Anyone want to talk about stuff? Tell me about what's going on for you: your day, or maybewhat you're thinking about...

Anyone want to talk about stuff? Tell me about what's going on for you: your day, or maybewhat you're thinking about. I'll be here for a while. Need to get my mind off things. MASH is coming on now.

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Sorry. Bad thread, I'm just sad and wanted to talk.

Are you the same OP who posted the talk thread yesterday?

I'm really annoyed because i've had a zit on my face for almost a week and i rarely get acne at all. I've put tons of shit on it but it refuses to go away, and it's one of the ones you can't pop for whatever reason. I think it's from a combination of the hot ass weather and the stress of school starting back up.

I'm pretty sad too OP. What's got you down?

I got a hug from a girl I have a crush on today :-) it was awesome

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Yeah, I'm the same OP.
That sucks, sorry man. Acne is really annoying. Even when I bathe and stuff it doesn't go away, and I can't get medicine for it. I hope it fades soon, being insecure about your appearance is awful.
>What's got you down?
Mom started throwing up cups of blood and shitting herself with black stool. Stopped talking and stared blankly. Wluldn' t listen to anything we said. She got sent to ER, and I'm alone with my doggie now and hoping she's ok.
Cool! Goodbye khv life, good job user. It sounds like she likes you too!

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I hope...dubs confirm? :-)

I'm recorder user, I'm busy reading right now but I figured I'd set aside some time to look for and post in your thread. It sounds like whatever your mother has is bad, but I hope the doctors can fix it without too much trouble.

Yesterday I made an appointment with a hooker to come over tonight. She didn't show, no call or text; just kept me waiting.

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I have an upcoming interview for an electrician apprenticeship
I can finally escape neetdom if I get lucky
wish me luck lads

Yeah. 100% definitely. Don't worry about it.
Hi user, you're a renaissance man. With your recorder and reading and stuff I'm surprised you have time for this site.
>It sounds like whatever your mother has is bad, but I hope the doctors can fix it without too much trouble.
I hope so too. She's having a rough time to say the least. On top of whatever is giving her internal bleeding she also can't keep alcohol down so she's going through withdrawal at the same time. She's showing all sorts of symptoms for all sorts of things, it's scary. Thanks for good wishes.
That sucks user, hope there's no trouble. Sorry you got ditched. Another whore will be more virtuous than that one and not show you up.
I wish you luck. Being an electrician sounds cool, I hope you get the job.

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I cant get a job. My life is becoming too repetitive. I need love, but I cant find anyone I like.

Today has felt sort of empty, but well, nothing new. Fixing some stuff around the house and reading a bit.
But this day has been the most depressing one in the whole week but...better than nothing.

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I'm not quite a renaissance man yet, not enough motivation. I spend much more time than I'm happy with idly browsing the internet or playing video games or listening to music. Someday I'll have much more developed control over myself and I'll apply that control to doing as much self-improvement as I can handle, only giving myself the minimum of leisure that is necessary to remain healthy. That must be especially stressful if she's an alcoholic, not just the withdrawal but also not being able to drown the stress in booze on top of it.
How hard is it to become one? Sounds like a good job when you don't want to go to college. I thought of being a welder but I hate heights.

Getting jobs is really hard. Sorry you're having trouble getting one.
>My life is becoming too repetitive. I need love, but I cant find anyone I like.
I feel the same way often user, you aren't alone. I blame myself for being reclusive but I know you will meet more people and really find someone to love.
>Today has felt sort of empty, but well, nothing new
All that time with no events is empty, sorry it made you sad though. I hope you can be less depressed tomorrow. No one deserves to be sad.
>better than nothing
I hope so too.
>Someday I'll have much more developed control over myself and I'll apply that control to doing as much self-improvement as I can handle, only giving myself the minimum of leisure that is necessary to remain healthy
All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. Just because you have been at one extreme doesn't mean you need to be the other. I really hope you do find all the success you would like to have though.
>That must be especially stressful if she's an alcoholic, not just the withdrawal but also not being able to drown the stress in booze on top of it.
Withdrawal is worse than not being intoxicated, it's like a constant panic attack. I feel bad for her but it is self-inflicted.

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This the second time this happened, same one. Good news I found a new one last minute and unlike last time she ain't a whale.

