Waifu thread

Post waifus, discuss waifus
No mean posting
Pic related, it's my waifu

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Your waifu is showing her naval. Please censor it.

You can fulfill your fetishes by yourself

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Alice is my waifu and I love her.

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this is my real waifu

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Bad waifu, 3d is bad

many small minded individuals hate my waifu because she has a lot of negative publicity, but my love for her will never change

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Lucoa best girl

>One guy who wanks on 2D says 3D is bad

But i have more from my waifu than u have from urs.

i want Misaki to save me from myself, pretty please

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I delude myself into thinking she loves me and i have more money since i didn't buy ab glorified hand

Better do it professional than with a anime pillow my dude;)

I've been practicing and sorta got to the point last night I can have fluid conversations with my waifu inside my head. Feels pretty good.

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she did nothing to deserve all that negativity, I support you with all my heart

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>skirt hem below the knee

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I Envy you, wish i could do that
Also do you imagine her talking in full english or japanese and English? Because for example i imagine her saying shit like user-kun and stuff

Spanish actually, since it's my native language it requires less mental effort to think fluid phrases and to mimic her way of speaking in my head. I used to have these conversations in English but it's just easier in Spanish, as any doubt I could have about the language would throw me out of the deep concentration state needed to do this.

I think it would be extremely hard to do something like this in Japanese unless you really got to native level.

That's really cool, I'm actually also spanish, the voice feels wrong though and english comes more naturally since most of my interactions are online and therefore using english

I hope all of you die painful meaningless deaths

Thanks user for making Waifu thread.
Megu poster reporting in.
>this is my real waifu
wow really funny except that isnt a Waifu now is it.
3D is bad, it is gross.
>I delude myself into thinking she loves me
she would love you user I hope all of you die painful meaningless deaths
And I hope you have a good day and feel betetr about yourself so you dont need to be rude to people with Waifu

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Here's a photo of when me and my wife visited a shrine in Okayama
please say something nice about her

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cute girl and sweet smile.
any merch?

lots, but all the dakis are reserved for me unfortunately

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So they do the torii spam in other shrines huh.

NO HOMU in my life
NO HOMU to make my wife


I don't even fucking know why I'm working myself to death to climb the ladder and make even more $$$. Already house/car/savings with no debt but I'm fucking retarded. Maybe it's because when I'm busy as fuck and/or drunk I don't think about these things.


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a lot of shrines do, the fushimi one is just popular because of the sheer amount of them, the picture is most likely set there

I love her with all my heart but I will never forgive myself for what i did to her. Im sorry hanako

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Thanks, hope you're having a good day meguman

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I am watching a lot of anime since I quit discord so that is so very nice.
tell me a good one to watch

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