What is LSD like? Would you recommend?

What is LSD like? Would you recommend?

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LSD is really fun as long as you're ready to take it and have someone nearby to make sure you don't kill yourself

>have someone nearby to make sure you don't kill yourself
That might be a problem. What if I just locked away all potentially dangerous items?

You'd probably be fine in that case, but the most important thing is making sure you're in the right headspace, otherwise you can have a really bad trip

It's just colors, thought loops, and muscle tension. It's nonsense.

its fucking awesome, shrooms are great too

Honestly take it at least once a year or so. I use it to "reset" myself it's hard to explain.

Why would it make me kill myself? I highly doubt that taking a drug is gonna fuck me so bad I'll try to impale myself on my ka-bar.

I've heard LSD high is the high where you don't know you're high. So if you start thinking you can fly you might jump out of a window

have you even tried it? it's an incredibly intense introspective experience that has helped many brilliant people make better art and music, find success in their life, and it cured my anxiety and helped a lot with my depression. many others report this as well. steve jobs, bill gates, jimi hendrix, george carlin, bill hicks, francis crick(mans discovered the DNA helix while on acid), Aldous Huxley etc. Nearly every single of these people has attributed some part of their success to taking psychedelics. Yall have not experienced life and once you take one of these substances like acid or mushrooms, you will realize that you don't know Jack shit. maybe youll even get a girlfriend.

on high doses this can defintely happen, just make sure you are in a controlled enviroment and have a trip-sitter.

I've tried shrooms and it was literally bullshit. Just color patterns, moving objects, distorted sounds, and this warm fuzzy sensation.

No trust me, you can definitely tell your high.

>druggies absolutely buttdevastated when their precious spirit molecule is called out as sound and fury, signifying nothing

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except they arent addictive in the slightest. theres so much youll never understand.

Pretty shit
lasts too long and can't sleep on it
prefer shrooms or dmt

u didnt dose high enough. anything past 5gs will take you on a spiritual journey.

How is it on ssris? Ive tripped over 50 times, but just recently started taking these brain killers and havent had the chance to take anything yet. I did notice that i dont get as high off weed now

I took 3.5g twice and 7g once. Same shit.

It's alright I like the visuals a lot. You see geometric patterns that move along the walls and little color palettes in your vision. With higher doses you see tracers behind moving objects it looks exactly like the attached pic for me. The mental effects are pretty unpleasant in my opinion. Thought loops and confusion and disorientation are pretty common. A thought loop is where you get this one string of thoughts in your head and it repeats over and over again in what feels like an infinite loop and it's kind of scary in my honest opinion maybe someone finds it thrilling. You might have thoughts of death or dying where you didn't ordinarily before and suicide attempts are common on hallucinogens.. they're pretty dangerous psychologically but not so much physically.

Forgot to attach the pic here you go

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As long as you don't abuse it (like any other drug) it's generally a good time in using it. Though I would recommend not to do so if you don't exactly have a sound state of mind. I took LSD once in a really turbulent and messed up time in my life and was half dead by the end of the trip.

Just be cautious is what I'm trying to say. Know your shit.

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Look up the hallucinations on psychonautwiki.

It's not like how mainstream media depicts it where you see pink elephants flying at you and shit.

You just see color enchancement, visual distortion, tracers, crap like that.

You'll also feel high energy and wont be able to sleep for at least 12 hours. You could feel confusion or delusions depending on the type of person you are.

In my belief, LSD fine-tunes your neurons and regenerates neurons that are weakened from being alive for these decades of life. I just feel more fine tuned after experimenting with it, i dunno

I've literally never had thought loops. I always hear most people talking about thought loops and having grandiose delusional theories on LSD but I've never experienced that.

