About ugly women in relationships

>About ugly women in relationships
A husband's marital satisfaction is a function of his wife's attractiveness. A wife's marital satisfaction is not related to her husband's attractiveness.


Men act better towards their partner if she's more attractive. Women, on the other hand, act better towards less attractive men (presumably because the men act better with more attractive women).


>You think you're safe if you date below your looksmatch and if you babebux? Think again.
Men overestimate their attractiveness.


Men are actively turned off by intelligence, unless the woman is more attractive than she is smart.


>About men ignoring ugly women
Men only see attractive women.


Men have unvaried tastes in women, so they all go for the same top women. Women in comparison like a greater variety of men.


Men imagine attractive women are the most into them.


Men send the bulk of their messages to the most attractive women.


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Other urls found in this thread:


>About the general woes of ugly women (unrelated to dating)

Ugly women inspire the least empathy.


Ugly women don't get hired. Callbacks are 54% for attractive women, 47% for attractive men, 26% for ugly men and 7% for ugly women. The average was 32% for men and 28% for women. Being an ugly man is about as bad as being an average woman.



Ugly female students are given lower grades. (They found that attractive female students aren't given higher grades than what they should get, but that unattractive female students are given lower grades than what they should get.)


Physical decline due to aging makes men less interested in their wife for sex and more likely to be unfaithful.


Husbands initiate sex more if they believe other men find their wife attractive.


Men seek relationships for social standing, women for companionship.


Men judged women with an attractive photo more positively, even if they were told that the photo wasn't really her. The same was not true for women judging men with attractive photos.


Another study showing that husbands are happier and behave less negatively if their wife is more attractive.


When exposed to beautiful women, men judge their partners as significantly less attractive.


The older a woman gets, the less attractive men find her. The same is not true for aging men.


I'd rather have a below average chick that puts out more often than an above average chick that puts out less often to be honest

All that stuff yet ugly women still have it better than average men in the dating marketplace wow

To be honest all I want is a girl who will make me pancakes and give me oral sex. Those are my top priorities

nice, you have the right idea

>men seek relationships for social standing
Come again? This is news.

Guys who are single and can't get girls are considered losers. How is that a news flash to you?

that would mean the taken guys had social standing in the first place and weren't seeking it out

i didn't need another reminder that men don't like ugly girls

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Yea, but some inceltards do; like this one..

Men love ugly girls. What are you smoking?

Out of curiosity, could you post an image of a girl whom you consider 'ugly'?

Google showed me this when I looked up ugly woman.

Attached: IMG_1466.jpg (600x450, 76K)

If you have a nice body you have enough to attract men. If you have a nice body and a nice personality you're marriage material even if you're ugly.

>Men have unvaried tastes in women

Huge doubt. Most men will fuck anything with a hole. If the hole is good enough they'll stick to it.

>If you have a nice body---

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That's a fucking man, what???

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"Nice body" for a woman is just "don't be obese". You could be a stick with no tits or ass and that is a nice body to many men

No it's a woman. I'd date her, she'd probably reject me though

Start working on it then.

Women are trophies to collect for us. The more attractive women I can show off, the better I look socially.
Shallow, but eh.

Lmao yeah this

I think the point is that they'd rather be fucking someone more attractive and they will if the opportunity presents itself.

how do i force myself into becoming a lesbian

Are you a woman? I doubt a man would care to post this.

> World view gets challenged.
> Goes straight to #1 in the manual like a good little sheepcel.

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What OP says is true, I'm asking if they're male or female.

Lots of men like ugly girls, you just have unreasonable standards

Men do not LIKE ugly girls. Men like holes, and ugly girls happen to have holes.

>Lots of men like ugly girls,
No, they settle for ugly girls. That's not the same thing.

no i'm not a woman, i copy and pasted it from here


Find a low-libido man

People love their partners by getting to know them and forming a deep attachment, infatuation is something you only want if you're a personality-disordered attention whore.

Relationships are driven by lust.

I can see why you're alone now.

>People love their partners by getting to know them and forming a deep attachment, infatuation is something you only want if you're a personality-disordered attention whore.

This actually isn't true.