Well to get an interview to where I'm applying I had to score in the top 5 percentile or so in some test that was mostly math and small amounts of kinematics and electrical knowledge
High school level stuff nothing hard
I imagine its a bit different for other places but apprenticeship training is entry level stuff. Its more about getting selected from the pool of interviewees I feel

Colonel Blake just died
Also dad called. Probably bleeding ulcer, maybe other things too, hopefully not. I am sad.

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I haven't seen her in over a year. I miss her so much. My little ray of sunshine. The prettiest princess the world has ever known. My all and my everything. I guess it wasn't meant to be. I'm going to sleep and she ain't gonna be here when I wake up and that makes me sad. Dude I hate this.. every time I think about her my heart throbs in my chest a little bit.

>All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy
That's what I meant by the minimum of leisure to keep myself healthy. I don't plan on depriving myself of fun, just limiting it to a healthy degree. Elon Musk for example is unhealthy in spite of all his success, he neglects everything but his businesses. Barely spends time with his family, barely gets any leisure, the only reason it hasn't driven him insane is because he already must be insane to put in so much effort at the expense of everything else. I know how you feel about it being self-inflicted, some of my family are alcoholics too. It's sad but you can't help them if they can't help themselves.
Doesn't sound too hard to reach the top 5th percentile of that, I'd be more worried about the interview. The charismatic and non-autistic interviewees will always have an advantage.

I finally found someone who is genuinely fun to be around and has a great personality. We clicked and both have feelings for each other, but she isn't attractive looking. I've had mixed feelings all day about this.

That's nice. Get a new one if they are ignoring you. Glad you got an acceptably hot hooker on short notice.
Congrats on doing well on the test. I imagine your prospects are pretty good of you already passed the test, they probably just want to see if they like you as a person, which they will have to.
I'm sorry you lost the one you love. Being alone hurts, especially when you're sure you've met the one. Another girl will come along, the sooner you get over this the longer you'll get to enjoy life with her.
Ok, I'm glad you're going to be healthy. I personally don't like Elin Musk, he rides his investors and hasn't made anything profitable since Paypal. Sorry you have to deal with alcoholic family too.
Cool! You found a nice girl. Do as you please with her, but if you turn her down never complain about others being shallow. If you really can't make things work that's unfortunate, but I hope they can pan out.

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I have a job interview tomorrow, I can not afford to fuck it up. Can't stop thinking about it, I'm so nervous but at the same time a bit excited because I've been preparing for this for weeks. Hopefully luck will be on my side.

I'll give you all the hope and all the luck I can user, I think you won't fuck it up. I like your chances at getting the job, I have a good feeling about you.

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Today was my 27th birthday and the first time since I was a child that I was sober for it. Actually had an amazing time even though I slept more than half the day away. My life has gotten so much dramatically better over the years with hard work and I finally feel like it's all paid off. Today was a good day, OP.

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Good luck anonymous, you've got this

You're making it! I'm really happy you had a good day, accepting sobriety, and are feeling so great. I'll give you a birthday catgirl as my present. I have less on phone but I hope you like it.

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Thank you, user! I'll do my best!

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thanks user, I really like it. means a lot.

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Good luck!
Don't mention it.

anxiety isn't fun. i just want a powerful gf to hold me and make me remember things are going to be ok

is your mom ok if you're the same person from last night?

Have tried tea tRee oil?

I have a whole month of vacations and today i did nothing besides watching anime and browsing the chans.

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I quite my warehouse job in June, dropped out of uni in may/early June.
Now ive only got a few months savings left. Meet life sucks, I'm prematurely aging, getting even uglier.

I also got hit by a car a few weeks ago, just got my bike fixed up. The other day, terrified of being on road again.

>anxiety isn't fun.
Ain't that the truth. Sorry you have to deal with that. I hope it gets better for you.
>i just want a powerful gf to hold me and make me remember things are going to be ok
Sounds nice. The real question is where do you find one. I hope one of you finds the other and you can be really happy.
>is your mom ok if you're the same person from last night?
She's not doing well. Grandpa is driving up to visit with her now because it is serious. She's still in hospital.
Well, you're a temporary NEET. You ended up doing what all the NEETs do. Don't be surprised or disappointed, just enjoy your leisure now so you're prepared to get back into the world.
I'm sorry user, please start feeling a little better. You've been off for a while but the newer you are to that lifestyle the easier it is to quit. If you really hate it I hope you can find some work or education to fulfill you. Sorry you got hit by a car, I hope you get better fast physically and otherwise.

