Germany is a nice, beautiful country, but oh boy do the people suck there. The MOST normie country in the fucking World, wouldn't you agree?
Germany is a nice, beautiful country, but oh boy do the people suck there. The MOST normie country in the fucking World...
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Most autistic one I'd say
Is it the most kike'd country in the world?
Dunno never been there, but their language is ugly.
Germany is the most boring country I ever stood on.
Clean out the rapefugees
No, sweetie
Germans are ants who live to work
>Germany is the most boring country I ever stood on
Germany fucking sucks
>Germans are ants who live to work
They don't work that much.
Germanics are worker ants
It's in their culture
They're literally busybodies
go to brit/canada/america
we have lots of normies to make you feel even worse
I was under the assumption that the Meds and Dutch were the most normie. They really dont work as much as the memes say.
Who are the meds?
Mediterraneans, pretty much any country with a romance language like Italy, Spain, France, etc.
I hate Germans. I hope that the immigrants and foreigners destroy the native culture and end with it already.
Germans tourists are a real real real pain in the ass. I don't know if they are all like that in their country but holy shit.
Going to Baumholder for 3 years in about 6 months. Wish me luck boyz
No, that would be Australia
Hope the "immigrants" destroy that cuck nation faster
the whiter the more boring
at least you're not finnish
My experience with Germany was that it is full of immigrants, to the point where when I walked the streets, the actual Germans didn't even look like the majority anymore.
Some of them are just young people coming to Germany to study and I say that's ok, but then there's the rapefugees and shit.
In that country it's like you're not allowed to even bring those things up in public discussion. If you mention anything remotely related to race or immigration, you're labeled as literally Hitler.
The defining characteristic of Germans now is political correctness.
Fuck you dude. Go fucking die.
Thanks for telling us what all of us know already user.
It is the grand capitol of autism. Unfortunately this has brought upon it the full wrath of global heebdom.
That's pretty hostile man.
>That's pretty hostile man
Fucking fuck you dude.
no, it's not the most normie by far. ever been in southern europe? Germans can act normal sometimes but you'll still see that brony or two casually buying a pony toy in the supermarket.
I didn't choose my duty station. It was assigned to me.
>That furry dude
I still laugh over it, and that the mother used the Bible as justification. God, if he wants to fucking fuck animal toys, fucking let him. What's the deal with it?
t. anglo
not original of course
Fuck you germamfag
You clearly have never been to these countries. I live in Europe and i can tell you for a fact that if anything is destroying Europe it's Europeans. They either live for hedonism and have absolutely ZERO regard for ANYTHING but their own personal lives or they don't do anything at all and expect massive rewards for useless work. The truth is though, most people here are happy. Aside from the recent influx of rapefugees (NOT the actual refugees), the immigrants work hard and are well integrated. Racial tensions are low even after the terror attacks, and before this it was basically nonexistant. The countries are doing fine and will survive. What wont survive is the old culture of Europe but honestly thats already dead, Europeans themselves killed it in the late 20th century way before the immigrant influx started. Immigrants are a RESULT of the fact that Europeans are doing away with the old ways, not the other way around (immigrants the reason that Europeans are doing away with the old ways). The latter is true for America as well
Germany isn't that normie compared to literally any south american shithole.
Are you from the US?
People are upfront and technical about things, but they're by no means shitty people.
Try living in south east asia OP
Who the fuck cares about those Nazis ? they are gonna get Sharia'd in 5 years anyway.
this. mestizos are turbo-normies
they are obsessed with "culture" aka basing their hobbies and interests on whatever their parents and grandparents did.
they are "very family oriented" aka extreme extroverts and best friends with their large, extended families
they are basically all identical clones of one another. it's insane
As a german i can confirm
We were great once but these days are over
Post your address and I'll burn your fucking house down.
Germany is 40% foreign born, like in every "western" nation there majority is due to old boomers that are too arrogant to die.
>They have traditions and a community
Disgusting. Just give me that degenerate pop culture and memes senpai