This is something that the sort of personality type that becomes part of the therapeutic community wants to believe is true, so they assert it nakedly and without any real support. The therapeutic ideal in a relationship is an emotion-free pap made up of capitulation, boredom, laziness, and ennui. They hate what they call "infatuation" because it involves actual feeling.

Prior to the 20th century, the common definition of "love" would be what is now defined by the worms that make up our therapeutic community as "pathological obsession". What we now call love would previously have been identified as contempt.

You are either deluded or dishonest. And there is no reason to be dishonest when you're anonymous. A relationship with deep attachment and platonic love with no lust is dead. You are the type to end up on r/deadbedrooms.

Keep up your BPD ways then, a string of failed relationships built on empty infatuation will surely make you happy

Then why do you care if your man only likes you for your hole?

Love and attachment is the base of a relationship, lust is what DRIVES it. Did you not read OPs posts? There is no point in entering a relationship when it's proven that low attractiveness will kill it over time, no matter what.

The words of somebody who has given up without even trying. Don't blame anybody else when you end up alone.

>Keep up your BPD ways then, a string of failed relationships built on empty infatuation will surely make you happy

I've been in a relationship where I was cast into an overwhelming obsession literally at first sight, and I've been in a years-long relationship based on getting to know someone over a long period.

The former relationship was so much greater in value, and in actual feeling, than the latter that they really shouldn't even be compared.

The smug pride some people take in the fact that their pallid, grey, unemotional, disposable relationships make them "healthy" is kind of demented.

This is sad. I feel sorry for you.

Would like to know if you're a coping female or a delusional male.

Coping with what? I have a bf and we're very happy.

>This is sad. I feel sorry for you.

Right, exactly. This is what I mean.

>Look at me, I always only have tepid emotions that I can control
>My emotions are always socially valuable for me. And constructive!
>Watch me be sensible! I'm over here forming connections based on, you know, passively occupying the same space for a very long time! Cause that's HEALTHY!

And then you have the fucking audacity to pretend that you occupy a superior position from which you can feel sorry for others. The sheer, unmitigated undeserved ego of that - the pride in mediocrity...it's hard to understand.

How attractive are you both, and who is the most attractive?

>men are trash
i'm in shock.

You don't know what love is, your brain is wired to reject it. I honestly just feel bad, I wouldn't wish BPD on my worst enemy.

Neither of us are that attractive.

Same desu
Maybe there's some hypnosis online or something

Are you a girl or a guy? I have trouble finding people with the same mindset.

Jesus, looks like andy samberg.

op why should I care if I'll always be alone anyways.

>A husband's marital satisfaction is a function of his wife's attractiveness.
maybe if you're a filthy normie, lel. you think all husbands' marital satisfaction goes to shit as soon as he turns 40?

>I wouldn't wish BPD on my worst enemy.

This is a fairly predictable response from someone who has never experienced an emotion worth actually having.

>Formerly, all the WORLD had BPD!

>Are you a girl or a guy? I have trouble finding people with the same mindset.

Guy, sorry.

at this point i would be more than happy marrying/living with a girl for the rest of my life, even if i don't love them romantically. this is just a fantasy though

this is the most based and redpilled post I have ever seen on r9k
props to you OP

Absolutely correct, infatuation and love are more or less the same, or at least 9/10 times when someone accuses someone of being infatuated they're actually in love. I've experienced the kind of supposed non-infatuated love they preach, it's nothing but boring void filler.

Love how the white knight shut up after this was posted. Robots have low standards and still cannot get a woman to talk to them

Yes, but men have a universal beauty ideal - a 6/10 for one guy is a 6/10 for any other guy, typically.
Women have more varied taste, so a 9/10 for one woman can be a 2/10 for the other (I've personally had this exchange with a friend who thought my crush was hideous). Take Benedict Cumberbatch as an example, he's a lot of women's 10/10.
So it's true that a woman is only attracted to 20% of men, but each woman's 20% is composed of different men. Some would include BC and many would exclude him.

>replies to this post thinking she's genuinely ugly
i'd give up everything in my life to look like that

The wall is a meme. Jennifer Lopez is about 50 right now and only a blind person could call her unattractive.

That woman is still too attractive for most robots, though. If the sight of her doesn't make you throw up in your mouth a little, she's out of your league.

