>be me in class
>guy who I thought was shy and hated everybody gawks at this Stacy TA
>keeps staring at her the whole time in awe
>even approached her in the middle of class, asking how she likes her job as a teachers assistant
>right at the end of class he approaches her and talks to her
>cant contain my frustration and jealousy so I put up a resting a bitch face
>friend borrows my phone from me and im just waiting there, while I can see from the corner of my eye this guy hitting it off with the Stacy
>after shes done with her phone call, I grab my stuff and right when I leave he comes back to the table
>mfw this always happens to me to every guy I ever liked
>mfw if I was Stacy I wouldnt be a lonely femcel
>mfw its over
Be me in class
Other urls found in this thread:
Last two threads if you missed out:
god damn fuck that guy
my whole life has been like this too
>be me
fuck off normon scum
Well, maybe Chad Chadington has more in common with Stacy, captain of the cheerleading team.
Maybe you should reappraise not only your attractiveness, but also your 'tude
if you don't speak out about your interest on me i'm never going to know
because,like,you know, i'm not a psychic
He is literally dumb and socially autistic, he doesnt even know what to do and he likes to mumble to himself every now and then
You mean the guy you never tried talking to AT ALL still ignored your existence? Go fuck yourself you dumb whore.
dumb fag-tranny no one cares about your failure with chad kys
>be me
>chad did not notice me and picked stacy instead because I'm a fat generic cunt
>confidence is crushed
>go on r9k to rant and wait for the horde of betas to comment and boost my confidence back
my inner broly dislikes this
keep your weakness to yourself
if youre really him (which youre not) fuck you.
It's precisely his lack of self-awareness that makes him think he has a chance with some Stacy. He's living in comfortable denial, basically.
Why should he have, you dumb cunt? If you're interested and want his attention, talk to him.
You're stupid.
Unfortunately for you son. Women have the instinct to not show interest in a male unless he does first, that way, if he has multiple options they can resent him for not picking her. Because they're crazy... bitches. Three chicks will sit in a row, one will like you, the others will know, and if you pick the wrong one you're locked out of copulation for ever in that group.
>talk to him and get frienzoned while he gawks at blonde Stacy the whole time
Yeah no thanks. Its clear he already has someone in mind and is in love with her just because of her great looks. My attempts are futile to begin with.
Why the fuck should he have to? Are you SURE you're not just a entitled cunt that no one wants to talk to? Get over yourself whore.
well doesnt it tell you something that he decided to approach the most attractive looking girl, the blonde Stacy, whom she had no knowledge of his existence prior until she got approached by him?
Men are shallow.
>assuming you get friendzoned right from the start
Youre not even trying, blame yourself for your problems, not others
you do realize guys have the whole "what if i get friendzoned" thing too, and you mock us for it?
Here's what you don't get:
If the Stacy is the TA, he's *allowed* to talk to her, because he has a pretext to do so. She's the TA, so it's her job to talk to the students.
If you are a fellow student, any interaction he begins with you would be purely social, and without the protection of an enabling pretext.
If he's shy - and you said he was - it's absolutely normal for him to preferentially choose to talk to the person he has a built-in excuse for approaching, and NOT some random girl in his class who may criticize or attack him for approaching her socially.
If he knows nothing about either of you would picking the prettier one not be the better choice? Still a 50/50 chance she has a better personality than you, so why not take the pretty one
this is 100% accurate. you shouldve used group work as an opportunity
Read Also, I have a question.
>after shes done with her phone call, I grab my stuff and right when I leave he comes back to the table
Do you think he can sense the jealously right through me? Is that why when I was about to leave the vicinity he decided to come right back to the table? (We sit in the same table together)
i think you're reading too deep into it.
what haircut does he have btw? you mentioned it was nice.
I literally sit in the same table as him. He doesnt even talk to me
Talk to him first you nutcase. Also he was literally just talking to a teacher chill out
Have you tried talking to him originally?
op is psycho clinger confirmed.
Because you're a fucking mean, scary, and bitchy cunt as displayed by this thread. The problem is not him.
Shes a teachers assistant. Shes in the same grade level as I am.
