Jow Forums is talking shit about you guys, again

Jow Forums is talking shit about you guys, again.

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We deserve it.


Most 4chaners are out of shape teenage failures

they cant stop talking about us because they are afraid of us.

>Cope: the board
>talking shit about us
Jow Forums is like Jow Forums but delusional enough to think ((("""self-improvement"""))) will change anything.

>mfw they'll lose all their gains when they die anyway

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No. Self-improvement faggots are Jow Forums's cancer, see

tbfh fit are fake lifters that take steroid, i might 'soda liter' but at least im myself. these guys use cheat codes but we are playing the game with cheats

Robots who just want to be alone, maybe have a waifu, and be comfortable and sort through emotional trauma sharing a board with pissy failed normies who just want to get laid but feel too ugly to really confuses people on what this board is. We don't want to "make it" by changing our personality and all and shallowly impressing some roastie.

Imagine same fagging in two separate threads. On two separate boards.

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Pretty sure your average fit user can beat the shit out of most people if not all here.

At least my coffin won't look like a fucking hamburger and they won't need to roll me out of my house

Jow Forums is just full of wannabe Chad's, if you're autistic enough to post on Jow Forums then you're only end up here anyway. we accept what we are, they don't

Average fit stats get posted from time to time, it's side splitting hilarious and pathetic. The average 15 year old HS football player is way stronger than Jow Forums posters who've been lifting for years.

>hated only because I do the same things like them except for lifting
I never liked them anyway.

They're just in their improvement isn't a meme and every robot is fixable and the world isn't a cess pit faze.

Its funny how they still have that image of Jow Forums being a bunch of bottle pissing neets when nowadays its mostly teenagers, trannies and normalfags.
Hell I bet this board has more normalfags than Jow Forums which at times feels like incel central even more than here.

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The average Jow Forums user doesn't even lift.

big coffin for a big man

you're big in life and small in death lmao

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So what I get more pussy than you do

ooga booga i fug loveless leach monster after years lifting stone

imagine being a slave to the pussy in 2018, i thought you guys didnt lift for girls

> i thought you guys didnt lift for girls
its what they tell themselves

the bitter-sweet lie

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So? Hey are so insecure they inject roids and the actual nattys look like DYEL faggots.

>i-if I lift I'll get a gf, right my fellow Jow Forumsizens?
I think he's got the pathetic aspect backwards.

>they're trying
>I'm not
>we're both still int he same position

Feels good man