If you want a girlfriend,why don't you just go get one? Can't be that difficult. Hell In highschool I was known as the quiet one and I had no friends and I still got laid like it was my job. Literally what is your exscuse?
If you want a girlfriend,why don't you just go get one? Can't be that difficult...
the vast majority of women are extremely overweight causing them to dabble in feminism eventually becoming full blown anti-man activists
youre probably pretty, being quiet and average is impossible to get girls dude
maybe on the midwest. but here in NY every girl is skinny no lie
damn anyone know where I can cop that dress?
Accepting the consequences of being a coward and loser.
I am not white oeijdjjf
I'm only interested in white and asian women
>small town
>class of 22 people
>every girl is dating some dude who is like 23 or some shit because the age of consent is 16 in my state
>ratio is 2/3, every time you try to get with a girl she has 4 dicks aimed at her
>everyone smokes
second college
>art school
>regular people get instantly hitched within the first two weeks of college
>every left over girl wants emos and pretty bois
>they get disappointed when they find out that they are gay or only want scene chicks
>no chance for a muscular dude.
>Post college
>everyone is married or has kids out of wedlock
>tinder is shit
>only lost my virginity bc a couple I knew from highschool picked up a cuckold fetish.
Shit sucks man.
>original excuses
>Got laid in the end of it all
Thanks for the bump but what was the point of your post exactly?
I tried dude many times.
B8 obviously. This is r9k after all.
Would you tell a poor, starving man to "just go buy food, man."
You deserve every suffering imaginable to be inflicted on you for all of eternity. You asshole
Ok well those two can't be compared because you need food but you don't need sex. Secondly ide just encourage him to steal food or give him a 20$ bill.
you asked for the excuse.
I am telling you why I never had a girlfriend
So you admit it's an exscuse. Got you red handed.
Except in your OP argument you're claiming that sex is easy to get which is just laughably false to the point where you just dropped it now. Most men are born wrong and will never be attractive to women.
It is easy though. And people aren't born wrong,they are born different and alot of people can see past that. That's why it is so easy.
Nope, many males are born with ugly faces, small penises, short height. Universally unattractive and unchangable features that cause them to be despised by women. Personally I was bullied constantly by women for being so ugly in middle and highschool. There was never a chance for me to get laid. Even if there was I had no way of knowing as some girls would pretend to be interested as a joke to more efficiently mock me if I got my hopes up. But I only fell for that trick twice.
You are like a billionaire asking why people are poor.
Because I am severly autistic and cannot talk to people. I also mess up every social situation. I also one want one woman to love for the rest of my live, I only want to lewd one girl.
>high school, university, job
>i don't approach women and they don't approach me
gee how did i do dat
Not my fault your father didn't teach you to not give up. Shitty work ethic isn't an exscuse as to why you can't get a job buddy. You just didn't want it bad enough.yould rather blame the people around you than look at yourself and try and fix what was salvageable.
You are a horrible person. No wonder women like you.
How? I think you are overreacting just a bit man.
You're putting words into my mouth, telling me how I felt and how hard I worked. Invalidating my life so that you can continue to live in a fantasy world you made where hard working people are rewarded for their work and love and affection are easy to acquire because you don't want to admit that you've just been riding on luck and circumstance your whole life. Sometimes people put everything they've got to achieving a goal other people are just handed and they through no fault of their own fail. Because that's life.
>hovering around the same area for awhile
Yeah, no. You gotta move to area that there's a lot of your age group otherwise you're not gonna make it.
So you're saying we should either rape roasties or wait for goverment-issued gfs.
don't want "a" girlfriend. want "the"girlfirend. if you want to say anything about my monetary or physical value, save yourself the trouble and don't.
No one is just handed anything. Beleive it or not people have to work for what they want. In the real world you don't get free rides. It just doesn't work like that. 100% of the time if something doesn't go your way it is because you didn't put in enough time and effort into getting it.
If that's what it takes then do it.
I'm not going to do that. Why would you think that? You haven't said anything wrong yet. Nothing wrong with wanting the one. I honestly hope that you are working on yourself so that when you do find the one you also keep the one.
he's an ugly guy and no matter how many times you tell him that he has to work for looks, he will always be jealous of tall blue-eyed white guys, because he thinks they get free gfs
Moved to the countryside of Michigan in 2016, not much play.
just moved to Santa ana last month, trying tinder but matches don't answer back.
I hit the gym alot, I am afraid to hit on anyone there though. I get alot of smiles and being checked out quite a bit.
Idk man, I am trying.
if i have to "keep" someone it's not the one. i know how the world works and don't really care. it's sad how a relationship is such a meaningless, small choice nowadays. no love, no understanding, no interest. not that it ever was anything else.
You have to take the next step. You know these girls are checking you out. I know it's easier said than done but you have to break out of your shell and talk to one of them. That's all you have to do.
I am a tall green-eyed white guy. I don't think an eye color change would get me girls.
Idk about that last bit. I think about that too but then I look and my grandparents and how they lasted 80 years together. Now that part I am willing to admit is totally down to luck these days.
Spoken like someone who has never tried hard and failed. Practically just like getting things handed to you.
Considering that you got laid "like it's your job" you have no idea what it's like to be an unattractive male.
yeah. That's the thing, it's not approach anxiety.
