Feels better

>Feels better
>Many different structures not possible by the normal human vagina
Women have already been replaced

Attached: 06091710_5759249122adb.jpg (980x980, 67K)

How does the anus feel? I'm asking for a friend.

Why not just use your hand

a real woman is infinitely better

>No reasoning
>Bad English
Woman detected.

are you crazy a pile cheap plastic doesnt feel better than real steamy peach

I've never felt a toy feel better than the real thing. It may be cheaper but maintenance is always an issue. It's flat out not worth the effort and there are other ways to pleasure yourself which are cheaper and better feeling.

I complain about esl posts all the time but there's nothing wrong with what was said.

How would you know it's better you turbo virgin?

There it is.

No capital, no full stop.

gtfo my r9k betacuck