How are we doing lately? free (you's)

How are you guys going?
Tell me how your week is or where you wnat to be in a year or even 5.
>been on this ssri for few week
>3 days sober quitting alcohol
>insane anxiety, still depressed, keep twitching my head around.. think im developing a tick where I have to move my neck
>wondering if I should quit the ssri or not.
generally fucked

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thats how my day fucking went

dude how the fuck man you scared me so much.
I didnt even click on the link man.
dude it wont stop seriously fuck you dude.

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Laughing at incel lolitas and cosplayers on /cgl/. It makes me feel good about my shitty life and shitty cosplays.

Also cringy DMCfag posting on /V/.

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>Laughing at incel lolitas
I would rage if I seen them.
how do you handle it

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>Also cringy DMCfag

My day went as so:
Tried to install LED bar on friends car for 6 hours only to give up and stop because we didnt get anywhere.
Then we decided to get drunk, like Finns do.
Now im drunk and sad about my ldr gf who hasn't answered to me in weeks

I woke up with a bad headache and just want to roll over and die right now. desu I don't even know what I want to do at all, I do hobbies like writing music and stuff like that but I can't see ever being great at it. hope your meds help out fren, mine have. stay comfy

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>Now im drunk and sad about my ldr gf who hasn't answered to me in weeks
Never again.
She is a roastie sorry buro but she is off fucking chad IRL and happy to string you along for fun when she is bored.
3D woman are like this unironically

>im pissed off that my daki has not arrived yet arrrgh.
I just want to cuddle my Waifu while I watch anime.

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I went to PAX West with my friends and embarrassed myself by having a sensory overload breakdown and needing to drive myself back to the Airbnb we were staying at.

My best friend and I are having trouble I think. We arent clicking like we used to, and he is busying himself with other friends. He seems annoyed by me half the time. This has been going on for a few months.

I want to withdraw and be away from everyone for a while. I am a social failure, but I never give up on trying to make friends even though it causes me pain in the end. Idk how many more times I can take getting knocked down.