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> hope one of you finds the other
it'll never happen. girls like that don't exist and even if they did, i don't deserve them
>She's not doing well
hope it clears up soon. what exactly happened?

>it'll never happen
Not with that attitude, user. You will find a powerful gf, and she will pet you and say everything is ok.
>i don't deserve them
Not true. You deserve anything you can love.
>what exactly happened?
Lot of bad stuff. Throwing up and pooping blood, stopped responding to people or talking, had heart attack signs a few days ago. Hope she's ok.

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Spent the whole day with a massive flu. Felt awful, but got to game with some of my friends who are bad at them but thats okay, we had fun.

Boyfriend and I broke up last friday, felt bad for a few days, but I never realized how much energy I put into the relationship, encouraging his interests and being engaging in his passions. Now that I have more time, maybe I'll learn how to drive, or practice the bass guitar, or get a job lol.

How are you doing tonight, user?

>she will pet you and say everything is ok.
i hope so. although it's just a fantasy because no actual human girl would ever live up to what i would want
yes, i am a bit delusional.

>Hope she's ok.
hope so as well. have you visited her yet?

>Mom started throwing up cups of blood and shitting herself with black stool. Stopped talking and stared blankly. Wluldn' t listen to anything we said. She got sent to ER, and I'm alone with my doggie now and hoping she's ok.
I don't know what to say, that's some shit to go through. Hope it's nothing a doctor can't handle.

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>Spent the whole day with a massive flu. Felt awful, but got to game with some of my friends who are bad at them but thats okay, we had fun.
Sounds awful, sorry about the flu. Wouldn't expect in September. I hope your friends made your day better by a lot. Gaming with friends is pretty cool.
>Boyfriend and I broke up last friday, felt bad for a few days, but I never realized how much energy I put into the relationship
Hope you're better without him now. Personal relationships are tiring, the more intimate the more exhausted you are. Hope the new vitality is worth it. Enjoy all the new things you're planning on doing.
>How are you doing tonight, user?
Not feeling great, but being positive helps make the day brighter.
>it's just a fantasy
Wrong. Your dream girl isn't exactly what you imagine now, but she will be the girl you dream of by your wedding. Nothing is perfect, but some things are pretty close. You'll find her.
>have you visited her yet?
I'm scared of hospitals, more than anything else. I couldn't step foot in there. I'll try to call her soon though when she wakes up. She's stable now, the veins in her esophagus burst. Pretty typical of severe alcoholics. I hope she changes after this, but there have been scares like this before and she didn't.
It won't kill her probably. Still worried about her not talking or listening but the bleeding is solved.

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>play vr chat because people say its easier to be social on if you have anxiety
>join random world
>4 big black birds are gang banging some girl with an anime avatar harassing on the voice chat
>Shes into it and starts laughing and plays along makes her character prone

I dont know where to put this experience and Im not going to make a separate thread for it. Im not some fedora white knight but I thought girls were super against rape jokes or something.

I've been feeling a real lack of identity for a while, but recently its definitely been pretty apparent to me; I don't really know who I am any more, or maybe I never knew in the first place...

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you underestimate how insane my ideal gf is. i'm so uninterested in living a normal life or having a normal human relationship that i'm pretty sure i'm going to die a virgin because of it
i'm losing my grip on reality
>You'll find her.
i doubt it. i'm a wreck of a person

>Pretty typical of severe alcoholics.
>there have been scares like this before and she didn't.
this isn't uncommon among alcoholics, but i hope something out of this will convince her to stop.
it's not easy though, alcohol is an easy way to deal with your problems

Things are going well. I got a good paying job lined up, I get the fuck out of college soon, and I'm doing good academically.

Still feel depressed and unmotivated and any friends I did have are distancing themselves at this point in life.

