for the advice.
*packs you*
Are you trying to say wogs are hate speech?
Only thing I miss about friends is they always wanted to go to burger joints.
i hope you have a spare room for me, i don't like too share
So cute... She's a cutie!
Funnily enough it does, it's even got an en suite.
>UK doing pretty well
Crime is rife. Salaries are low. House prices are expensive. One of the poorest standards of primary and secondary education in the western world. Drug and alcohol abuse is rising year on year.
So cute... She's a cutie!
yeah compared to ethiopia maybe. england is peng all things considered.
>Crime is rife. Salaries are low. House prices are expensive. One of the poorest standards of primary and secondary education in the western world. Drug and alcohol abuse is rising year on year.
But enough about the paddies, glad to see Brexit is working.
Wish her and her furfag son wouId fuck off
Yeah i know, just taking the piss la. Its all relative though init. The stuff that goes on in this country is bound to affect us more than what happens in shitty countries.
>england is peng all things considered
Birmingham is a utter shithole
Manchester is a utter shithole
London is the biggest shithole in the western world
Sure, England is bloody marvellous.
>and maintaining those institutions should be the priority BEFORE we start whining about brexit and other things.
Lad, the argument of people against Brexit is that is will damage those institutions. You can disagree with that, but changing their arguments is lazy. They are worried the 'good life we have now' is going to be effected by Brexit.
> we should try to uphold its values before complaining about things like inequality.
Can't you do both? Is a British value not liberty and justice?
Is there some skert club where britfeelers gather round and watch random retards on youtube?
Girls on Jow Forums like K-pop. You should start liking K-pop. You'll get a gf.
please lads no more politics
soz mate i meant this
>girls that like kpop
both girls I've dated that were into kpop were psychos, do not recommend it
>urban areas
move the countryside
how i feel about thread right now
I have a group of friends and we often share peculiar finds and nonce videos
There's fuck all jobs for young people there lad. Maybe when I'm 40 I'll retire there but at 23 I can't leave urbanised areas.
I'm sure GCHQanon is going to enjoy your post.
you can live in the suburbs and work in town. that's what 80% of people do.
>le countryS O Yde
fuck off literally no way to make a living there unless you're a farmer or already rich
Lads, what minor things piss you off? I'll start.
>people who hold their cutlery like savages
>move to the countryside
and do what lad? go for walks?
Brazilians or Chinese talking, afraid no matter what they do their voices are like torture on the ears
people who get poltical here, go on r/poltics or Jow Forums this isn't a fucking debait club
People who post music videos on /britfeel/ like I'm actually going to sit and listen to it.
this is me lol, dated a posh girl once that kicked off that I didn't set my knife and fork down properly when I was done eating. wasn't even aware there was a proper way to do it, that was when I learned theres something called a cutlery school posh kids go to kek imagine
>england not at war
Short men, fucking eyesore.
Glare on the TV/Computer screen.
Jow Forums is a fash circlejerk lad
Then take it to reddit. No one wants it here.
yes im greedy titlad
What type of burger do you enjoy?
- Kev x
>he thinks he's talking to titlad
why do wrestlers wear thongs under their pants
Gotta keep the jewels secure I guess.
r/politics is a lefty circlejerk Jow Forums is a right one, so pick your side and do one
this thread uber boring as of late. everyone is too scared to talk about themselves because of imminent ridicule or something
No I'm not son
I'm told tired after wagie hours to think so I just lurk
at least they make you look tall though?
How do I get a girl to break up with her wasteman boyfriend to be with me, a productive member of society?
She sounds a bit crazy. I dont mind so much about that but when people do pic related it makes me shudder.
Elbows, people.
Wait till she is in her 30s and desperate to settle down with someone proper
That's almost a decade away. She won't even be able to have kids and will have lost her looks.
>will have lost her looks.
Why do you think she would be desperate to settle down properly?
It's to hold it like a pen as opposed to a sword. Also elbows.
This annoyed me as a kid, had a sibling that did it wrong and wouldnt listen when I suggested he hold it like a pen.
However, is there a proper way to hold a pen? I was told that the fingers you grasp with matter. However I think this was complete bullshit. The fingers I use seem to serve me OK, but maybe my endurance for writing could be better if i grasped with the "proper" fingers
been playing halo lads I don't remember being so shite at it
Why does a so called "productive member of society" what to copulate with a wastegirl?
Tell me about that painting please.
>she won't even be able to have kids
She most likely will be able to.
Picture of Tilde about to lop his dick off
Probably already have a couple too.
The zoomers in here crying because no gf have no idea that the choices make now could make them literally gold on the sexual marketplace come 28-30+
I can understand opting out of the game when you're young and you dont want to compete with chads when your strengths are not your looks.
Playing Dragon Quest XI
Seems easier than usual and I get the feeling it might be shorter but it more or less feels like Dragon Quest