This is the land of tropes and social justice.
One fuck up and I could be told I am man splaning or some crazy shit or she will scream "THIS IS STREET HARASSMENT AND CAT CALLING, THE PATRIARCHY"
This, I'm not white. I'm already starting at a huge disadvantage in match making
Not if you go after white women.
But I am unnatractive though. But that didn't stop me from trying. all I had to do was try. Sure I failed alot but unlike you I didn't give up and learned from my mistakes. What's the point of learning if you will never utilise the knowledge you gained? You,as you said before,learned from your efforts but it may as well be for nothing because you'll do nothing with said knowledge. Life is countless trial and error. Like I said before,if you don't get what you want you just didn't work hard enough for it.
it may sound fucked up, but i think that in older times literally no couple loved each other, it was all because of economic need, traditions and government.
He speaks the truth. I've only ever slept with white women. It's kinda strange when I really think about it.
>not realizing that it's not solely appearance that solidifies attractiveness as a whole
California is a shithole. Why'd you even move there? I'm surprised there isn't a white person tax there yet.
>One fuck up and I could be told I am man splaning or some crazy shit or she will scream "THIS IS STREET HARASSMENT AND CAT CALLING, THE PATRIARCHY"
Except when have you ever seen this happen except for when it's some obese whore? Just evade landwhales with technicolored hair and you'll be alright.
It's not that bad, the reason I moved
>90k job offer
>game job hub
>good company
The only bad things that I have experienced thus far
>The desert heat
>Gas is a bitch
>alot of short wrinkly ugly people I have noticed
> sometimes there is traffic
>no good pizza
It honestly could be a bit of both. Even if not both I don't really see a problem with that kind of relationship. Males are meant to be providers anyways. That's how it's been since the conception of civilization and society.
it's not hard for you to get laid because it's not hard to get laid. getting laid is the easiest thing in the world and always will be. if you can. if it's not the easiest thing in the world for you, literally just forget about sex. it will never get better.
It's not really strange. In reality white males are the most hated and unwanted group of people alive. White women almost exclusively race mix and as such minorites cannot be robots and shouldn't post here
that's how it's been since meme. men hunting and women gathering is a myth, truth is we all did everything, women hunted and gathered and men gathered and hunted. picture the original human society as not being unlike a family of meerkats.
If many women have slept with you, you're not unattractive.
There is nothing to be done with the knowledge that I gained as trying and talking to women causes me to learn I am a subhuman lost cause. Quasimodo never got the girl and neither will I.
> technicolored hair
idk man I got a thing for PUNKS, rocker chicks, emos, hard to find one who isn't sjw.
if you're hungry then why don't you just eat? lmao
if you want money then why don't you just get a job? lmao
dude just have a drink xD
If you're born without legs why don't you just grown them lol. I was not much of a walker, but I have no problems having legs. Having legs is literally the easiest thing in the world.
You and everyone you responded too is retarded.
You are being very hard on yourself. I doubt you even look as bad as you think you do. And even if I were attractive it doesn't take being a 13/10 to get sex and companionship. You just have to meet the right people. You can't do that by moping around all day.
literally just take a walk, it's that easy lol
I don't want a girlfriend.
I just want a cum case.
>alot of short wrinkly ugly people I have noticed
Those are called Mexicans. You'll get use to seeing them hang out in front of big department chains eventually.
>be me
>chatting with a girl
>mention my race
>instantly ghosted
Geee but i guess i cannot be a robot
Lmao keep posting, user
I assure you I am not being hard on myself. I am being honest. What I want you to realize is that there isn't always a group of "right" people for everyone. Nobody wants to mope around all day, but for some there is no alternative.
WTF I thought that mexicans were like puerto ricans but slightly darker.
Also the women are really fat.
I have never seen a mexican woman who did not become obese after high school, and I live in fucking San Diego.
The vast majority of Mexicans are closer to native americans than Puerto RIcans. There was a lot less interbreeding with whites there. They're almost all short, fat, and wrinkly just like you described.
i'm in nyc and all the asian girls have upper legs as thin as my wrists no lie. kind of freaky some times
natives I have met are very tall
Also the women don't look too bad.
They don't age well either....
My friend here is native american/isereli mix
When natives take care of themselves, they unironically look pretty good. They definitely do have the shittier end of the stick when it comes to aging though
Idk, why that is.
They get all wrinkly in the face
The only times i've seen natives are the bad ones. Good looking ones have to be pointed out to me because otherwise they just look like "sexy exotic woman"
As for wrinkles, i dunno. Keep out of the sun, because that ages skin like fuck. Also alcohol consumption fucks you too. drug use. the usual shit
ah...A shame....
I have noticed that in africans, not african americans....If they don't use drugs, smoke, or drink; they can look alright up to 60.
My gym instructor is 50, but I didn't think he was older than 25. He's a nice Kenyan dude, who is built like a fucking truck.
A shame indeed user
Also damn that's some good genetics right there
Seriously this. I live in Texas and the vast majority of women here are overweight or just total sluts who I refuse to associate with. And plenty of them are both of those things.
I just want someone who isn't fat, isn't a slut, and looks at least somewhat decent (I'd take like a 5/10 gladly), but that description fits literally zero women that I've seen for the last like 3 years.