What is your special talent?
What is your special talent?
savant tier with music, can recite and play back probably close to a thousand songs mentally or on piano, lyrics especially
also really skilled at foreign languages, besides that... not much else
I sometimes go to peoples houses and knock on the door, and ask to use their toilet. If they let me in I will clean their bathroom, then leave 20 bongdollars on the side, as a thank you. It makes me feel nice to reward good people for letting me in
I can shove a eggplant into my butthole with no trouble
forgot to add, natural countertenor (tenor leggero)
my goal is either hit it big in the music business or write my magnum opus before I shoot myself
god-tier at maths, but I just suck at mental calculation
>What is your special talent?
Never getting anything done
I can fart in tune.
being a complete failure who wilk enevr amount to nayhing
I've been told I'm a decent writer but I wouldn't say it's a talent. I had an idea for a short story but it turned out to literally be the plot to the first episode of star trek the next generation. Also I'm a lazy fuck.
i can sleep for 11 hours
I can also gleek
I like these kinds of OP images cause this stuff always happens
lol, I'm guilty of this all the time, I take advantage of my plaigarism by just combining shit I watched instead of aiming for something entirely new
if you mean calculation as in "calculating risk" in your head
>very good at mental calculation
>dogshit at math
a truly great genius steal to create something that is geniunly better
My special talent Is being stalked, two separate people admitted on social media that they wasted their own time by keeping track of me, and one of them had to announce and tell her own friends to stop feeding my info to her.
I probably have more stalkers "undercover" obviously, but it feels weird to be the center of the universe. I just want to live my life..? Some of them were justified since they talked to me as friends first but thats not a benefit anymore
empath i can read people a mile a way
Not a particular skill that I can say in public but I can smell when a near woman is on her period.
i am a very good dancer, have been told by many people. doesn't meant shit
im simultaneously an undiscovered genius and the most retarded person on the planet
I can wiggle my ears desu.
This literally is my entire life and no one responded...
My life itself is the funny joke..
How can you do that? Teach us your ways user
Are you a male or female being stalked? It's less usual for a male to get stalked I think, especially twice. You must be some kind of chad.
It was online, and its confusing since it was people as a whole who were doing it.
If I was a Chad they would be friends with me as person, they maliciously stalked me.
I get new stalkers every year, even if I delete my social media people get my info from their friends, weird stuff
I'm not DaVinci, but I draw pretty well. I can also roll my tongue into an O shape. Otherwise, I don't have a lot going for me.
this but with russian and my native language.
I don't go crazy from loneliness, can go without talking to anyone for extended periods of time. Also can perform monotonous tasks pretty much all day.
I think that can be apply to the majority of r9k
Ma told me about my special purpose but girls never let me show them
No, it is nothing that I learned, but I grew up in a house full of women and raised mostly by them, the main reason why my life is a disaster.
I cannot explain it well. Women on her period have a distincive body smell that cannot be hidden, not strong though, not talking about the smell of blood or pussy sweat. It's like a odor that you can recognize as human but I don't get disgusted by it either.
I tried this with my sisters and all of the times I was right. Nobody else though. I wish I had a girlfriend to test this but girls don't like these skills.
>my special ability
The muscle that holds food down is broken so I can throw up undigested food that tastes nice whenever I want. It is both a blessing and a curse.
I'm pretty good at sports in general without practising nothing and i learn pretty fast, i play a lot of videogames so i rarely practise something.
I also can avoid sadness and anger pretty fast.
Overall i'm still shit
Being completely and utterly average. I'm like suspiciously benign. I am not ugly. I am not attractive. I seemed to have stopped ageing in my mid 20's - I'm almost 40 and have no wrinkles, no hair loss. I'm not stupid, not smart, I have never been mugged, arrested, or done anything of note, but I've also never had a single struggle in my life despite doing absolutely nothing. I got a job that pays 75k a year despite never going to school and not even LOOKING for a job (it was offered to me).
I dunno what to make of all this.
Also good at maths too!
So if you stand upside down on your head you would have all your digestive contents spilled right?
Everyone can smell period smell. It's disgusting. You can always smell it on women.
I'm the Ultimate Supreme Leader.
I can turn my eyelids inside out
Didn't mean to quote user
but can you compose though? Thats an interesting device- whether you are a super accurate storage device or random number generator. I am the latter, many opuses have been had!
top of the keks quasimodo
You aee referring to the smell of the period itself which is indeed disgusting and you can catch a whiff on caresless girl.
What I smell is different. An odor that actually is not disgusting to me. It must be hormonal or some shit.
Would you like to work with me on something?
It will be space exploration related.
you were great, but ended a bit flat i'm afraid
Decent fast twitch muscle fibers while not being melanin enriched. I can jump really well and punch people really hard.
I'm a social chameleon. I have successfully blended in with every single social circle on Earth in every single social setting on Earth.
>normal fags
>old people
>right wing extremists
>left wing extremists
I've had to mingle with all of these groups at some point in my life and have yet to fail. If you put me into any group I will be accepted within a day.
I can play despacito by slapping my cheeks.
oh, I taught myself through improv so composing music is like second nature to me lol
So where is it mister? Just curious... I can do what you can do so who tf are you and why havent you opused your opueses yet, you cant procrastinate forever mister!!
The only person to be pursuing a GED for 3 years and still not have it
Different person but what's your project about?