It's happening again... but this time, it's a lot more intense...
It's happening again... but this time, it's a lot more intense
Zachary Hill
Xavier Cook
I thought I got over her, but this pic struck me right in the feel....
She is never coming back, ain't she?
Christopher Howard
that is the most plastic ass face I have ever seen
Leo Stewart
No one asked for your dumb opinion. Now, go away, you feminist.
Sebastian Rogers
It helps that they've gotten uglier for me.
Dominic Thompson
brow lift, nose job, lip injections.
that's the minimum of what she's had done.
Brody Taylor
she is 15 stop being a jealous roastie
Alexander Howard
Just her nose and it was partially for medical reasons.
Nathan Wilson
I'm a guy
there's also no way she's 15. probably 19-21.
Jaxson Hill
Wrong, she only had one cosmetic surgery - her nose. Everything else is legit. She even posted her younger picture of herself, and her face (minus the nose) was exactly the same.