Restless nights

Why do we exist?
Whats the point of life, there literally is no purpose in anything the more i think about it

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We exist because the universe spat out conscious entities.

There really isn't anything more to it.

Babbys first existential crisis. But yeah the goal of every species is to simply survive continue its legacy. We humans tried to give it more meaning so everyone doesnt feel this existential dread. When were not distracted by being hunter gatherers like in the past, or working a boring job, we start to question everything. I believe why even live in this world when you have to keep distracted from the truth just to attain a scrap of happiness? Thats why I prefer wallowing in the dread, Ill be dead sooner or later

Worrying is not productive

why tho, where the fuck did the universe come from, if there is a god where did he come from, you cant just exist out of nothing like the big bang NOTHING MAKES SENSE

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>Why do we exist?
to suffer

>Worrying is not productive

That's the argument of the primitive monkey brain when it tries to get you to stop thinking about it.

the purpose is fabricated, you either find an illusion compelling enough to guide you onward or you cut the cord for good and sever your ties to the world

Why can't you assume the universe just exists?

Cause and effect hasn't been proven. Just because everything we see in our life has a cause doesn't mean we can conclude that everything must have a cause.

Put another way, if a teapot appeared next to you right now, would you really try to tell the universe that it's wrong?

We are a big simulation, a social experiment.

and who made the simulation, who made the guys who made the simulation, just killed 2 fruitflies who seamingly appear out of nothingness and land on my screen,something simple as a tap with a finger and their existence has ended

Perhaps the answer is obvious to the creators of our simulation and they made our world in such a way that we could never understand.

But we are primitive monkey brains, no matter how much we try to hide it. We're only good for asking questions,but too stupid to have any answers

You may be right.

But I hope to be more.

Believed it would be higher beings but now I see that I am running in a circle here because their existence would need a reason as well.

Is he incorrect though 80808

checkd, thats what im saying pic semi related

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No they are very right.

But not all of us care about being productive. Hence the engaging in armchair philosopher shitposting on Jow Forums

I wish there were a 100 % effective yet non-painful suicide method.

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There is - a large enough explosion. You wont feel shit if you're vaporized by a nuke.

The problem is availability, unfortunately.

I dont have answers either but I wanna say I feel your pain.

I believe sentience is a curse. I know all the questions I ask will never answered in my lifetime or anyones for that matter. They either isn't one or it's beyond our comprehension, which is basically the same as there not being an answer. It would simply be better to be ignorant enough to never want to question anything to begin with if happiness is what you seek in life.

Or maybe you could settle on the most probable answer with the biggest pile of evidence?

we exist because the big bang happened
the point is just to exist, who needs a purpose anyways.

To create.

That's just accepting that we will never truly know, I'd rather just not think about it at all as it's futile. Devoting ones life to finding answers and new discoveries is a selfless act, you sacrifice a lot (like dying a virgin). Instead you could just stick you head in the sand and be a nigger. You won't be remembered but you will experience the primal pleasures of life. You could say that those with higher intelligence simply do not desire the likes of sex or other forms of recreational pleasure and have acceded to a new level but I don't know. Something tells me these types of people will experience depression far more often than someone below the mean IQ.

Sometimes you do have to accept there are things you will never know, or else you might end up believing that one day you will stumble upon a unicorn or something. Everything within plausibility.