He doesnt even talk to the girl sitting next to him who is actually nice and tried conversating with him but he gave one word answers. Whats the point when he only has eyes for Stacy, like every other guy out there.
You convinced nobody in this thread of your """"""niceness""""""
don't expect to be approached in class expect to be approached at parties, your college bar, and dorms
you're not entitled to a beta boyfriend
The fact that another girl (who is a non-Stacy) tried talking to him and he didnt seem interested just proves to me that he only wants to talk to attractive girls.
I dont need to talk to him only for him to be uninterested while he has his eyes on Stacy
ugh OP is a typical case of "nice girl" who is manipulative, doesn't try to approach him and then complains when he shows interest to another girl in class.
Please read And stop misinterpreting my thread
That he didnt seem interested isnt proof of anything. Youre oversimplifying this because you feel better blaming him or 'men' instead of blaming yourself.
Your mind is horribly biased, learn to think and not to shift the blame to other people or even a whole sex
I've long since accepted that men only like pretty Stacies. The only thing to do is accept it and masturbate to the thought of him fucking her like you wish he would you
>I literally sit in the same table as him. He doesnt even talk to me
It strikes me that my other post left out some details. I assume everyone knows this stuff, and I shouldn't assume that.
You said he was shy. Well, shy people go through a decision tree when deciding whether or not to talk to someone, and the very first fork on that decision tree says:
>Does this person have to let me talk to them?
And if the answer to that is No, that often ends the entire tree.
He could sit next to you all year and never talk to you, because every time he starts the decision tree it's:
>Does this girl have to let me talk to her? NO.
The TA can't just blow him off or tell him to get lost. So with her, the decision tree starts out:
>Does this girl have to let me talk to her? YES.
That allows it to continue:
>Is anyone else talking to her? NO.
>Can I think of something to say? YES.
>Did she respond to my first statement?
And so forth.
You have to put yourself in the category "Girl I am allowed to talk to" and that will require *some* action on your part, even if it's not direct or assertive.
Interested about what? He still talked to her.
What do you expect out of this poor guy you looney cunt? A marriage proposal?
youre also forgetting this big point:
Cuckquean gf? Hope you find a loyal boyfriend who fucks other girls in front of you.
Look the only way you have of showing interest to him is to YOU to initiate conversation.
Stop being angry at Stacy, start talking to him and see if he's interested in you. You literally have nothing to lose.
Just keep in mind that if the guy is shy or autistic then you'll probably have to carry the conversation.
here i thought nicegirls didnt exist...
makes you wonder why they dont just get with the niceguys and complain how everyone isnt worshipping them
Women are even more shallow, men go for average with something unique about them. Women only go for the top 20% in a field. If you wanted him, you should have talked to him, now you don't get shit because you sat by with a scowl as he approached a babe. Now she gets the spoils
>pic related
for someone who doesnt need him you sure seem to care an awful lot to be making your third thread about him
Because even nice guys want the top 20% of women.
Oh okay nvm then no Chad robot bf for you
SO you are basicaly complainig about a good loking not talking to youR UGLY SELF?? Wow yo are retarded, pretty men like pretty women. You are probably a womanlet or non-white.
t. autistic white good looking guy who only is interested in cute white girls (specially if not womanlets)
>tfw no bf to fuck every female on the block and let me know all the details
OP here. I really want to move seats away from this guy as far as possible, but each table requires 3 seats and if I move away there will only be 2?
Should I just drop the class and pick something else? I cant stand being anywhere near this dude. He makes me feel hopeless and sad all the time.
>walk up to dude
>"hey uh, i want your babies and i dont like that you were talking to the teacher's assistant. let's go out somewhere, i'll pay!"
was it so hard, OP?
Holy fuck this board is saddening.
Where's your father OP?
Can't he hook you up with a decent young man in church?
Either he wasn't into you or you didn't show him that you were into him. It's simple. People are allowed to not feel anything about each other. Sort out yourself, Do your hair, get nice makeup. Go to the gym, join clubs and talk to people. And don't fucking chase people ffs. It looks desperate when a man does it and looks desperate when a woman does it too. Do something with your life that isn't an adolescent fantasy about getting laid. The reality will fuck you up.
Look after yourself and they might. If you just sit there vegetating and stinky no one wants that.