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I think a lot of girls like the idea of forced submissiveness and girls using VRchat are probably really thirsty for validation compared to the average. A lot of gaymurr gurls are attentions whores, sometimes literally. Keep in mind I have never had a gf and it's been years since I've had a conversation with a girl my age, so I'm shooting shit.
It's still the best advice out there.
Know yourself
Do whatever you think will help you understand who you really are.
I really think the real can still make you happy user. Don't give up!
>i'm losing my grip on reality
From my experience if you know you are you can recover pretty easily.
>but i hope something out of this will convince her to stop
She said she would one time and didn't. I Don't think she will and she'll just die in a few years. Very sad but I've exhausted myself before trying to help her stop.
Glad you have all those cool things going on in life! Success is something to be proud of. Good work!
>Still feel depressed and unmotivated and any friends I did have are distancing themselves at this point in life.
I got the same way. Depression is an actual thing independent of how happy you're supposed to be. I got high marks my whole life and aimed to kill myself. I hope you can find happiness and good companionship. I know it's dime a dozen but I really wish the best. Change things up and see if something works.

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why don't you wanna be my friend OP

Every day feels lonelier than the last one.

Despite being somewhat attractive girls just seem to ignore me. I only really have one friend on campus with me, and I only really see him like once a week. The rest of the time I'm just by myself. There are days where I go all day without saying a single word to anyone.

I just want my presence to be acknowledged. I want to be told that I matter, that I'm doing a good job. I want to hear it from someone besides my family, someone who has no actual obligation to tell me that. Words in real life, and not just text on a screen. Sometimes I feel like if I stopped existing, nothing would change at all. Makes me wonder why I'm even here.

Also my school's financial aid got delayed by two weeks so I'm fuckin broke and can barely afford food. That doesn't help.

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Wothless work I have no interest in, a place to stay in a working dormitory, no interest in life (excluding things I spend my free time on), no plans, no goals no hope, no future. The only reason I am still alive and didn't kill myself is cause I just got used to it, I guess.

I wonder how many girls actually like to go submissive though. Obviously the flame bait on here saying all girls just want chad dick or whatever are exaggerating, but I wonder by how much. I know lots of girls in real life seem to be very much against dominance and so on. People want to say all girls like to be dominated because thats "nature" but we arent really cave people anymore, we have ascended past animals, it would be inaccurate to compare our sex lives to them.

Excusing the rambling, I have no clue if I should be more dominant towards girls or not fall into some misconception made by some cuck fetish. Maybe ill just "b yourself" meme longer. I'm still 18.

>I want to be told that I matter, that I'm doing a good job.
I don't know are you doing a good job or not, user, but at least you tried, even though noone will care.

I'm not a good person to have as a friend. I don't want to be a burden. Also don't really want to make this thread about me, some level of that is okay but the conversation should be on equal footing. user to user. You are probably really cool, that isn't why.
Sorry you're lonely. Even if you're Chad girls don't cold approach. You need contacts with people to get girls interested. The stats prove it.
I'm really isolated too, sorry you feel so lonely. Hope you cheer up.
>I want to be told that I matter, that I'm doing a good job.
You matter user, you are doing a good job. I'm not just saying that because you want me to, I mean it too. I'm not nearly as good as IRL but I hope you can know someone else really believes it. Nearly everyone is gold, and I think you are too.
>Also my school's financial aid got delayed
I'm sorry user, hope you can be comfortable without money for a while.
Sorry you're miserable user. I hope things get better. Try to remember how uncomfortable you are with your current state and try to change to be happier. You don't deserve sadness.
At the end of the day every straight girl wants to get pinned down and fucked. It's good to be mindful of that.

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what do you do for fun OP

That is the problem. I am strangely ok with my postion at this point. Maybe cause I live in a shitty country and my job still pays me 2-3 times more than average, maybe cause even more successfull people I know are still miserable and depressed, but I don't change anything. Cause, to be honest, I don't see how things can get better, but I see how things can get worse. And I am 27, so I don't really know if it matters if things "get better", cause I will be too old already. A funny position, isn't it?

Oh, forgot to add: and I have zero ideas how people set goals, cause any long-lasting things I had never worked out cause of external influence. Pluss I don't really know, how can you get any hope when you lost it, and how can you have a dream when it has been shattered.

Just lonely and sad, reading light novels when I should be sleeping havent gotten a proper sleep for a month. Thanks for making one thats not fembot here#32141.

