Why is your life shit user?

Why is your life shit user?

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cuz am ugly

Which of those 4 is best for anal

gf was so dumb that she couldnt bent like this I had to do it for her

2 is barely better than 1 for sex, 3 is just okay, 4 is express lane to pussybraps.
t. non-virgin

not the answer you want probably but the correct answer is 1.

trick question, they're all good for anal you fucking virgin

Genetic trash, environment you grew up in also plays a factor.

Your "effort" is nothing but a comfortable lie that gives you the illusion of having real control about your life and everything and feeling free.

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My ex wife couldn't go beyond 2.
With me, at least.

it's a sequence of steps leading up to position 4 you absolute mongoloid

>With me, at least.

Tyrone taught her the moves

poor life choices, trash genetics, psychotically religious and coddled upbringing by two women and no men around

slowly turning it around though. its fucking tough

not even before marriage?
jesus cuckhrist

In this case he was chad, btw you're right

Shitty parents produce shitty kids.

>feed child trash and never teach them anything growing up, not even about sex
>child grows into an unhealthy mess with no skills in anything
>"kids these days"

Parents treat their shitty little pets better than their own flesh and blood.

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>they're all good
not the question, incel

i understand the image user but thank you.

Not even before. The 'after' wasn't for sex with me. And she actually thinks she's a sex goddess, the whore. Again, not with me.
I think I also answered to OP

1 clearly blows because the guy can't even see dat ass, so what's up now virginboy

I was "raised" by an alcoholic single mother

Completely agree, but the illusion is still better than the reality that almost everything that happens to you is pure chance imo.

Yes you do now. You're welcome

>best position for best view of dat ass
>best position for anal sex
aren't the same things user. but you probably think most porn is a how-to guide for good sex.

I'm lazy and have issues with self esteem and self-acceptance, also I'm a bit slow, arrogant, and have little passion for anything.

gay original rigged

>if you don't comment within the context i am expecting, you obviously don't understand the thing
thanks for the educational moment user

if the position sucks for one of the people doing it, then yes it's shit
and don't come at me with your bullshit stories about hurting the girl, I've fucked chicks in the ass, and they took it just fine whatever way possible because they probably like getting fucked in the ass
if you want to carefully insert your penor to make sure the slut who agreed to get fucked in the ass doesn't get hurt, more power to you
lmfao, but you most probably actually don't even get laid

Mine in particular is horrible because people are fixated on me, it's like a cult just for me.

Source: someone Admitted he wasted too much time on me, he gathered info of me and that's what he meant.

There's absolutely no difference between 2 and 3. Why are there 4 panels not 3?

All chicks like getting fucked in the ass. Some just don't know it yet.

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if you want to project some more, more power to you lmfao, but i literally have to start the grill for me and my wife's dinner so i'll catch your (You) in a bit if the thread isn't dead by then.

>chronic skin disease
>absolutely horrific inferiority complex
>everyone just fucking hates me no matter how nice I am to them

What in the actual fk are you talking about, user. Are you having a stroke?

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>psh yeah I was just shitposting before cooking dinner for my wife
well now I know you're a confirmed virgin, enjoy your tendies;)

Borderline Personality Disorder as a male.
Even my therapist said I'm too difficult to work with today and I've been told to set up mental health treatment at another facility.

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nah i've been shitposting while cooking. i finished the indoor stuff, now i'm on the outdoor stuff. no tendies tonight, i made those last night.

>I was cooking the whole time bro, but wait I need to go turn on the grill for me wife
just continue to muddy the water, it's always hilarious when virgins do it

>Why is your life shit user?
I dropped out of university half-way in. Don't really socialize with the right people so I don't get the networking benefits nor do I meet new women to have a satisfying relationship/sex life.

Also overall I'm just lazy and demotivated.

>reading comprehension is hard lmao
the grill is not inside. my inside cooking is done. i am outside cooking now.
please stop responding to me since you have me so figured out and see right through my ruse user. i'm obviously just a shitposting zoomer virgin right, why bother replying

What are you cooking up tonight user

god gooks are ugly

Yeah, but how would you rate them, hispanics and shit skins?
For me it's
>non-anglo white skinned hispanics
>light skinned asians
>rest of asians
>rest of hispanics
>general shit skins

My life is shitty mostly because of things i did/didn't do

I made the stupid mistake of getting a job. Now my day is 10 fucking hours of getting screamed at to work faster and praying they will lay me off already

Because I'm not a cute girl, just a fat ugly bastard

People stalk me and track my life, like I'm a e-celeb. I give out my info to prove that I'm not a catfish, so I assume that's why people get so interested in me, since I put myself at Risk to prove I'm a real person

I also get called. A attention seeker for this? Even though it's not my nchoice? I only care about it in case my future partners are turned off by it, like they assume I must be subhuman if so many people are starting online drama about me.

because it was in the prophecy some fag god made

Normalnigger out.
The only true tier list is as follows
>Everything else

>I unironically think 1 is the hottest

What does this mean?

I'm really fucking lazy to the point that I can't even bring myself obtain a GED

It means you prefer your partner to not have back problems so she may hold your baby without pains one day.
Don't have babies though user, the fact that they are molded within woman and are certain to die is reason enough.

Because I decided to drop out of school and never get a job

I'm confident that had I stayed till the end and then enrolled in community college I would have found a girlfriend and friends there but no I had to be the laziest most useless piece of garbage imaginable