Fuck you bitch you're probably hideos.
yeah and I can imagine you being a 6ft tall 8 pack abs chad yourself.
kill yourself manchild
>you're probably hideo
Hideos would be a good name for a breakfast cereal. For, like, low self-esteem people.
Get in line OP. Youre not the only one whose crush couldnt care less about them. Grow up.
You're a catch don't worry.
Brownhaird murdoch chan is based.
Are you a virgin potential cuckquean gf?
Your problem, girl, is that you're going for the qt bois. The qt bois are 99% likely to be whores. And whores only fuck whores. I used to be like you. Thinking that one day one of those qt boi whores were going to change just for me. But that never happened. I've now changed my focus to the nervous, ugly fuck bois and they're so much sweeter. They will genuinely love you and stay with you because they know they can't get anything better.
>tfw you sent a well trained team of women to cuck OP
Why should I fuck other women?
Even the ugly guys wont notice me.
The reason why im attracted to cute guys in the first place is because theyre the only guys who sit right by me, either because they had no other option to sit elsewhere or it was due to a seating chart. I also only like guys who are socially introverted as well.
If a socially introverted ugly guy approached me and wanted to talk to me id be screaming in joy and happiness
Why are you so obsessed with this guy?
Talk to him you stupid whore.
Cause I'm ugly as fuck and could never satisfy a man's needs
Socially introverted men do not approach people, especially women. This is why you're going to have to force yourself on one. Pick a loner on the other end of the room, then before or after class approach him. Talk about video games, men love that shit. Keep approaching and talking to him every few days until you establish some familiarity. Then if you're comfortable enough, try asking him if he wants to see a movie or get some ice cream. If you're not comfortable enough for that, or he says no, try a different guy.
Have you ever tried to satisfy a man sexually?
all bodies are 8/10 but faces are 4/10
>be me chad
>in class, surrounded by autistic retards and stupid bitch that keeps staring at me, pretend not to notice her, seriously dislike everyone here do not even care enough to make small talk with them
>fucking 10/10 teaching assistant walks in
>fuck what nice ass
>attempt to talk to her, mostly fuck it up but I reckon she liked me anyway
>look back at my table
>oh shit someone has pissed off that bitch, I don't want to deal with this shit man
>wait until she leaves
>go and sit down
>continue to stare at the nice ass
What if I need a gf/wife to cuck to be satisified?
take the icecream and insert it up your ass
i really wanna see how you look. at least post a fucking gyazo link or some shit
go be a mormon
Please rate yourself out of 10. What is notable about you physically?
ok OP lets get real for a sec
how fat are you?
What if that isn't domineering enough?
Pls be my GF
Bot is gay
You sound entitled. Wow, nicegirl much ? Haha
Its 2018. You bitches want equality right? You dont want to be called whores for sleeping with lots of people while men get respect for it?
Time to start making approaches. Think. Speak. Use fucking language to communicate how you feel to other humans. Im sick of hearing this shit. Literally all you have to do is be nice and introduce yourself and 9/10 the guy will do the rest.
And no femanons, a fucking smile doesnt count as making a move.
satisfy mines pls
Why don't you go after some other guy?
He's just probably the extrovertido and retarded kid that talks loud about his tastes with everyone. You meet them in some occations un tour lifetime, i met one who had a thing old for televitions
unironically this. he doesn't "hate everybody" OP, just you
A red pill robots refuse to accept is that women are incredibly offended when guys don't want them.
Jow Forums is wrong that "men want women but women don't want men".
Women crave men, when men don't give them attention or sex or dating or marriage they go fucking insane.
Women feel more emboldened in this day and age to complain about guys not wanting them, especially since they are women and most people won't make fun of them for it.
Well we're hunky dory then
No I'm a virgin
show bellly i have a fat fetish
Approximate location please perfect lady?
I think we've identified the problem, OP
Get less fat, problem solved.
I'm not OP retard
Would you like to relocate to the NW US? Also what's your hair and eye color?
Came on..
Can you really blame him for not being interested in you?
You probably heard that men a visual creatures.
>f-femb-bot he-heheHEHEH
kys roastie nobody cares that Chad ignored your basic bitch ass