Why does Lauren Southern look like she's 30+ when she's only 23

Why does Lauren Southern look like she's 30+ when she's only 23

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too muych testosterone

LAUREN IS CUTE. and an excellent public speaker.

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White woman age like bananas.

she doesn't look 30+? she looks her age

holy shit she's 23? I can't imagine how hideous she'll be come 30

Coal burning takes its toll

shes cute. platinum blonde isnt a good look on her. she should embrace her brunette/dirty blonde looks.

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Her sister is clearly the superior stock

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Not 30 she is wearing to much mackup

Shes not 30?

>tfw ywn have missionary sex for the sole purpose of recreation w/ lauren
too bad she's fucking steven molenyeux

well if thats true and the rumor is asian women age better. why doesnt Lauren go fry the rice?

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Yeah her sister clearly got the good genes

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That just hides how old she looks, without it she looks even older

Women would rather age prematurely and get to be with black men than be with Asian men

Damn niggas must have a field day with her

Actually I take it back, she's had a kid now so she's going straight downhill

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had to try.

What a shame, such a waste

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no way thats the same girl.
if it is, we should ban makeup for good.

23 and that successful, give me a break, man. Even tomi Lahren is like 25.

hubby has good beardage and hair.

what's too bad about it? shes gotta go for a guy she can get that alimony money off of. not many guys her age are that well off. how long do you think it'll take her to get him to prep the bull for her?


wow kill yourself you cuckold

>Why does Lauren Southern look like she's 30+ when she's only 23
Because she's white.

She's almost so attractive that it's going around the other way and she's becoming grotesque.
Like something that is so bad it's good. She's so hot she's repulsive.

Id still hit it like a suv with a load of kids in

>cuckold fetisheists have brainwashed this user so much he thinks hubby = cuck

im rubber youre potato

the word hubby is almost exclusively used by cuckolds

Because she's a stringy haired blonde haired blue eyed buttermilk complexion ironing board backside straight up straight down, Ms. 6:00, subject to have the itch, mutanoid Caucasoid white cave bitch.

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kys now

how do you even know this if you werent one yourself!

Because cuckolds are so vocal about being cuckolds

She's pretty gross to look at though. My first instinct is disgust, but I also see that she is attractive objectively. And other women don't have that effect, so I'm trying to figure out why her butt is so gross.

well i had no idea that hubby was used excessively by cuckolds. youre the expert on cuckold culture.

The thousand cocks stare

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In the meanwhile, this is a 42 year old Arab

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shes pretty. she just looks sad i think youre a misogynist.

The black cock blank stare. All she can thing about is large black penises

arab. explains the misogyny. thanks for confirming. got falafel?

>arab. explains the misogyny
You're whack. Arabs love women and aren't ashamed of it. Meanwhile pic related is what white men prefer

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still 10000 tiers below a saggy 42 year old white woman in terms of sexual market value

high sperm diet.

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>doesnt deny being arab

oh yeah dude arabs just love women. everybody knows it.

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>terms of sexual market value
western sexual market* where you prefer "women" like Whatever you say fag.

dont arabs have gay buttfucking power circles with 20 men? who has that picture

so masculine dude. can you post more misogyny about white women pls?

>dont arabs have gay buttfucking power circles with 20 men?
Just google western pride parades. You people literally dress up as dogs and fuck each others on the street. Literal shit eating faggots.

sounds like fiction bro. muslim buttfucking power circles are real though.

Nah it's enough to laugh at them. It's obvious they're cursed.

Actually a good troll. if you criticise other races what are you white?asian?black?

Don't know wtf this kind of porn is called but want more

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>denies the existence of pride parades and public faggotry in the west
hahahahahaha the absolute state of white people.

its best to draw out the crazies into the open under public scrunity

my race is from space

oh yeah we definitely have pride parades for sure. never heard of the fur suits in them, you made that up.

perhaps youre projecting closeted fantasies? when was the last time you were in a bufu power circle with your bros?