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Your mom lol
I'm boring. I do Jow Forums things like games and anime and internet. I also like reading and history and philosophy. I don't have money and spend most of my time in bed.
You aren't too old to be happy. I get you can get used to being unhappy, but try tl remember there is something better out there to find. That apathy setting in will make it harder to make things good for yourself. Try making some friends or finding an interest you really like, that might help.
Never give up! You'll find that dream, keep working towards happy.

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What are you reading? Sorry your sleep is bad and you're feeling down, I hope you get some good rest. Not getting good rest is hell for your mood and body, pic related. If you have the kind of sad where you can't sleep I understand and hope it gets better soon.

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Is Yui your waifu, OP?

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>apathy setting in will make
I am like that for about 6 years at this point. And I have friends, user. And I have interest (in a form of vidya, music and books), but I can't make a living out of my interests. And, to be honest, I gave up already long time ago and spend my time on things that bring me joy.

Death Mage standard isekai trash helps take the mind off things. Anyway since you are good person I will try to sleep it probably is what is making me feel so miserable just wish roomates were not all nocturnal.

No, I don't have a waifu. I normally post a lot of megumin, but I'm away from home so I don't have normal folders. They're all really cute though. I normally make these threads 2pm-1 pst for the last month or two but had to take a break.
The longer you've been a certain way the harder it is to change, but it is possible. I'm sorry the world is so melancholy in your eyes, and I hope there is a way for you to feel happy. Giving up will stop that from happening for sure though. If you want to try for your own sake.
Looks pretty cool. Trash is alright as long as it is fun. Good night user! Sorry about the roommates.

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Some masks take considerable effort to take off.

There are two things that are currently on fire in the background. Both involve writing - something I'm capable of, but have difficulty starting. One deadline is passed, with few consequences. The other is very soon and involves a lot of money.

Class was invigorating. The subject matter was something entirely new and rather fundamental to my career path. Four of the over twenty students attended. Professor has been dropping quiz hints basically the entire time as a result - particularly with the equations.

A couple of years ago I came here with a specific dream in mind. Once I started working towards it with the people most knowledgeable about the subject matter I realized how unrealistic it is and kind've lost all hope.

I have had some success in life and it has all come from taking advantage of every opportunity I can see. I gave myself tunnel vision and turned down a lot of valuable and lucrative opportunities, and have been feeling bad about that fact for months.

It's like throwing away lottery tickets that you later learn are worth about $50,000 and are now unavailable.

It's easy to get upset about, and I did. I'm struggling to move on without thinking the effort will be in vain - and that's precisely the thinking that has kept me stagnating despite all the progress I have made.

I keep debating whether or not I'm highly valued as an asset because of my experience, or someone incapable of the most rudimentary of tasks because of recent performance.

Also, what do you think it means when a girl starts calling you 'mommy'?

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>No, I don't have a waifu. I normally post a lot of megumin, but I'm away from home so I don't have normal folders
Ah I see, Megumin's a qt. I want a waifu but I know deep down that if she was real, she'll never like me. I tend to post Kumiko in these kind of threads.
>I normally make these threads 2pm-1 pst for the last month or two but had to take a break.
Were you the original Megumin poster?

How seriously is she calling you mommy? Might just be an endearing joke, or she might be weird and expressing feelings for you in a weird way.

>Giving up will stop that from happening for sure though.
Yeah, I know. If there will ever be an opportunity to get what I want - I will chase it, but for now I will just sit and wait when death comes for me.
Anyway, how is your day going? You listen a lot of anons here, but I didn't see you talking about yourself.

I made an online friend a while ago and it's the first friend I've had in years, we talk a lot and I can't see either of us getting bored anytime soon. It's been a long time since I've felt this happy.'

It started by accident. I said it was kinda weird but I didnt mind, and now she says it a couple times a day - usually in the form of 'thanks mommy' after I do her a favor, but only in private.

To be honest, I much prefer it over a girl calling me 'daddy'. Not sure how I'd feel if she said it in bed though.

