Impending ascension

>tfw im gonna fuck two girls at the same time soon

and i am a virgin. How do i not fuck up?

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You can start by getting the fuck off this board

100 MG Viagra pill

How soon are we talking?

depending on your availability u should fap before

Don't listen to this guy. You can just cum multiple times they won't mind

Two weeks tops.

implying i wouldnt blast my nut in a milisec

not fapping from now until then

Go to a hooker, or two for this particular case. Not to a hellhole, try to invest some money and explain what you are looking for.

Most hookers are up to help in these situations when experience is needed as long as she likes what she does. Two weeks is enough.

Why would i do that when I have to lined up already doing for free?

Are they into each other or is it two on you?

Post pics. I want to be jealous of something I will never get to experience

Just try to not get performance anxiety

I think its pretty much one big fuck fest mate. One is the girl im seeing, the other I found on tinder. She is surprisingly hot

Goddamit whiteboy!!! Try to think, it is for the experience and for you to have any idea of what you are doing.

Don't you think that your inexperience will come out when you are fucking them? I thought that you did not want to fuck it ip.

Fap at least twice before hand

The thing with Viagra is that your erection keeps on despite having cummed. Bitches love it.

If the girls are willing to do stuff with each other then you've got a lot less pressure on you. Instead of you having to please two girls at once, don't try and fall short, especially since you're a virgin. Instead, among the three of you, pick one person at a time, for the other two to focus on. This is how I managed through a foursome, don't go in with the mindset expecting to carry it all on your back, instead think of it as a cooperative effort. Two fuck one, not some weird 1-1-1 where no one is familiar with each other or the arrangement. Not that a 1-1-1 can't work, but not really on a first time.

buy a hooker beforehand you will cum quickly your first time and it's embarrassing as fuck

Lol this guy here.

Let me ask you a question buddy? Have you ever experienced anger towards women? Have you ever been rejected by most girls for being unnatractive? Probably not and yet here you are mocking us true robots! Despicable. Youre like a parasite.

Nah viagra won't make you cum early or anything. But the thing is is that for you first time having sex you're gonna be really nervous, so when it comes time for business your nerves could make your cock go limp. If you take viagra you'll have nothing to worry about.

Oh of course. Stupid ethnics are incapable of forced loneliness because most white women will readily date them for their skin color.

God damn I hate being a white male! I wish I could be black or Asian! Their lives are infinitely better than most white guys.

>2 weeks
long enough for us to forget about it and never have to offer up proof
kys faggot

>im gonna fuck
Get thee to you degenerate nigger.

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>cherry picking bible
>as source of morality

>Implying society hasn't become more languished and perverted as religion has left the west

>not looking at all the evidence in the pic

Holy shit out of everything I wrote you really just picked up the whiteboy thing? Look galan. I am trying to adjust the normie life and wheter you like it or not there are things that we are obliged to do.

Do you want to know people? We need to buy nice clothes and get a trendy haircut. You want to stop being weird? Discussing anime and videogames is forbidden. Do you want to avoid sexual embarassment due to the lack of experience? Get experience the hard way.

Sadly this is the world that we live in.

Make sure both of your penises are clean. Girls don't like it when a guy has smelly dicks.

>people can't be moral without religion
jesus is it the early 2000s again

>not reluniqishing your inner cave man with two horny thots

uggos or good looking girls?

99% they are lying to you in order to humiliate you.
I have seen this trick before.

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I didn't say they cant be.
Data shows however that a person is LESS likely to be, not that they will be

>implying women didn't stay in marriages in the past because the situation was mutually beneficial
>implying they'll ever voluntarily subjugate themselves just so the situation is ideal for a man
They've already gotten freedom, you stupid fucking niggers. They're never going back. Get over it. Both of you. Marriages were done mostly out of necessity and "muh tradition." It's not necessary anymore. You don't need a contract to express love for someone.

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A strong marriage between a man and a woman is the foundation of civilization.

>>>cherry picking bible
What? The sanctity of marriage and sex only meant between one man and one woman is mentioned so many times.

He was giving good advice to an user who asked for it. Stop being a whiny little faggot.

Kek. Used up 45 yr old divorcees are the worst. Wine-os trying to get some young dick or some omega with some $.

No fault divroce is beneficial for men and women.

>How do i not fuck up?
Most succinct advice I can give you: pay attention. Pay attention to how they move, how they breathe, the moans they make, and so on. It's like a game of 'warmer / colder'.

If they're not into each other, that's going to put more pressure on you. Read some tips on use of mouth and fingers so you can keep the one that you're not fucking engaged.


I've got a bisexual girlfriend and have been in many MFF threesomes. Let me know if you have more specific questions, OP.

Don;'t fuck it up. You''ll regret it so much

28 year old virgin here and I was dating two (albeit fat) girls at the same time. I could never get it up to fuck either of them.

Now I'm alone and still a virgin. Don't fuck up

>I could never get it up to fuck either of them.
Were you not attracted to them at all or was it performance anxiety? Did you ever get a boner from just thinking about fucking them when they weren't around?

>You don't need a contract to express love for someone.
childless marriages are sort of pointless

How did you end up in this situation? Also how old are you?

No they're not
what are shared finances
what are tax benefits