How do you even abuse psychedelics?
If i had the money to abuse psychs i would do heroin everyday instead

Normalfag psychedelic. Do shrooms or DMT instead.

someone i knew in high school takes multiple tabs a day. he's fucked in the head

I've had two trips. first one was on 150ug. went fucking amazing, didn't want it to end. insane euphoria (stronger than MDMA, had giggles and energy for hours). the other one was a fucking nightmare. took probably around 120ug. basically started having a panic attack during the peak, drank some antipsychotics to kill the trip which just made me trip harder LMAO. removed the visuals but my mind was still going paranoid schizo. had to fight myself not to enter ego death or lose ability to form concious thoughts on my own. insane paranoia, feeling of impending doom, all that jazz.

when people rate the risks and harm involved in drugs they really underrate how they can fuck you up mentally. and LSD can. it's like taking a truth serum or going to therapy with yourself. if you're in an anxious state, it will enhance it. if you are feeling good about your life, that will be enhanced as well.

LSD tolerance is strong as hell. If you trip one day, the next day you'd need at least 4x the last dose to feel the same. If he actually felt shit taking multiple tabs a day he probably had some other chem, not LSD.

Yeah people do underrate the risks. I got HPPD from just microdosing 10ug once every 3 days which I was told was good for microdosing.

You shouldnt trust any drug completely even if everyone says it's "perfectly safe" to do. It is still safer than alcohol and crack cocaine though.

It's like a shitty version of weed that makes things wavy.

>If he actually felt shit taking multiple tabs a day he probably had some other chem,
ehh theres alot of other factors to consider, how long you were awake, if you were eating properly and staying hydrated, other drugs in the mix etc

alcohol fucks you up slowly, I think that's the main danger. you don't notice it so you don't stop, and before you know it you're fucked. with mentally stimulating """spiritual""" drugs like psychedelics they can fuck you up instantly. but then you stop doing them lol. at least for a while. I don't think I've ever had an experience with alcohol when I thought "damn, I should lay this off for a bit" and I've drank A LOT. almost called an ambulance on myself once lmao.

either way, every drug should be respected. they are powerful substances. I had an "invincibility" stage in my life when I could drink, do amphetamine, then weed, then go to bed and wake up perfectly fine but eventually that shit adds up. I now get random panic attacks sometimes from marijuana, so I gotta be careful. to anyone who is interested in doing some drugs - do fuckloads of research before trying anything. literally ZERO drugs are safe. always keep this in mind. it might give you anxiety and ruin your trip, but you won't fucking die at least. and I've been close to ODing from speed. not a fun ride. fucking wall of text god damn.

Random panic attacks after you've smoked or in your day to day sober life? Because I 100% think weed gave me anxiety or some shit

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>not to enter ego death
But I thought that was the point? Ego death is maximum enlightenment.

>urinestream media tells lies to prevent people from bettering themselves
What else is new.

It is as if your memory span is about 5 seconds long. Everything is stupidly hilarious. Dont worry about having an itinerary of things to do to occupy your time because you will just do whatever the fuck you want in the moment. Dont worry about a baby sitter or being in a good state of mind because the trip will just go. My only suggestion is to take the drug earlier on in the day because time seems to stand still and seeing the sun moving across the sky will help overcome that. Expect to be high and not sleep for 24-48 hours

well I had my first panic attack after doing A LOT of amphetamine irresponsibly (no hydration, drunk) and then smoking weed on the comedown which gave me some paranoia which lead to anxiety over heart palpitations. I convinced myself I was ODing but it was "only" a panic attack. that was a few months ago actually. the upcoming weeks of that event was just daily panic attacks lol. now they stopped pretty much, and only happen exclusively if I smoke too much weed.

and YES weed did give me increased irrational anxiety even when sober. and I know many people who are the same. not like social anxiety or whatever, but like paranoia and shit. I literally check out my pulse instinctively all the time now. because of that insane panic attack I had. It's irrational, but I keep doing it. if you start feeling that your day-to-day anxiety is increasing, drop all weed dude. don't listen to retards who tell you that weed is harmless. it may not burn your organs, but it can definitely fuck you up mentally.

I was wondering. Because after the first time I smoked weed in like grade 9 or somewhere around there, my personality almost did like a 180. Before that I was super social even with people I didnt know THAT well but still knew (It was a small school) and I strived to make my classmates laugh at any opportunity. But then after that I started to become increasingly more and more insecure over what people thought of me, even people I'd consider good friends. I also found myself becoming increasingly nervous regarding strangers, I was already anxious when meeting new people but then it turned to me even becoming anxious to check something out at a store till.