Lose weight. There is no such thing as an ugly skinny woman

Are you the user that was in that one thread asking femanons what they think of men hating them? The one where it was mentioned that women never have sources or links to prove misogyny is real?

Either way, good on you OP

Seems like roastie got toastie

nice job ignoring dozens of peer-reviewed studies in favor of ad hominem

For incelbots, it's only REAL science if it eases their butthurt.

Why are there no female incels then?

There are. They're on tumblr and not here.
You just don't hear about them because they don't sperg out and fucking kill people when they aren't getting laid.

yeah and she's a millionaire whose entire career and life is based on looking hot and fuckable, who definitely has an expensive personal trainer/dietician and many hours of free time to keep up her body (if she's not injected with silicon every week like clockwork)

So if I go on tumblr I'll meet a desperate lonely ugly woman that will date any man?

>don't sperg out

Yeah they do and they are still getting laid, gross women get laid, you have to be fucking deformed as a woman to not get laid.

is clearly not even close to fat and all the males replying to it are horrified

she's also 5/10 at worst and probably looks better in person

I'm not deformed and I'm a 20yo virgin

Cue 40 people asking for your information and getting ready to fuck you.

You say all males, but clearly an user posted that as an example of an ugly women he'd ~love~
He even wrote that he thinks he's not good enough for her in this thread. Many many men would love to be with a woman that looks like that.


Nigga, you are fucking retarded, that shit is 2-3 at best. "She" looks like a dude.

>Nigga, you are fucking retarded, that shit is 2-3 at best. "She" looks like a dude.
If she's a 2 I'm a -4
God damn you trash men

Get less ugly? Not sure what the fuck to tell you, a 1 usually means you are fucking deformed, 2-3 is like you aren't deformed but you are very unattractive.

Gotta agree with this user.
I'm mediocre on a good day and I would not touch that woman unless she paid me.

Are you fat? It feels impossible to lose weight doesn't it? I know it does. You just want her to be ugly and unwanted because then it means that you don't have to try to lose weight. You can say "Even if I was skinny no man would want me cause I'm too ugly, look how they mock this woman who I imagine looks better than skinny me!" You don't want to have to give up all the food you love and change your habits for no guaranteed reward. You're scared it'll just make you more miserable. But trust us, men will love any skinny woman. And you can get that love too.

Jow Forums is only making my bdd worse but i can't leave

lol I would marry her if she was loyal to me

>not using a logarithmic scale
>in 2018

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Is it bdd if you actually are fat and ugly? Asking for a friend....

either the person who made this list has no taste or i am much, much uglier than i thought. literally less than a 1 according to this list.

>140 I.Q.
>no friends
>completely average looks
>no man is ever interested in me

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well you won't find any men here.

If you are 1, you are fucking Quasimodo tier.

Never bring up your IQ with men, ever. No one gives a flying fuck, in fact it is fucking annoying to even hear. Be feminine, do chick things.

>tfw 4

Most robots when confronted with this won't go below 6. Going to get surgery and eventually I'll probably get to at least 5.5. Its going to take years to save up though

>it is fucking annoying to even hear
Why do men always bring it up then?
I have an actual tested IQ of 141, do I have to pretend like that doesn't exist if someone asks?

>middle school nickname resurfaces
yeah i'd say that's about right. the boy i liked had to move away after there were rumors that i liked him and he started getting bullied for it.

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Shut the fuck up, you aren't a man, this is how it is. No one ever brings this up you fucking autist, just shut the fuck up about that shit and be a god damn woman. Feminine activities are attractive to men.

>Ugly women don't get hired. Callbacks are 54% for attractive women, 47% for attractive men, 26% for ugly men and 7% for ugly women. The average was 32% for men and 28% for women. Being an ugly man is about as bad as being an average woman.
Really hitting me in the wagie feels.

They're interested in you, you just ignore them

>Feminine activities are attractive to men.
I take it I should drop out of my math major and switch to English, then.
You seem like a very angry person.

all this betabux sourcing and shit when you could be out there doing random shit and getting laid like ron jeremys dick on a carpet of ice after a long fuck session. or you can stay on here, dont hurt my game none.