where can a robot go nowadays to hire a prostitute, also post stories of your experiences with them.
are there still viable sites to go to for USA cucks?
Do you live in Maine? What kind of experience are you looking for? Just want to hang out? Sex? or both?
I don't, I'm just looking to sell my virginity desu famalam. I'm 20 and almost at the point of no return ;_;
nigga go to sleep
state? where u at
east coast, not gonna say my state
I am in Florida and I would like to fuck an Asian woman, yet the massage ones only give handjobs, the filthy rats.
GO sell your man holes somewhere else u faggots, gunna make the FBI shut down four chins
Just travel abroad, it's not that expensive.
Imagine the government using it's resources to destroy humble citizens inquiring about their own communities.
crystal dot cafe to bee hanest
I could probably get a more than decent prostitute where I live, but it never crosses my mind.
Why would you want to have sex with someone who absolutely doesn't want to have sex with you?
Sure, and I'm a aficionado of underground spaces, not a man in my moms basement.
if thats true she wouldnt accept your money
How do you know they don't wanna fuck user? Are you just that ugly
aight im NYC
And you can't find a whore? You're literally autistic
I feel like you have to be a little slow to not find sex with some rando gross. Like if I'm not obsessed with someone I have no desire to sleep with them.
yeah its difficult.
I have no clue where to look I just moved here
So prostitution is really forbidden at usa?
I understand old hookers walking on streets is not nice but escort pages?
Didnt you was the freedom.country?
It's gross secks, it wouldn't be fun.
full time student atm so i cant go too far atm but I have given it some thought for the future
thanks user, ill check this out
desu senpai I don't have the capacity to care as much as i used to about that or the stigma that comes with paying for sex in general, I've given more than a fair attempt at it but it seems like i'm playing an impossible game here. Ironically enough, I would be considered a normie by most anons here but it doesn't really change much for me, its literally just a different set of problems.
its pretty autistic imo, if you're gonna have a country full of propaganda and encourage people to be as degenerate as possible then why not go all out and allow prostitution as well?