You write like a writer. Don't regret, never settle. Your dreams are in reach. Writing isn't easy but it's admirable to strive for greatness rather than safe mediocrity. You're gambling with your life, but the payoff cab definitely be worth it. Good luck. Glad you had a nice class. Follow your dreams, having burning up is better than never getting off the ground. Money won't make you happy.
>Also, what do you think it means when a girl starts calling you 'mommy'?
I don't know user, sorry.
>I want a waifu but I know deep down that if she was real, she'll never like me
I just get scared I'd turn her into a tulpa and get bullied again. I'm sure she would love you user, don't be down on yourself.
>Were you the original Megumin poster?
Yeah, the OG megu poster of 2 months. I think I still am, just don't have them on this device and have to alternate pics now because I get banned for avatarfagging otherwise.
>I will chase it, but for now I will just sit and wait when death comes for me
Hunting what you want is tracking and chasing. Look for it, don't just idly sit and wait for it to arrive. That's a recipe for failure.
>Anyway, how is your day going?
Mom is really sick she got sent to ER today, been away from home for 2 weeks, really dislike it. Coming home soon luckily. Gonna remove a chip when I get home. Saw the MASH episode where the Colonel dies and I cried. My life isn't too interesting and I want to be a conversationalist more than a blogger, so I like to focus on others. Only decent thing I can really do as a shut-in for others and makes me less lonely.
That's awesome! Companionship really feels great when you get it. Making a long term friend is lovely, I'm ecstatic for you.

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Going back to school to try and salvage my education. My options were limited, but I went in a very different direction from what I've done thus far. My bachelor is useless humanities shit, so I went for a more technical masters. The last 3 or so years I've been in a bad place. Failed several times at completing a masters, been unemployed for months at a time, worked unskilled shitty work at other times. Severely depressed through it all, but I can't make myself seek help. Now I'm back in school to try for a third time, and I'm freaking out. I feel so incompetent. Everyone around me has sweet student jobs, internships and relevant skills. I'm a useless slob by comparison.

>My life isn't too interesting
I thought it myself, but somehow on most of events I am the one who is talking the most stories. I don't know really how it works, to be honest, but normies have nothing to tell, like they don't live at all. Good irony here, when they try to tell me "you don't live/don't have a life". Also you know, to be in a conversation, you will have to say something yourself, no matter how dull it is. On the internet even more so, cause what I find a dull story might be interesting for you cause you live in another country.

You're trying user, keep working towards it and you'll make it. It's only over when you give up. I know that's demoralizing and depressing but you will find success with that determined attitude.
>Everyone around me has sweet student jobs, internships and relevant skills.
They have insecurities and flaws just like you, keep that in mind. They aren't any better than you, they're trying their best and you are too. Good luck user, keep at it!
>Also you know, to be in a conversation, you will have to say something yourself, no matter how dull it is
I do sometimes. I personally relate to posts when I think it's appropriate and share things about myself and my day fairly often. Even last thread I talked about what had me down in the OP and got some negativity for it. If it's too much about me people just talk about me and I get sad and feel narcissistic. Thus I only talk about myself sometimes. My life is pathetic but not often funny.

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People don't usually compliment my writing - and as an Engineering major I don't tend to write things that aren't a technical analysis. It's actually quite refreshing to be able to write in such a free format without having to reference sources and rewrite formulas.

The thing I need to write would solve a lot of the financial situation I'm in. I know it'll work, and my confidence has lead me to putting it off I think. Part of me says I don't deserve the support.

I feel as though I've been in one of your earlier threads. I spoke at length how masks help people adapt to their circimstances. Perhaps it was someone else. I am terrible at maintaining correspondence - particularly in an anonymous forum that moves as fast as r9k.

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>Yeah, the OG megu poster of 2 months. I think I still am, just don't have them on this device and have to alternate pics now because I get banned for avatarfagging otherwise.
So that's why I haven't seen you for a while, miss your threads. Here's a Megumin until you get your other device.

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Lately I have been sleeping all day.
And the urge to become a girl is rising.
Being trans or having a sleep disorder separately I could deal with. But both together? That just isn't fair.

>got some negativity for it
Welp, Jow Forums for you, pretty random. You might get people who want to talk and just relax, or people who will just shit on your head. And it might be as well one guy who can do both depending on what you say.
>not often funny
Reminds me how my past looks like a big funny joke to me now, but when I talked about it once people were like "Poor user, you went through a lot of shit, good job for holding that long". That felt a bit awkward to be honest.

>Being mentally ill or having a sleep disorder
fixed that for you. Go to /lgbt/ if you want to complain about your homosexual problems and stop using r9k for this kind of shit.

