I hate that Jow Forums is full of these porn ads now... What do you guys think?
Also did you know that on 22chan, raids are allowed? Also 22chan is free of trap- or gayness, which is really cool... Not like /r9gay/...
I hate that Jow Forums is full of these porn ads now... What do you guys think?
Also did you know that on 22chan, raids are allowed? Also 22chan is free of trap- or gayness, which is really cool... Not like /r9gay/...
I fucking hate these porn ads. I know that /b/ has had them for a while but they should keep that shit there
use adblock you phoneposting scum
use a fucking adblocker you mongs.
still. Not that long ago they were normal ads and now, only porn... Thank you 22chan for existing and beeing ad free
nice advert faggit
yeah okay, you're a shill
raids are boring and pretentious. back in the day "raids" were someone ddos'ing something and everyone talking about it in a /b/ thread
origional samefag
these porn ads are stupid and I think one of them might be illegal. I get this is a nsfw board but fuck man I don't want to deal with this advertisement for a site focused on barely legal that looks illegal shit.
>public statistics
that reveal that it's a fucking ghost town. What's the average post rate? One every two hours on fast days?
check this shit my floob wops
Stop shilling your falsechan, please.
22chan hardly fucking exists.
use. ublock. origin. you. retarded. cunt.
Its nickname is comfychan...
It isnt even the fact its all porn ads now, every single one of them are just so cringe inducing it hurts.
Good point, every other chan is so dead they may as well be on life support.
> origininololo
can you post screen caps of the cringe ads? I don't feel like turning all my shit off to see it
I have adblock on pc but not dealing with another browser on mobile.
That was my first post in this thread.
Its usually some retarded scene sped up a thousand times or some shitty 3d porn with that Overwatch font as text, fuckers cant even bother showing anything good. The rest are just typical retarded ads you most likely have seen before.
then its your own fault for phoneposting without taking the steps needed.