>when was the last time you were in a bufu power circle with your bros?
Never because I'm not a homosexual like you. You talk big yet there are like 20 gay threads up right now on this very place of white people.

if its so gay, then why are you here? ok bro youre straight as a ruler.

I'm here laughing at you pathetic white people pitying yourselves because you can't even have sex with dog-fucking white roasties until they're 40 and look like a corpse

oh man ok. go easy on us wypipo, might falafel.

Tell me anons, are you man enough to marry this woman once she's 40 and ready to settle down? If you don't then the white race will die!

mighty achmed has spoken. zumbullu

Lauren Southern only dates brown and black men lol

Well duuh but brown and black men aren't BRAVE enough to actually marry a beautiful 40 year old lauren southen, which is why you have to do your DUTY as a white man and marry her.

achmed is merciful and thinks of the welfare of our peepol.

>achmed is merciful and thinks of the welfare of our peepol.
lmao no I don't. The more of you become LGBTOW the better. I'm rooting for (((them))).

achmed roots for Israel!

You're damn right I do, Kyle.

ya damn right, Skip! muslims are poo

beta fag spotted, pls keep licking the STDs filled pussies of the white women
>average virgin arab woman is inferior for the beta cuck who only likes western women whose pussy has been penetrated by 10 Chads, 5 Tyrones and 2 Chadullah.

Barry pls, you musnt speak in such a manner tis not kosher.

>only 17 sex partners
That's practically a virgin by western standards.

>Arab chick
Oh boy someone is gullible

why do we fire on our own?

I've lived in both an european society and in a middle eastern society so I am not gullible, I think I know a little better than you do, pal

>white mgtow cuck has to cope by deluding himself into thinking no men in the world marry virgins
how sad. I almost feel sorry for you. Almost.

cuz your own are garbage, admit it and move forward


Jew dare?!

And there's nothing wrong with taking white dicks up your ass, white people helped us all it'd be nice of us if we got rid of their sexual frustrations, I wouldn't mind it.

oy vey, where are your manners Chaim?

Right wing propaganda is designed to make you worry a lot and stress makes you age faster.

Hairy Arab wants to impersonate me? On your suicide car achmed and don't you dare touch white people you'll lessen their population meaning less white males.

Taco Bar! Malladu ponkaraz, i will smite you for your lack of manners, Bilbo.

we offended you with the truth so hard that you stopped replying to us and started replying to yourself with what you would tell us so that we wont respond back, kek.
I managed to annoy, the greatest troll on R9K.

who dafuq cares about your white race, if you care so much about your white race then do many babies with a white woman and live your own life

Oy vey stop sat mockery of Israel you hairy mongrels we are trying to undermine da white man. White cocks are a rarity we must save them.
Fuck off achmed

I'm just here to preserve the white race and white men stay mad SJW faggot and by the way did I mention I'm Asian so get rekt jealous blackcel

I'm extremely white and I'm in awe that I'm actually half a year older than this woman. I look like eighteen because I usually and that's because I usually have a beard.

My mom who smokes a pack a day looks the same age and she's 52.

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Heil Israel! Donald is mein Fuhrer, greatest Glory to the homeland!

oy vey Rabbi, my cousins cousins cousins brother is 5% ashkenazi , quite the lad he is.

you pretty much use your ''save the white race'' cause to stop white men from breeding with asian girls dont you?

>I'm just here to preserve the white race and white men stay mad SJW faggot and by the way did I mention I'm Asian so get rekt jealous blackcel
user I....

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no. what an awkward kestion! oy vey i can never win with these crowds. no respect.

No that's not it I wouldn't mind if white men bred our women, it's just we need white men and we need to keep them happy so appeasing them sexually is a tiny drop in the kindness they've given us, I personally wouldn't mind doing that.

He's literally a drooling retard.

? what do u need clarification on, hun.

ah yes. by all means.

Your just a jealous Asian femcel or a equally jealous blackcels, white guys love me stay mad.

>believing a woman when she says she's a virgin in a society that pressures women to be virgins
Hmm I wonder if they have any incentive to lie. It's comical that you gullible lot that listen to women call anyone else cucks

this. stay mad asian femcels and blackcels. #bros