I am pretty sure that the repressing trannies outnumber the incels on this board by now. You all ready lost that war. Agree to fuck the boy out of me or get out.

Your writing is very nice user, thought you were one because the things on fire and all.
>Part of me says I don't deserve the support.
You deserve it user, all of me says that. One to part of one, democracy says you do it.
>I feel as though I've been in one of your earlier threads. I spoke at length how masks help people adapt to their circimstances. Perhaps it was someone else.
I think I remember that, I try to remember everyone but with thousands of posts it can be hard. I have a faint recollection of that post though, if it was more than 2 weeks or so ago I think it was me.
>So that's why I haven't seen you for a while, miss your threads
Sorry user, past month I suspended posting because I was forced to leave home. I went fishing with my dad and then had to drop brother off at school. I've been really nervous about the demons and now we're stuck halfway and mom is out of commission. Bad month overall, these threads have kept me feeling better than otherwise though.
Sorry user. Hating who you are right now really puts a person into turmoil. I hope you can get some good sleep and find a clear mind and peace. I'm not gonna impose how, but I wish you prudence and happiness.
>Jow Forums for you, pretty random
I get that, I just dislike being disagreeable.
>when I talked about it once people were like "Poor user, you went through a lot of shit, good job for holding that long"
I know that feel. When people complain about things I can usually win the pity contest but hate doing that. Life really isn't that bad, there's always others way worse. I find being positive is the right mindset. There's a lot of good to male out of bads, I'm glad you can do that.
Everyone knows it's a mental illness. I won't spit on a schizo I won't spit on a healthy person I won't spit on a tranny. /lgbt/ is the designated board but as long as they aren't being obnoxious why bother them?

>I find being positive is the right mindset.
I prefer to be realistic. Maybe I sometimes sound like a jerk, and most of the times people say I am pessimistic as fuck, but when shit hits the fan I am the one whom they ask for advice (and I am the one who is right, even though I often wish that I was wrong).

I don't get that. If a dying man asked you what was going to happen, what would you say? I think optimism is the only way to be happy, if you have an objective view of the world you drown yourself in existential dread. That's the downfall of nihilism and pessimism, it's antithetical to existence.

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It's a figure of speech and a reference to picrelated. Picrelated also shows how I'm feeling about it all.

>you deserve it
I definitely need it. I'll do it. I appreciate the encouragement

>past encounters
In retrospect the person I conversed with was using the same imageset you're using now, which suggests it might have been someone else. The writing style and OP are similar though. I dont remember how long ago it was, but I've been on a hiatus from r9k for a few months at least.

I tend to digress verbosely and spoke very cryptically to prevent myself from dumping walls of text. It was a persona I used for almost a year. The message wasn't easy to consume, but most people accepted it as sound advice.

Out of curiosity, and don't feel pressured to respond if you're not comfortable doing so, but do you find it easier to talk to people behind a mask? Do you believe the mask changes you? Anonymity lets one change how others perceive them, and images are a consistent means of identifying onesself.

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>what would you say?
"You will see it yourself soon". But it really depends on who he is and how he dies, you know. In case of war and a battle brother dying I would pick another words.
> you drown yourself in existential dread
Already did it. But you know, I am from slavlands. Yes, those former USSR and former commie slavlands. We have a dictatorship, people who disagree with current government disappear or end up in preason for fabricated cases, our corruption is sky high, 200$ salary is consiedered to be normal, when a flat costs 40k$. We can't save money cause once in 5-10 years we get a crysis with 400% inflation drops, our education is worthless cause it is disconnected with reality, our people drink so much alcohol that we are like in top 5 drinking countries in the world. There is no place for optimism here, or you will end up hopeless and your dreams shattered. Accept the reality - and you will live another day.

Hey OP, I was in the thread last night. Managed to fall asleep and the voices are gone now! Not sure what caused it or why it went away, but I'm happy. Hopefully that doesn't happen again. Hope you're doing well.

I feel like shit all the time. How do I start feeling better, doing healthy things?

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>Sorry user,
No need to say sorry, your life is your priority.
>Bad month overall, these threads have kept me feeling better than otherwise though.
Yeah you're getting too much shit luck lately, hope things will finally start getting better for you and your mom soon.

