comfy game locations that Jow Forums could settle down and live in
Comfy game locations that Jow Forums could settle down and live in
my house in falkreath is comfy as fuck
Most underrated island in the Arma series.
we could start a little village away from all the normies
It would all go horribly wrong straight away but at least we would have left the house
>implying anyone on this board could chop down a tree, let alone hunt for food
I used to fish non-stop if that helps with food, both fresh and sea water. Was tying my own flies when I was about 10
I can hunt, and build a house but idk how to substitute modern things and often focus too much on one task so the house will probably be lopsided af
Ahh, Benirus Manor... home... at last...
>dfw you will never live in cyrodiil
Why are Elder Scrolls locations so fucking comfy bros?
Life is suffering
witcher 3 blood&wine comfy
if you forget all the fucked up crazy shit that occurs there, Rapture is a comfy (looking) place.
>ywn have a nico-time cigarette after having sex with a qt at the bottom of the ocean
Oblivion just hit all the right comfy notes.
>relaxing soundtrack, one of the best of all time
>warm colour palette
>nice rolling meadows of medieval europe
>NPCs had lengthy schedules and could sandbox/interact as well, so the world actually felt somewhat alive for a game in a non hard-scripted way
>you could do what you want, at your own pace
>going on your own adventure to raid & loot some ruins, then returning to town and heading to a tavern as the moon comes out, with other NPCs having goofy autistic conversations n shit around you
modded oblivion is my top comfy game of all time. Glad they retconned it from being a rainforest, rainforests arent comfy. They're hot, wet and sticky all the time, fuck that
beyond the sea
>ywn sit through a Sander Cohen show and tell your sweetheart he's a genius (when you really think he's a fucking hack)
I suffer
I always thought the Cordon in Stalker was rather comfy. Stalker has a bit of those, Pripyat being one of them.
Oblivion at least had a pretty good soundtrack, and for 2006 standards at least the NPCs felt pretty fleshed out instead of just being robots.
Any mods in particular you recommend?
>ywn sit around a fire with Alistair and Sten
Literally what is the point of living??
Deus Ex mankind divided, also Human Revolution
>ywn hunt geckos with Sunny Smiles and eventually form a friendship, followed by romantic relationship, with her
>ywn sit in the saloon and listen to Easy Pete and Trudy tell you stories
>ywn go out looking for extra medical supplies for Doc Mitchell
>dfw you will never stumble home drunk from The Bannered Mare under a blanket of frosty stars, before rolling into your warm fur bed and giving Lydia your rock hard Thu'um
it's not fair to feel this feel lads
bump because good thread
you have been muted for 2 seconds
I mean like before Blizz ruined the old world with endless Meme Packs
Sunny Smiles is kinda ugly desu
maybe but she has a cute personality, and a cool dog
Yeah she's aight. Trudy got big jugs tho
>ywn live in liberty city
Fable 2 was the comfiest of all the vidya I've played.
not exactly comfy but
move to nyc retard
pretty solitary location
>not marrying ysolda
>not sacrificing lydia for boethiah(?)
far from all the vvardenfell politics and religion
I liked Morrigan the most, best girl. Alistair was also a party mainstay and a bro but he and I didn't see eye to eye over Loghain, feels bad.
forgot to post a relevant pic
Comfy fire with guitar
>sacrificing lydia
this should delete your save