Now I dont smoke very much weed, generally opting to go off for about four months and then buy a shitload and smoke it all in the 5th month, but I find that when I do the first high is always good and calm but then everything after that is mostly good but with random bouts of thoughtlooping and paranoia. Sorry for the wall of text/blog post but I just thought it'd be worth mentioning. Dont listen to stoner retards anyone reading this. They'll be the death of you.

So you're anti-weed because you're not disciplined enough to use it in moderation?

It the most intence high ever but it doesnt make you do anything you dont come up with yourself theres still plenty of control

sounds like me. except I started smoking it waaay later. I'm 24 now, started blazing about a year ago. like two times a week, but I would get blasted. this summer though I smoked every single day. it made me a paranoid mess. now I don't smoke at all. maybe once a month. it's just not worth the risk. if get high my paranoia increases ten fold. I think a distinction should be made between paranoia and anxiety. the latter is just a natural part of life, you get anxious over shit that's might happen in the future. it's normal. paranoia isn't though. weed makes me wonder if my friends really care about me, if they're with me ""ironically"", if they respect me. if I have the same level of connection in the friend group as others (this is a very strong thoughtloop I enter sometimes, gave me a depersonalization-panic attack, heard all my friends' voices laughing at me when I was high on weed alone at home, what the fuck).

so right now I'm working on getting rid of my fucking insanity - irrational paranoia about heartbeat.

strangely though, all my bad trips removed basically any social anxiety lol. because I'm always anxious about my heart now, and I cope by communicating with people. literally the only thing that gets my mind off my heart.

Its pointless to describe in words. Because the person reading the description isnt the person who would be experiencing the phenomenon. People think that LSD is something they take to change the EXTERNAL, that they will be the 'same' but everything around them will look and feel 'different'. This couldnt be farther from the truth.

Forget about the pretty colors and lights. Heavy psych trips take the very way you perceive reality from WITHIN and blow it apart. It really shows you how mentally-constructed your reality is.

I didnt say anything about being anti weed i'm anti stoner, because most potheads especially on this site are ignorant about the possible downsides it could present. I still enjoy weed and smoke it when that month comes along and the high is always enjoyable despite annoying sketchy things like thought loops and whatnot.

You are right though, I cant cut myself off of anything to save my life. Thats probably where that bad shit comes from but the issue i'm talking about is the long run stuff like

I don't think he's anti-weed. it can be great for some people, or really fuck others up. the mental harm is underrated, because it's hard to gauge if people develop disorders from weed use or just living a tough life. I know for sure that weed messed up my day-to-day anxiety/paranoia levels.

Yeah, I guess it would be paranoia not anxiety, but I've had that all my life due to envoirmental things growing up and a part of me is reluctant to stick all the blame on weed because that is around the point that I hit the brunt of puberty and hormones and all that horrible gawk.

it definitely wasn't ONLY weed, but it was a catalyst for bad vibes 100%. like you said, bad environmental things. to me, I had a shitty year (gf left me, fucked up with uni, no job), and weed just made it MORE shitty. I don't regret my drug use though, at all. it removed any desire to get insanely messed up. I'm kind of bored of it all. I'll just stick to the ocasional beer now. ironically, the drug that's scientifically the most dangerous one is the safest to me. "moderation blah blah blah" I know I know. but weed, even in moderation, messes me up now most times.

The problem with LSD is that on high doses you forget everything; that you're human, how to speak english, what reality is. It's like all that shit you learned in order to function and play this game called life on Earth completely goes away. I've been too fucked up in public that way and it's almost been disastrous. I couldn't speak properly when people were asking me questions, and I had the feeling that segments of time kept repeating themselves. Just be ready in case you get some good shit. Twice I've taken far too much because my most recent trips had been very weak and both those trips ended up with me completely reassessing what it meant to be a human on planet Earth in this dimension. I'm not kidding or exaggerating.