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i found a very nice piece of fiction lately. it hits really close to home so i've been enjoying it so much that i've been checking the site every day for updates. it also relates to me so well that it kind of scares me, and it leaves me in this mixture of fear and arousal that makes me write when i finally crawl into bed.
so that's what's been up with me for like a week. if the schedule is consistent, there should be another update tomorrow.

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Well you said the things burning involved writing, so I thought you were a writer.
>I've been on a hiatus from r9k for a few months at least
Good chance it may not have been me then.
>I tend to digress verbosely and spoke very cryptically to prevent myself from dumping walls of text.
Whatever males writing better for you. You aren't too hard to understand just because you use 10 letter words.
>do you find it easier to talk to people behind a mask?
I do a lot better online than IRL. Not being able to escape situations easily makes me really scared. Being anonymous or not doesn't change that much for me.
>Do you believe the mask changes you?
For some it makes them feel like they aren't themselves, and feel like they have an excuse to be a jerk.
>But it really depends on who he is and how he dies, you know
I'd say whatever makes passing more comfortable for them. Just my outlook on things.
>There is no place for optimism here, or you will end up hopeless and your dreams shattered. Accept the reality - and you will live another day.
At what cost? A life of sadness where you wait to die. I just think bitterness and resigning yourself to life's indignities is no way to live.
Thank God. I hope they stay away forever. Maybe my prayers actually did something for once, God's a little deaf in the ear I pray to. I'm doing okay personally, worried about Mom and a little stressed but can't complain about myself.
I'm no life coach. There's better resources than a shut-in loser. Have you tried being yourself and giving firm handshakes?
>your life is your priority
Not really, I shouldn't have done that.
>hope things will finally start getting better for you and your mom soon
They have to. Thanks for good wishes.
Is this you? Glad you're enjoying it so much. Relatable things really help with self awareness and improvement, I'm glad you found something to enjoy so much.

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>At what cost?
Your soul, I guess. If you took a trip and visited some slavic countries, you would see a lot of fake smiles and a lot of miserable people. Well, to be optimistic: I don't fear death. Cause I know that it will be an improvement of some sort.

I hope you fucking get raped and murdered OP fuck you niggerfag

Oh thanks for the prayers, that's really nice of you! Im sorry about your mom, that's awful. I don't have much experience dealing with family health issues, aside from my sister almost dying from a suicide attempt, but that's a different ballpark honestly. Try your best to stay positive for her, and for yourself as well. Sending good vibes your way!

that was me.
it's playing into this fantasy i've been having for years. it feels like it was made for me. i think i might force myself through it all again tonight so that maybe i can dream about it.

>10 letter words
I definitely have had some challenge conveying messages this way, but that is merely the presenter needing to keep their audience in mind.

I appreciate someone's on the net listening to the most desparate. I wish you well in your endeavors.

Have you ever been happy, OP? If so, when was the last time?

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>Your soul
I'd sell my life but not my soul. Just my outlook, I respect other peoples'.
Me too thanks
Don't mention it. Mom will probably die of her alcoholism, but not today. Sorry about sis and thanks for good vibes. I always try to stay positive.
Sounds cool. Glad you're enjoying it that much! Good luck getting it in your dreams.
Nah you're find to understand, don't worry. No need to appreciate me, I do it for a reason.
>Have you ever been happy, OP? If so, when was the last time?
In moments? Yes. Generally? No. Probably the happiest I ever was was when I played video games as a kid.

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Do you think they ever have monastery rape from all the guys living together?

>Thanks for good wishes.
No problem OP. It's almost 3:30 so I'm going to get some sleep, good night user. I'll see you later.

>Do you think they ever have monastery rape from all the guys living together?
I think I have already heard from you this question.

>Probably the happiest I ever was was when I played video games as a kid.

This hits hard. I can't remember the last time I was happy, every day I feel myself reminiscing of old nostalgic childhood memories and realizing I haven't truly had unmolested happiness since then. I don't want to seem like I have Peter Pan syndrome or a manchild, but I just feel so miserable, anguished and despondent.

I feel like I'm trapped in my own head when it comes to "improving" my station in life, but I don't see the point, I'm unhappy no matter how much money I have. I feel so lonely and yet when people are around me I lack the courage to truly open up to them and perhaps seek some kind of help, and more often than not I leave when other people are around. I am so desperately lonely but am too weak to do anything about it